Changes for version 0.23 - 2021-04-23
- work around breaking change in Neo4j 4.2.5 Jolt implementation
Neo4j community graph database driver for Bolt and HTTP
Networking delegate for Neo4j Bolt
Networking delegate for Neo4j HTTP
HTTP agent adapter for libwww-perl
Container for Cypher result values
Result of running a Cypher statement (a stream of records)
Bolt result handler
JSON/REST result handler
Jolt result handler
Fallback handler for result errors
Details about the result of running a statement
Provides Neo4j server address and version
Context of work for database interactions
DEPRECATED (renamed to Neo4j::Driver::Result)
Statement statistics
Logical container for an atomic unit of work
Describes a node from a Neo4j graph
Directed sequence of relationships between two nodes
Represents a Neo4j spatial point value
Describes a relationship from a Neo4j graph
Represents a Neo4j temporal value
in lib/Neo4j/Driver/