Data::Range::Compare::Stream::Iterator::Base - Abstract class
package MyIterator;
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::File;
use IO::Select;
use base qw(Data::Range::Compare::Stream::Iterator::Base);
use Data::Range::Compare::Stream;
sub new {
my ($class,%args)=@_;
my $has_next;
my $self=$class->SUPER::new(%args);
if(defined($args{filename})) {
my $fh=IO::File->new($args{filename});
if($fh) {
my $line=$fh->getline;
} else {
$self->{msg}="Error could not open $args{filename} error was: $!";
return $self;
sub get_next {
my ($self)=@_;
return undef unless $self->has_next;
my $line=$self->{next_line};
$self->{has_next}=$self->{next_line} ? 1 : 0;
chomp $line;
return new Data::Range::Compare::Stream(split /\s+/,$line);
This module acts as the base class for all Data::Range::Compare::Stream::Iterator classes.
Methods to implement
my $iterator=new MyIterator(arguments=>here);
The default object constructor takes a hash of arguments, and returns a blessed anonymous hash. If you want to do anything other than that you will need to overload this function!
while($iterator->has_next) { do something }
The internals return $self->{has_next}. If you want to do anything other than that you will need to overload this function!
my $range=$iterator->get_next;
Objects returned from this function should extend Data::Range::Compare::Stream::Result::Base
my $string=$iterator->to_string;
Returns the package name of $iterator
This object needs to be called when ranges are being consolidated.
Deletes $id from $iterator.
if($iterator->is_child) { ... }
Returns true if the object was auto generated by another object.
if($iterator->has_child) { ... }
Returns true if this $iterator auto generated a new iterator object
my $id=$iterator->get_column_id
Returns the column id of this $iterator.
Sets the column id of $iterator
if($iterator->has_root) { ... }
Returns true if this $iterator was auto generated by another iterator.
my $root=$iterator->get_root;
Returns the root object if $iterator->has_root is true.
my $id=$iterator->get_root_column_id;
Returns the column_id of the object that auto generated $iterator, returns current column_id of the object was not auto generated.
my $child=$iterator->get_child;
Returns the child object if $iterator->has_child is true.
my $id=$iterator->get_child_column_id;
Returns the child column_id if $iterator->has_child is true.
Michael Shipper
Source-Forge Project
As of version 0.001 the Project has been moved to
Data Range Compare
Copyright 2011 Michael Shipper. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.