Data::Range::Compare - Framework for calculating range intersections
use Data::Range::Compare qw(HELPER_CB);
my %helper=HELPER_CB;
my @tom;
my @harry;
my @sally;
push @tom,Data::Range::Compare->new(\%helper,0,1);
push @tom,Data::Range::Compare->new(\%helper,3,7);
push @harry,Data::Range::Compare->new(\%helper,9,11);
push @sally,Data::Range::Compare->new(\%helper,6,7);
my @cmp=(\@tom,\@harry,\@sally);
my $sub=Data::Range::Compare->range_compare(\%helper,\@cmp);
while(my @row=$sub->()) {
my $common_range=
print "Common Range: $common_range\n";
my ($tom,$harry,$sally)=@row;
print "tom: $tom\n";
print "harry: $harry\n";
print "sally: $sally\n";
This package is a universal framework for finding intersections in data representing ranges. The Ranges simply need to be two dimensional.
Data::Range::Compare is not intended to be used directly although it can be. For the most part Data::Range::Compare is intended to be subclassed by other packages.
Export list
OO Methods
This section covers the OO Methods in the package
my $range=new Data::Range::Compare(\%helper,0,1);
my $range=new Data::Range::Compare(\%helper,0,1,$generated);
my $range=new Data::Range::Compare(\%helper,0,1,$generated,$missing);
This function acts as the general package constructor.
$generated represents the $range->generated state
$missing represents the $range->missing state
%helper should contain the following key=>code_refs.
add_one=>\&add_one sub_one=>\&sub_one cmp_values=>\&cmp_values
This function accepts 1 argument and returns the next thing. If you are implementing your own add_one, just make sure it returns the correct next value for your data.
Example: $helper{add_one}=sub {$_[0] + 1}; my $next=$helper{add_one}->(1); $next==2; Same as %helper=HELPER_CB; Or Write your own # a-z example my @list=('a' .. 'z'); my $id=-1; my %ids=map { ($_,++$id) } @list; sub my_add_one { my $here=$ids{$_[0]}; ++$here; return 'z' if $#list<$here; $list[$here] } $helper{add_one}=\&my_add_one; my $next=$helper{add_one}->('a'); $next eq 'b';
This function accepts 1 argument and returns the next thing. If you are implementing your own sub_one, just make sure it returns the correct previous value for your data.
Example: $helper{sub_one}=sub {$_[0] - 1}; my $next=$helper{sub_one}->(1); $next==0; Same as %helper=HELPER_CB; Or Write your own # a-z example my @list=('a' .. 'z'); my $id=-1; my %ids=map { ($_,++$id) } @list; sub my_sub_one { my $here=$ids{$_[0]}; --$here; return 'z' if 0>$here; $list[$here] } $helper{sub_one}=\&my_sub_one; my $next=$helper{sub_one}->('a'); $next eq 'b';
This function accepts 2 arguments and should return one of the following values: 0,-1,1
$helper{cmp_values}=sub {$_[0] <=> $_[1] }; my $cmp=$helper{cmp_values}->(0,1); $cmp==-1; Same as %helper=HELPER_CB; Or Write your own # a-z example $helper{cmp_values}=sub {$_[0] cmp $_[1] }; my $cmp=$helper{cmp_values}->(qw(a b)); $cmp==-1;
my $value=$range->helper_cb('add_one',1)
my $value=$range->helper_cb('sub_one',1)
my $value=$range->helper_cb('cmp_values',1,1)
Grants access to this range's \%helper
my $range_end=$range->range_end;
Returns the "thing" that is denoted as the end of this range.
my $range_start=$range->range_start;
Returns the "thing" that is denoted as the start of this range.
my $notation=$range->notation;
Returns a string representing "range_start - range_end". This is the same as print $range;.
my $helper_hash=$range->helper_hash;
Gets the \%helper for this instance.
if($range->missing) { .. }
Returns the missing state
if($range->generated) { .. }
Returns the generated state
$range->data->{some_lable}='some value'
my $value=$range->data->{some_lable};
my $hash_ref=$range->data;
Lets you tag this block with your data.
Returns true if either of these ranges overlap.
my $next_start=$range->next_range_start;
Gets the thing that represents the start of the next range.
my $previous_end=$range->previous_range_end;
Gets the thing that represents the end of the previous range.
my $cmp=$range->cmp_range_start($range_b);
Wrapper function does the same as the following.
my $cmp=$range->helper_cb( 'cmp_values' ,$range->range_start ,$range_b->range_start );
my $cmp=$range->cmp_range_end($range_b);
Wrapper function does the same as the following.
my $cmp=$range->helper_cb( 'cmp_values' ,$range->range_end ,$range_b->range_end );
my $cmp=$range->cmp_ranges($range_b);
Does an an ascending order style comparison.
my $common=Data::Range::Compare->get_common_range(\%helper,\@list)
Returns a new Data::Range::Compare object representing the common ranges between ranges found in \@list.
my $range=Data::Range::Compare->get_overlapping_range(\%helper,\@list);
Returns a new Data::Range::Compare object representing the outer most start and end found in \@list.
my $ref=Data::Range::Compare->consolidate_ranges(\%helper,\@list);
Returns a list reference of sorted and consolidated Data::Range::Compare objects .
my $ref=Data::Range::Compare->fill_missing_ranges(\%helper,\@list);
Returns a sorted contiguous list of Data::Range::Compare objects. All objects generated by fill_missing_ranges are created as missing and generated.
my $ref=Data::Range::Compare->range_start_end_fill(\%helper,@list_of_lists);
Creates filler ranges ensuring each list of ranges starts and ends with the same value. All ranges created by range_start_end_fill are missing and generated.
my $sub=Data::Range::Compare->range_compare(\%helper,@list_of_lists);
Returns an anonymous function. The function can be used to iterate through the list of lists at intersecting points.
Sort Methods
This section documents the export-able sort functions. These are low level sort functions and must be used in a call to "sort".
@list=sort sort_in_presentation_order @list;
@list=sort sort_in_presentation_order @unsorted_list;
Sorts a list of Data::Range::Compare objects in presentation order.
@list=sort sort_in_consolidate_order @unsorted_list;
Sorts a list of Data::Range::Compare objects in the order required for range consolidation.
@list=sort sort_largest_range_end_first @unsorted_list;
Sorts a list Data::Range::Compare objects by range_end in descending order.
@list=sort sort_smallest_range_start_first @unsorted_list;
Sorts a list Data::Range::Compare objects by range_start in ascending order.
@list=sort sort_smallest_range_end_first @unsorted_list;
Sorts a list Data::Range::Compare objects by range_end in ascending order.
@list=sort sort_largest_range_start_first @unsorted_list;
Sorts a list Data::Range::Compare objects by range_start in descending order.
Michael Shipper
Copyright 2010 Michael Shipper. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.