Data::Range::Compare::Stream::Iterator::Compare::Result - Range Compare Result Object
This module is a result object for classes that implement:
OO Methods
my $result=new Data::Range::Compare::Stream::Iterator::Compare::Result (COMMON_RANGE,[OVERLAP_RESULTS],[OVERLAP_IDS],[NON_OVERLAP_IDS],[COLUMN_MAP],[ROOT_IDS]);
Object constructor: All arguments are mandatory!
COMMON_RANGE Implements Data::Range::Compare::Stream OVERLAP_RESULTS An array ref with any of the following objects Data::Range::Compare::Stream::Consolidate::Result Data::Range::Compare::Stream::Compare::Result undef OVERLAP_IDS An array ref representing the ids in OVERLAP_RESULTS that are not undef NON_OVERLAP_IDS An array ref representing the ids of OVERLAP_RESULTS that are undef COLUMN_MAP An array ref that maps each element to the root_id column ROOT_IDS An array ref that represents the non auto generated columns
print $result
When used in a string context the object will return $result->to_string.
my $range=$result->get_common
Returns the common range.
my $range=$result->get_common_range
Alias to $result->get_common.
my $count=$result->get_overlap_count;
Returns the number of elements in OVERLAP_RESULTS that matched the common range
my $string=$result->to_string;
Returns a string representing the result
my $count=$result->get_column_count;
Returns the number of columns that are in OVERLAP_RESULTS
my $ref=$result->get_overlap_ids;
Returns an array ref of column ids that overlap with the column range
my $ref=$result->get_non_overlap_ids;
Returns an array ref of column ids that do not overlap with the column range
my $count=$result->get_non_overlap_count;
Returns the number of columns that did not overlap with the common range
my $result=$result->get_consolidator_result_by_id($id);
$result will be an object that implements: Data::Range::Compare::Stream::Iterator::Consolidate::Result. When the column $id did not overlap $result will be undef.
my $result=$result->get_result_by_id($id);
Alias to get_consolidator_result_by_id.
my $boolean=$result->is_empty;
$boolean is true when no ranges overlapped with the common range.
my $boolean=$result->none_overlap;
Alias to is_empty.
my $boolean=$result->is_full;
$boolean is true when all OVERLAP_RESULTS overlapped with the common range.
my $ref=$result->get_overlapping_containers;
Returns an array ref of each object that overlapped with the common range.
my $ref=$result->get_all_containers;
Returns an array ref of OVERLAP_RESULTS.
my $ref=$result->get_non_overlapping_containers;
Returns an array ref of undef for every column that did not overlap.
my $ref=$result->get_column_map;
Returns a unique copy of the column map array ref.
my $ref=$result->get_root_ids;
Returns a unique copy of the column map array ref.
my $ref=$relations->get_root_results;
Returns an anonymous array: element ids represent the root_ids. Values are anonymous arrays that contain the result objects from the consolidation process associated with the root_id.
my $ref=$relations->get_root_result_ids;
Returns an anonymous array: element ids represent the root_ids. Values are anonymous arrays that contain the result ids from the consolidation process associated with the root_id.
Michael Shipper
Source-Forge Project
As of version 0.001 the Project has been moved to
Data Range Compare
Copyright 2011 Michael Shipper. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.