Changes for version 5.49_04 - 2005-11-09
- Made context, dispatcher, engine, request and response classes configurable.
- Added $c->stack.
- Fixed dispatcher to ignore unknown attributes.
- Improved format of startup debug log.
- Updated built in server to restart on win32. (Will Hawes)
- Fixed streaming write from a filehandle to stop writing if the browser is closed.
- Added $c->controller, $c->model and $c->view shortcuts.
- Switched to Text::SimpleTable.
Changes for version 5.49_03 - 2005-11-03
- Fixed $c->req->{path} for backwards-compatibility.
- Allow debug to be disabled via ENV as well as enabled.
- Added -scripts option to for script updating
- Changed helpers to default to long types, Controller instead of C
- Added Catalyst::Controller, Catalyst::Model and Catalyst::View base classes
- Added JavaScript to debug screen to show and hide specific dumps
- Added _DISPATCH, _BEGIN, _AUTO, _ACTION and _END actions
- Added multi process external FastCGI support (see -help) (Sam Vilain)
- Restarter process in HTTP engine now properly exits when the parent app is shut down.
- Improved performance of restarter loop while watching for changed files.
- Restarter will now detect new files added to an app on systems that change directory mtimes when new files are created.
- Restarter now properly handles modules that are deleted from an application.
- Fixed memory leak in TestApp.
Changes for version 5.49_02 - 2005-10-26
- Whole new dispatcher!
- Added index action
- Added path_to method
- Added support for passing an IO::Handle object to $c->res->body. (Andrew Bramble)
- Added a new welcome screen.
- Included Catalyst buttons and icons in helper.
- Added Static::Simple plugin to core.
- Added self restarting test server
- Added filename to debug output for uploaded files.
- Fixed forwarding with embedded arguments.
- Fixed handling of escaped query strings.
- Added upload parameters back into $c->req->params.
- Added multiple paths support to dispatcher
- Fixed bug in req->path where changing the path added a trailing slash.
- Removed req->handle and res->handle
- Added prepare_body_chunk method as a hook for upload progress.
- Fixed bug in uri_for method when base has no path.
- Added automated tests for HTTP, CGI, and FastCGI servers.
Changes for version 5.49_01 - 2005-10-10
- Refactored all internals, should be 99% compatible to previous versions.
- *IMPORTANT* The Apache engines have been moved to a separate package for this release. Please install Catalyst::Engine::Apache if you need Apache support.
- Added support for calling forward with arguments in the path, i.e. $c->forward('/foo/bar/arg1/arg2')
- Made $c->req->uri a URI object, added req->path_info for CGI compat. Raw query string is available as $c->req->uri->query.
- Made $c->req->base a URI object.
- Parameters with multiple values (?a=1&a=2) now display properly in the debug output.
- Semi-colon separators in query strings now work properly.
- Expanded documentation of (Andrew Ford)
- Added support for running as a backend server behind a frontend proxy so req->base and req->address are set properly.
- Added an 'abort' method to the Log api, so that you can kill loggging for a whole request.
- Added $c->uri_for method to simplify url handling.
- Added more tests and reorganized the t directory.
- Reimplemented core engines, all are now CGI based for better test coverage and maintainability.
- Added fork support to built in test server.
- Fixed all memory leaks.
- Thread-related bug fixes and tests. We now believe the Catalyst core to be thread-safe.
- Added streaming IO support through $c->req->read() and $c->res->write()
- Added MyApp->config->{parse_on_demand} (streaming input)
- Added $c->req->handle and $c->res->handle
- Improved documentation
- Fixed mkpath in Catalyst::Helper (Autrijus Tang)
- Fixed bug in dispatcher where an invalid path could call a valid action. (Andy Grundman)
- Fixed Helper so it works with CRLF line-endings. (Andy Grundman)
User guide and reference for Catalyst
Cooking with Catalyst
Frequently Asked Questions
Catalyst Internals
Introduction to Catalyst
Catalyst Plugins (and Components)
Catalyst rocks!
Got trouble?
Getting started with Catalyst
An introduction to writing plugins with NEXT.
Bootstrap a Catalyst application
The Elegant MVC Web Application Framework
Catalyst Action
Catalyst Action Container
Catalyst Controller Base Class
Module::Build extension for Catalyst
Catalyst Component Base Class
Catalyst Controller base class
DispatchType Base Class
Default DispatchType
Index DispatchType
Path DispatchType
Regex DispatchType
The Catalyst Dispatcher
The Catalyst Engine
The CGI Engine
FastCGI Engine
Catalyst HTTP Engine
Catalyst Auto-Restarting HTTP Engine
Watch for changed application files
Catalyst Test Engine
Catalyst Exception Class
Bootstrap a Catalyst application
Catalyst Log Class
Catalyst Model base class
Make serving static pages painless.
Catalyst Request Class
Catalyst Request Upload Class
Catalyst Response Class
Test Catalyst applications
The Catalyst Utils
Catalyst View base class
in lib/Catalyst/