Data::Range::Compare::Stream::Iterator::Array - simple array iterator


use Data::Range::Compare::Stream;
use Data::Range::Compare::Stream::Iterator::Array;

my $iterator=Data::Range::Compare::Stream::Iterator::Array->new(

# create a new range and add it to the iterator

my $range=Data::Range::Compare::Stream->new(0,1);

# add a new range from the existing one


while($iterator->has_next) {
  my $next_range=$iterator->get_next;


This module implements an array iterator.

OO Methods

  • my $iterator=new Data::Range::Compare::Stream::Iterator::Array;

    Instance Constructor, all arguments are optional:

          new_from   =>  'Data::Range::Compare::Stream'
    	# Defines what class to call new against for $iterator->create_range(x,x,x)
          range_list =>  []
    	# Defines the array reference used internally
          sorted     =>  0
            # Sets the sorted state
  • $iterator->add_range($obj)

    Adds $obj to the internal array. This function returns false once $iterator has been sorted

  • $iterator->create_range(0,0);

    Creates a new range object and adds it to the internal array. This function returns false once $iterator has been sorted.

  • $iterator->prepare_for_consolidate_asc;

    Sorts the internal array and sets the sorted flag $iterator->has_next returns false until the internal array has been sorted.

  • $iterator->prepare_for_consolidate_desc;

    Sorts the internal array and sets the sorted flag: $iterator->has_next returns false until the internal array has been sorted.

  • $iterator->set_sorted(0|1);

    Used to set the internal array sorted flag

  • if($iterator->sorted) { do something }

    Returns the sorted state

  • while($iterator->has_next) { do something }

    Returns true when the internal array has been sorted and still contains data

  • my $range=$iterator->get_next;

    If $iterator->has_next returns true, then the next value from the internal array is returned

  • my $string=$iterator->to_string;

    Returns the instance name of $iterator

  • $iterator->insert_range($range);

    Inserts a range into a the iterator regardless of the "sorted" state. Use with caution!




Michael Shipper

Source-Forge Project

As of version 0.001 the Project has been moved to

Data Range Compare


Copyright 2011 Michael Shipper. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.