AnyEvent::HTTP::Spark - HTTP Rest Client for Cisco Spark
use AnyEvent::HTTP::Spark;
my $obj=new AnyEvent::HTTP::Spark(token=>$ENV{SPARK_TOKEN});
THe HTTP Rest client used to interact with the Cisco Spark Web Service.
Moo Roles Used
This class uses the following Moo Roles
OO Arguments and accessors
Required OO Arguments
token: required for spark authentication
Optional OO Arguments
logger: sets the logging object
agent: AnyEvent::HTTP::MultiGet object
# sets the web service the requests point to
OO Methods
my $id=$self->que_listPeople($cb,$args);
Ques a request to list people.
$args is assumed to be a hash ref
Default arguments maxResults: 100, sets the number of results
Search arguments ( use one set )
Email Search email:
Display Name Search
displayName: firstname lastname
In theory you can paginate with this api call, although there is no documentation from cisco to validate this.
my $id=$self->que_createPerson($cb,$data);
Que's the creation of a person
$data is expected to be an anonymous hash ref
emails: string[] displayName: string firstName: string lastName: string avatar: string orgId: string roles: string[] licenses: string[]
my $id=$self->que_getPerson($cb,$personId);
Que's up a personId lookup.
my $id=$self->que_getMe()
Que's a request to identify this current user.
my $id=$self->que_getMessage($cb,$messageId)
Que's a request for a given messageId
my $id=$self->que_createMessage($cb,$data)
Creates a message
$data is assumed to be an anonymous hash ref
roomId: string toPersonId: string toPersonEmail: string text: string markdown: string files: string[]
Low Level Request functions
This section documents low level request functions.
my $result=$self->build_post_json($url,$data);
Returns a Data::Result object; When true it contains an HTTP::Request Object For $url, the body will consist of $data converted to json. When false it contains why it failed.
my $id=$self->queue_builder($cb,$method,$url,$data);
Returns the ID of the object in the request for $method.
my $id=$self->que_post_json($cb,$url,$data);
Queue's a json post and returns the id
my $result=$self->build_put_json($url,$data);
Returns a Data::Result object; When true it contains an HTTP::Request Object For $url, the body will consist of $data converted to json. When false it contains why it failed.
my $id=$self->que_put_json($cb,$url,$data);
Queue's a json put and returns the id
my $result=$self->build_post_form($url,$data);
Returns a Data::Result Object, when true it contains the correctly fromatted HTTP::Request Object, when false it contains why it failed.
my $id=$self->que_post_form($cb,$url,$data);
Queue's a form post and returns the id
my $result=$self->build_get($url,$data);
Returns a Data::Result Object, when true it contains the correctly fromatted HTTP::Request Object, when false it contains why it failed.
my $self->que_getRaw($cb,$raw_url)
Que's a diy get request
my $id=$self->que_get($cb,$url,$data);
Queue's a form post and returns the id
my $result=$self->build_head($url,$data);
Returns a Data::Result Object, when true it contains the correctly fromatted HTTP::Request Object, when false it contains why it failed.
my $id=$self->que_head($cb,$url,$data);
Queue's a form post and returns the id
my $result=$self->build_delete($url,$data);
Returns a Data::Result Object, when true it contains the delete request, when false it contains why it failed.
my $id=$self->que_delete($cb,$url,$data);
Ques a delete to run.
Internal handler for delete results
Michael Shipper <AKALINUX@CPAN.ORG>
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 147:
Expected '=item *'