Net::MirapointAdmin - Perl interface to the Mirapoint administration
High-Level Interface
$obj = Net::MirapointAdmin->new(host=>$host, debug=>$debug, ssl=>$usessl)
$obj->login($user, $password);
$lasttag = $obj->send_command(qw/LICENSE STATUS/);
$obj->command(qw/USER LIST/, "", "", "");
$obj->command_ok(qw/MAILBOX LIST/, "%", "", "");
$obj->command_no(/Already exists/, qw/DL ADD/, $dl);
Low-Level Interface
$obj = Net::MirapointAdmin->new($host)
$obj->xmit("tag LOGIN user pass")
$buf = $obj->getbuf();
Net::MirapointAdmin is a perl module that simplifies the task of writing
perl scripts to manage Mirapoint systems. The API allows you to send
Mirapoint protocol commands that automate administration tasks across
the network.
Two interfaces are available: low-level and high-level. The low-level
functions send and receive simple arguments. The high-level functions
handle tag generation and stripping, quoted and literal arguments with
binding to Perl data types (in an array context), optional response
checking, and auto-logout before disconnect. In general, using the
high-level interface is more convenient.
High-Level Interface
The new(host=>$host,args) function takes a list of arguments, and uses
these arguments to create a TCP/IP connection to the Mirapoint server's
administration protocol interface. In the case of a failure, $! is set
to the error message and undef is retruned. The arguments can include
the following:
port => $port
This option specifies a specific port. It is not normally needed
since the default port is selected based on the protocol used.
exception => $exception_function_ptr
The default exception handler is a function that prints an error
message and dies. This may not always be appropriate (for
example, when used as part of a CGI script). This option allows
you to replace the default exception handler.
ssl => $ssl
The value of $ssl is either 0 (the default) to use a cleartext
connection, or 1 to use an SSL connection. The new() function
returns undef if an SSL connection is requested but not
debug => $debug
The module prints out TCP trace information if $debug is 1 (by
default, $debug is 0).
Other Functions:
login($user, $pass)
Login to the Mirapoint host with the specified username or password.
Return undef if unable to comply (the okno() function gives the
$tag = send_command(@cmd)
Sends a command to the Mirapoint unit - the return value is the
value to be used as the argument to the get_response() function.
@response = get_response($tag)
Checks and strips the tag from the reponse. The OK or NO response
from the Mirapoint host can be retrieved with the okno() function.
In a scalar context, the return value is the first argument of the
return value. In an array context, the return value is an array of
array-references. The outer array is organized by line, and the
inner-array by field.
@response = command(@cmd)
The command() function combines the send_command() and
get_response() functions, relieving the programmer of having to know
about tags.
@response = command_ok(@cmd)
The command_ok() function is similar to the command() function, but
insists on an OK response from the server. If the response was not
an OK response, it raises an exception.
@response = command_no($pattern, @cmd)
The command_no() function is similar to the command_ok() function,
but allows a NO response, providing that the NO response matches
Returns the host to which we are currently connected.
Returns the hostname as reported by the Mirapoint system.
Returns the version of the Mirapoint protocol running on the
connected Mirapoint host.
Returns the last error generated by the module.
Returns the status of the last command executed.
Returns TRUE if the module is connected to a host, and FALSE
Returns TRUE if the module has successfully logged in and is
Returns 1 if the module supports SSL. This is generally used in the
following manner:
$ssl = Net::MirapointAdmin::supports_ssl();
$mp = Net::MirapointAdmin->new(host => $host, ssl => $ssl);
Returns the version of the Mirapoint protocol running on the
connected Mirapoint host encoded into a hexadecimal number.
Low-Level Interface
In order to support more complex situations, a lower level interface is
provided. This includes the following functions:
"new($host, $port)"
Connect to the specified host on the specified port. Note that an
SSL connection is not possible using the low level interface.
Unlike the high-level interface, the low-level interface does not
automatically connect to the remote host. "connect()" actually
initiates the connection, and raises an exception on failure.
Send the $cmd string directly to the server. The $cmd string should
already have a tag in front of it.
"$cmd = getbuf()"
Obtain one line from the Mirapoint host. Note that no dequoting of
the resulting line is done, and the return value may not contain the
full output of the command executed with the xmit() function.
$mp = Net::MirapointAdmin->new(host => $host,
ssl => $ssl,
debug => $debug);
$mp->login($user, $password);
High-level command:
$user = "bob"; $password = "pwd"; $fullname = "Bob Smith";
$mp->command_ok(qw/USER ADD/, $user, $password, $fullname);
results in:
C: tag USER ADD bob pwd "Bob Smith"
S: tag OK
High-level command and response:
$pattern = ""; $start = "", $count = "";
@users = $mp->command_ok(qw/USER LIST/, $pattern, $start, $count);
@usernames = map { $_ = $$_[0] } @users;
results in:
C: tag USER LIST "" "" ""
S: * tag "bob" "Bob Smith"
S: * tag "joe" "Joe Brown"
S: tag OK
@users = ( [ "bob", "Bob Smith" ], [ "joe", "Joe Brown" ] )
@usernames = ("bob", "joe");
With error checking (OK, or NO followed by pattern):
$mp->command_no("Already exists", qw/DL ADD/, $dl);
Manual error checking:
@response = $mp->command(qw/DLENTRY LIST/, $dl, "", "", "");
if ($mp->okno =~ /^NO/) {
Low-level routine:
$mp->send_command(qw/EVENT WATCH Login/);
while ($mp->connected()) {
print $mp->getbuf(); # Get the next line
undef $mp; [Performs logout and disconnect]
The Mirapoint Protocol Reference Manual