AnyEvent::SparkBot - Cisco Spark WebSocket Client for the AnyEvent Loop
use Modern::Perl;
use Data::Dumper;
use AnyEvent::SparkBot;
use AnyEvent::Loop;
my $obj=new AnyEvent::SparkBot(token=>$ENV{SPARK_TOKEN},on_message=>\&cb);
$obj->que_getWsUrl(sub { $obj->start_connection});
sub cb {
my ($sb,$result,$eventType,$verb,$json)=@_;
return unless $eventType eq 'conversation.activity' and $verb eq 'post';
if($result) {
my $data=$result->get_data;
my $response={
text=>"ya.. ya ya.. I'm on it!"
print Dumper($data);
$sb->spark->que_createMessage(sub {},$response);
} else {
print "Error: $result\n";
Connects to cisco spark via a websocket. By itself this class only provides connectivty to Spark, the on_message callback is used to handle events that come in. By default No hanlder is provided.
Moo Role(s)
This module uses the following Moo role(s)
OO Arguments and accessors
Required Argument(s)
token: The token used to authenticate the bot
on_message: code ref used to handle incomming messages
Optional Arguments
reconnect: default is true
logger: null(default) or an instance of log4perl::logger
lastConn: location to the last connection file
# it may be a very good idea to set this value
# default: /tmp/sparkBotLastConnect.json
# this is where we authenticate and pull the websocket url from
deviceDesc: JSON hash, representing the client description
agent: an instance of AnyEvent::HTTP::MultiGet
Timout and retry values:
pingEvery: 60 # used to check how often we run a ping
# pings only happen if no inbound request has come in for
# the interval
pingWait: 10
# how long to wait for a ping response
reconnect_sleep: 10
# how long to wait before we try to reconnect
Objects set at runtime:
lastConn: sets the location of the last connection file
ping: sets an object that will wake up and do something
lastPing: contains the last ping string value
connection: contains the current websocket connection if any
spark: Instance of AnyEvent::HTTP::Spark
currentUser: Hash ref representing the current bot user
OO Methods
my $result=$self->new_true({qw( some data )});
Returns a new true Data::Result object.
my $result=$self->new_false("why this failed")
Returns a new false Data::Result object
my $self->start_connection()
Starts the bot up.
Handles incoming messages
Handles reconnecting to spark
Sets the next ping object
This method is called by ping, sets a timeout to wait for the response.
my $result=$self->getLastConn()
Fetches the last connection info
Returns a Data::Result Object, when true it contains the hash, when false it contains why it failed.
my $result=$self->saveLastConn($ref)
Saves the last conenction, returns a Data::Result Object
$ref is assumed to be the data strucutre intended to be serialzied into json
my $job_id=$self->que_deleteLastUrl($cb)
Returns a Data::Result Object, when true it contains the url that was deleted, when false it contains why it failed.
my $job_id=$self->que_getWsUrl($cb)
Gets the WebSocket URL
Returns a Data::Result Object: When true it contains the url. When false it contains why it failed.
Call back to handle logging clean up of previous session
Michael Shipper <AKALINUX@CPAN.ORG>