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Crypt::GPG - An Object Oriented Interface to GnuPG.


 $Revision: 1.15 $
 $Date: 2001/05/27 08:04:56 $


  use Crypt::GPG;
  $gpg = new Crypt::GPG;

  $gpg->gpgbin('/usr/bin/gpg');      # The GnuPG executable.
  $gpg->secretkey('0x2B59D29E');     # Set ID of default secret key.
  $gpg->passphrase('just testing');  # Set passphrase.

  # Sign a message:

  $sign = $gpg->sign('testing again');

  # Encrypt a message:

  $encrypted = $gpg->encrypt ('top secret', '');

  # Decrypt / verify signature on a message, get message info:

  ($sign, $plaintext) = $gpg->decrypt($encrypted);
  @recipients = $gpg->msginfo($encrypted);

  # Key generation:

  $status = $gpg->keygen 
    ('Test', '', 'DH', 2048, 0, 'test passphrase');
  print while (<$status>); close $status;

  # Key database manipulation:

  @keys = $gpg->keydb(@ids);

  # Key manipulation:
  # (The methods below will likely be encapsulated into the
  # Crypt::GPG::Key class in a future release, bewarned!)

  $key = $keys[0];
  $gpg->keypass($key, $oldpassphrase, $newpassphrase);
  $keystring = $gpg->export($key);


The Crypt::GPG module provides near complete access to GnuPG functionality through an object oriented interface. It provides methods for encryption, decryption, signing, signature verification, key generation, key export and import, and most other key management functions.

This module works almost identically to its cousin, Crypt::PGP5. The two modules together provide a uniform interface to deal with both PGP and GnuPG. Eventually, these modules will be folded into a single module which will interface with GnuPG as well as all versions of PGP.


new ()

Creates and returns a new Crypt::GPG object.


gpgbin ()

Sets the GPGBIN instance variable which gives the path to the GnuPG binary.

gpgopts ()

Sets the GPGOPTS instance variable which may be used to pass additional options to the GnuPG binary. For proper functioning of this module, it is advisable to always include '--lock-multiple' in the GPGOPTS string.

secretkey ()

Sets the SECRETKEY instance variable which may be a KeyID or a username. This is the ID of the default key to use for signing.

passphrase ()

Sets the PASSPHRASE instance variable, required for signing and decryption.

text ()

Sets the TEXT instance variable. If set to 1, GnuPG will use network-compatible line endings for proper cross-platform compatibility and the plaintext will gain a newline at the end, if it does not already have one.

signfirst ()

Sets the SIGNFIRST instance variable. If set to 1, plaintext will be signed before encryption. This is the way it should be done, generally, unless you have good reason not to do it this way.

armor ()

Sets the ARMOR instance variable. If set to 0, Crypt::GPG doesn't ASCII armor its output. Else, it does. Default is to use ascii-armoring. I haven't tested the methods in this module without ASCII armoring yet.

detach ()

Sets the DETACH instance variable. If set to 1, the sign method will produce detached signature certificates, else it won't. The default is to produce detached signatures.

encryptsafe ()

Sets the ENCRYPTSAFE instance variable. If set to 1, encryption will fail if trying to encrypt to a key which is not trusted. This is the default. Switch to 0 if you want to encrypt to untrusted keys.

version ()

Sets the VERSION instance variable which can be used to change the Version: string on the GnuPG output to whatever you like.

comment ()

Sets the COMMENT instance variable which can be used to change the Comment: string on the GnuPG output to whatever you like.

debug ()

Sets the DEBUG instance variable which causes the raw output of Crypt::GPG's interaction with the GnuPG binary to be dumped to STDOUT.


sign (@message)

Signs @message with the secret key specified with secretkey () and returns the result as a string.

decrypt ( \@message, [ \@signature ])

Decrypts and/or verifies the message in @message, optionally using the detached signature in @signature, and returns the plaintext message as a string, along with a Crypt::GPG::Signature object corresponding to the signature on the message, if the message was signed.

msginfo (@ciphertext)

Returns a list of the recipient key IDs that @ciphertext is encrypted to.

encrypt ($plaintext, $keylist [, -sign] [, -text] )

Encrypts $plaintext with the public keys of the recipients listed in $keylist and returns the result in a string, or undef if there was an error while processing. Returns undef if any of the keys are not found.

Either $plaintext or $keylist may be specified as either an arrayref or a simple scalar. If $plaintext is a an arrayref, it will be join()ed without newlines.

If the -sign option is provided, the message will be signed then encrypted.

If the -text option is specified, GnuPG will use network-compatible line endings for proper cross-platform compatibility. In this case, the plaintext will gain a newline at the end, if it does not already have one.

addkey (\@key, $pretend)

Adds the keys given in @key to the user's key ring and returns a list of Crypt::GPG::Key objects corresponding to the keys that were added. If $pretend is true, it pretends to add the key and creates the key object, but doesn't actually perform the key addition.

export ($key)

Exports the key specified by the Crypt::GPG::Key object $key and returns the result as a string.

keygen ($name, $email, $keytype, $keysize, $expire, $passphrase)

Creates a new keypair with the parameters specified. The only supported $keytype is 'ELG-E'. $keysize can be any of 768, 1024, 2048, 3072 or 4096. Returns undef if there was an error, otherwise returns a filehandle that reports the progress of the key generation process similar to the way GnuPG does. The key generation is not complete till you read an EOF from the returned filehandle.

keydb (@keyids)

Returns an array of Crypt::GPG::Key objects corresponding to the Key IDs listed in @keyids. This method used to be called keyinfo and that is still an alias to this method.

parsekeys (@keylist)

Parses a raw GnuPG formatted key listing in @keylist and returns an array of Crypt::GPG::Key objects.

keypass ($key, $oldpass, $newpass)

Change the passphrase for a key. Returns true if the passphrase change succeeded, false if not, or undef if there was an error.

delkey ($keyid)

Deletes the key specified by the Crypt::GPG::Key object $key from the user's key ring. Returns undef if there was an error, or 1 if the key was successfully deleted.

disablekey ($keyid)

Disables the key specified by the Crypt::GPG::Key object $key.

enablekey ($keyid)

Enables the key specified by the Crypt::GPG::Key object $key.


  • Error checking needs work.

  • Some key manipulation functions are missing.

  • The method call interface is subject to change in future versions, specifically, key manipulation methods will be encapsulated into the Crypt::GPG::Key class in a future version.

  • The current implementation will probably eat up all your RAM if you try to operate on huge messages. In future versions, this will be addressed by reading from and returning filehandles, rather than using in-core data.

  • Methods may break if you don't use ASCII armoring.


Crypt::GPG is Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Ashish Gulhati <>. All Rights Reserved.


Thanks to Barkha for inspiration and lots of laughs, and to the GnuPG team.


This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


This is free software. If it breaks, you own both parts.