Catalyst::Request - Catalyst Request Class


$req = $c->request;

See also Catalyst.


This is the Catalyst Request class, which provides a set of accessors to the request data. The request object is prepared by the specialized Catalyst Engine module thus hiding the details of the particular engine implementation.



Contains the requested action.

print $c->request->action;

Contains the remote address.

print $c->request->address

Shortcut for arguments


Returns a reference to an array containing the arguments.

print $c->request->arguments->[0];

Contains the url base. This will always have a trailing slash.


Contains the message body of the request unless Content-Type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data.

print $c->request->body

Returns a reference to a hash containing body parameters. Values can be either a scalar or an arrayref containing scalars.

print $c->request->body_parameters->{field};
print $c->request->body_parameters->{field}->[0];

An alias for body_parameters.


Shortcut to $req->headers->content_encoding


Shortcut to $req->headers->content_length


Shortcut to $req->headers->content_type


A convenient method to $req->cookies.

$cookie  = $c->request->cookie('name');
@cookies = $c->request->cookie;

Returns a reference to a hash containing the cookies.

print $c->request->cookies->{mycookie}->value;

Request IO handle.


Shortcut to $req->headers->header


Returns an HTTP::Headers object containing the headers.

print $c->request->headers->header('X-Catalyst');

Lookup the current users DNS hostname.

print $c->request->hostname

Shortcut for $req->body.


This contains the matching part of a regexp action. Otherwise it returns the same as 'action'.

print $c->request->match;

Contains the request method (GET, POST, HEAD, etc).

print $c->request->method;

Get request parameters with a param method. This is a method for accessing parameters in $c->req->parameters.

$value  = $c->request->param('foo');
@values = $c->request->param('foo');
@params = $c->request->param;

Shortcut for $req->parameters.


Returns a reference to a hash containing parameters. Values can be either a scalar or an arrayref containing scalars.

print $c->request->parameters->{field};
print $c->request->parameters->{field}->[0];

Contains the path.

print $c->request->path;

alias for path, added for compability with CGI


Contains the protocol.


Returns a reference to a hash containing query parameters. Values can be either a scalar or an arrayref containing scalars.

print $c->request->query_parameters->{field};
print $c->request->query_parameters->{field}->[0];
$req->read( [$maxlength] )

Read a chunk of data from the request body. This method is designed to be used in a while loop, reading $maxlength bytes on every call. $maxlength defaults to the size of the request if not specified.

You have to set MyApp->config->{parse_on_demand} to use this directly.


Shortcut to $req->headers->referer. Referring page.


Contains a boolean whether the communciation is secure.


Returns a reference to an array containing regex snippets.

my @snippets = @{ $c->request->snippets };

A convenient method to $req->uploads.

$upload  = $c->request->upload('field');
@uploads = $c->request->upload('field');
@fields  = $c->request->upload;

for my $upload ( $c->request->upload('field') ) {
    print $upload->filename;

Returns a reference to a hash containing uploads. Values can be either a hashref or a arrayref containing Catalyst::Request::Upload objects.

my $upload = $c->request->uploads->{field};
my $upload = $c->request->uploads->{field}->[0];

Returns a URI object for the request.


Contains the user name of user if authentication check was successful.


Shortcut to $req->headers->user_agent. User Agent version string.


Sebastian Riedel, Marcus Ramberg,


This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.