read_correction_with_sga - Given a fastq file(s), perform SGA preprocessing and error correction
version 1.160490
Given a fastq file(s), perform error correction on them. The results are put into a fastq file called _sga_error_corrected.fastq in the current working directory (or, if specified, a directory of your choice).
Usage: read_correction_with_sga [options]
-f|forward_fastq <forward reads file - zipped or unzipped>
-r|reverse_fastq <reverse reads files - zipped or unzipped >
-fr|shuffled_fastq <an interleaved fastq file - zipped or unzipped>
-s|sga_exec <path to sga script>
-m|min_length <discard sequences that are shorter than this during preprocess>
-q|quality_trim <trim reads using Heng Li's BWT trimming algorithm>
-a|algorithm <indexing algorithm - ropebwt or sais>
-t|threads <number of threads to use for computation. Choose carefully>
-h|kmer_threshold <kmer threshold. Attempt to correct kmers that appear less than this many times>
-k|kmer_length <the length of kmer to be used>
-o|output_directory <output directory for results file>
-z|output_filename <name of output filename if not using default of _sga_error_corrected.fastq If a zipped name is given like abc.fastq.gz, the results are zipped>
-d|debug <debug>
-h|help <this message>
Takes in one (interleaved) or two FASTQ files (forward and reverse), and then performs read correction using SGA
# outputs a file called _sga_error_corrected.fastq read_correction_with_sga -f 123_1.fastq -r 123_2.fastq
# Gzipped input files are accepted read_correction_with_sga -f 123_1.fastq.gz -r 123_2.fastq.gz
# Shuffled fastq file accepted read_correction_with_sga -fr 123_shuffled.fastq.gz
# This help message read_correction_with_sga -h
Andrew J. Page <>
This software is Copyright (c) 2012 by Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute.
This is free software, licensed under:
The GNU General Public License, Version 3, June 2007