Net::SolarWinds::REST::Batch - SolarWinds Batch Prcess class
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use Net::SolarWinds::REST::Batch
my $self=new Net::SolarWinds::REST::Batch;
my $result=$self->get_node('kstlldrmap04');
die $result unless $result;
print Dumper($result->get_data);
A wrapper class for Net::SolarWinds::REST, that provides high level batch like interfaces that tie a lot of the smaller functions togeather.
Extends Net::SolarWinds::REST
All of the base funtions provided by Net::SolarWinds::REST are included in this module, for better or worse!
OO Methods
This section covers the OO Methods of the class.
my $result=$self->manage_node($struct,$allow_failure);
$allow_failure is optional, if not defined it is set to true. The flag allows for the falure of anything other than the node itself not being created.
A fairly complex interface used to build out a node for management.
Example of the data of $struct:
{ # list of snmp pollers for the node # see also: add_pollers "node_pollers" => [ "N.AssetInventory.Snmp.Generic", "N.Cpu.SNMP.HrProcessorLoad", "N.Details.SNMP.Generic", "N.Memory.SNMP.NetSnmpReal", "N.ResponseTime.ICMP.Native", "N.ResponseTime.SNMP.Native", "N.Status.ICMP.Native", "N.Status.SNMP.Native", "N.Topology_Layer3.SNMP.ipNetToMedia", "N.Uptime.SNMP.Generic" ], # see also: add_volumes "volumes" => ["/home/apm","/tmp","/var"], # The Network Interfaces to monitor # see also: manage_interfaces "interfaces"=>["eth0","eth1","eth2"], "custom_properties"=>{ "dcinstance" => "production", "administrator" => "EMS/NMS", }, # denote if this node needs to be replaced as it is created # see also, build_node "replace" => false, # The disk volumes to monitor # Argumetns required to build a node # see also, build_node "node" => { "EngineID" => 18, "Status" => 1, "IPAddress" => "", "RediscoveryInterval" => 30, "Community" => "public", "DisplayName" => "kstlldrmap04", "MachineType" => "net-snmp - Linux", "UnManaged" => false, "PollInterval" => 46, "StatCollection" => 10, "SysObjectID" => "", "SNMPVersion" => 2, "DynamicIP" => false, "Caption" => "kstlldrmap04", "ObjectSubType" => "SNMP", "VendorIcon" => "8072.gif ", "Allow64BitCounters" => true }, # denote objects used to create templates # see also: add_templates "templates" => [ "SDS - Application details-U/L - Warning", "SDS - DMS Adaptor Daemon Monitor - Critical", "SDS - Drum - Warning", "AWS Mail Alert Daemon", "CPM Ghosting" ] }
my $result=$self->get_node($thing);
$thing can contain any one of the following: NodeID, IpAddress, Caption.
This method returns a Net::SolarWinds::Result object.
When true it contains the first node found that matched what was passed in as $thing.
When false it contains why it failed.
my $result=$self->set_managed($thing,0|1);
This is really just a wrapper for $self->get_node followed by $self->UpdateNodeProps($node_id,UnManaged=>0|1);
Returns a Net::SolarWinds::Result object
my $result=$self->get_management_config($thing);
Programatic way build a refrence template for: manage_node
Returns a Net::SolarWinds::Result object If true, it contains a data structure requried to build out the node refred to as $thing. If false, it contains why it failed.
my $result=$self->get_poller_map($id,$type);
Used to get a uniqe hash of all pollers assigned to this object.
$id can be: NodeID $type=N VolumeID $type=V InterfaceID $type=I
Returns a Net::SolarWinds::Result object.
my $result=$self->getPollerInterfaceMap($nodeid)
Returns a Net::SolarWinds::Result object, when true it contains a hash mapping ifType to PollerType
my $result=$self->GetNodeInterfacePollers($nodeid)
When true it returns a Net::SolarWinds::Result object that contains the interface poller and id info.
my $result=$self->add_pollers($id,$t,@pollers);
Adds a list of pollers of type to given id.
$id can be: NodeID $type=N VolumeID $type=V InterfaceID $type=I
@polers contains a list of snmp pollers.
"N.Details.SNMP.Generic", "N.ResponseTime.ICMP.Native", "N.ResponseTime.SNMP.Native", "N.Status.ICMP.Native", "N.Status.SNMP.Native", "N.Uptime.SNMP.Generic"
Returns a Net::SolarWinds::Result Object.
my $result=$self->add_volumes($node_id,@vols);
$node_id is the NodeID of the device
@vols can contain a mix of [either list of objects or volume names.
Object Example:
{ "pollers" => [ "V.Details.SNMP.Generic", "V.Statistics.SNMP.Generic", "V.Status.SNMP.Generic" ], "type" => "Network Disk", "path" => "/home/apm" },
String Example:
When using the string example, the default pollers are added.
my $result=$self->add_templates($node_id,@templates);
Add a list of templates to the device for monitoring.
$$node_id is the NodeID of the node
@templates Example list:
"SDS - Application details-U/L - Warning", "SDS - DMS Adaptor Daemon Monitor - Critical", "SDS - Drum - Warning", "AWS Mail Alert Daemon", "CPM Ghosting"
my $result=$self->manage_interfaces($node_id,@interfaces);
$node_id is the "NodeID" of the machine to work with
@interfaces contains a list of Object hashes or interface names.
Object Example: In the object example all details, such as the pooler and custom properties are set manually.
{ "pollers" : [ "I.Rediscovery.SNMP.IfTable", "I.StatisticsErrors32.SNMP.IfTable", "I.StatisticsTraffic.SNMP.Universal", "I.Status.SNMP.IfTable" ], "ifname" : "eth1", "custom_props" : { "alert_rx_percent_utilization" : 90, "alarmerrorrate" : 0, "alert_tx_percent_utilization" : 90 } }
Interface name example: In the interface name example just the name of the interface is passed.
Odds are you will just want to use a list of human readable interface names:
Gives up at the first error, and may not complete the process of adding things. Odds are this code will need to be made more forgiving.
my $result=$self->create_or_update_node($ip,%args);
Wrapper for $self->build_node with $DeleteIfExists set to false
my $result=$self->replace_node($ip,%args);
Wrapper for $self->build_node with $DeleteIfExists set to true
my $result=$self->build_node($ip,$DeleteIfExists,%args);
Used to create a node if it does not exist.
Variabels: $ip The ipv4 address of the box
$DeleteIfExists if this value is set to true and this node exists all ready it will be deleted and re-created! %args The node properties See also: Net::SolarWinds::REST::UpdateNodeProps
Michael Shipper