Net::SolarWinds::CookBook - General User Documentation
This is a general go to guide on how to use the Net::SolarWinds modules. Most of the heavy lifting is done by the Net::SolarWinds::REST::Batch module.
How to enable logging
use Net::SolarWinds::REST::Batch; use Net::SolarWinds::Log; my $log=new Net::SolarWinds::Log('/var/log/script.log'); my $rest=new Net::SolarWinds::REST::Batch(log=>$log);
How to find a node
use Net::SolarWinds::REST::Batch; use Data::Dumper; my $rest=new Net::SolarWinds::REST::Batch; # use the hostname method my $result=$rest->get_node("hostname"); if($result) { my $data=$result->get_data; print Dumper($data); } else { print "Error Fetching: hostname, error was: $result\n"; } # use the id method method my $result=$rest->get_node(212); if($result) { my $data=$result->get_data; print Dumper($data); } else { print "Error Fetching node by id: 212, error was: $result\n"; } # use the ip address method my $result=$rest->get_node(""); if($result) { my $data=$result->get_data; print Dumper($data); } else { print "Error Fetching:, error was: $result\n"; }
Adding an interface
To add an interface, you will need to do a number of things. 1. Get the NodeID, 2. Poll the interfaces on the device, 3. Add the interface. Note: The pollers added by SolarWinds are inconsistent, you may want to audit and add any missing pollers.
So here is how to add an interface
use Net::SolarWinds::REST::Batch; use Net::SolarWinds::Log; # its always best to enable logging! my $log=new Net::SolarWinds::Log('/var/log/script.log'); my $rest=new Net::SolarWinds::REST::Batch(log=>$log); # Node id my $nodeid=212; # fetch our best guess when it comes to default poller maps my $pm={}; if(my $result=$rest->getPollerInterfaceMap($nodeid)) { $pm=$result->get_data; } else { $log->log_warn("Failed to get poller map for $nodeid"); } # discover the interfaces my $result=$rest->DiscoverInterfacesOnNode($nodeid); my $ifname='eth0'; if($result) { foreach my $int (@{$result->get_data->{DiscoveredInterfaces}}) { # never try to add an interface that all ready exists! next if $int->{InterfaceID}!=0; next unless $int->{Manageable}; # The actual name may never be literal, so we fix that here my $caption=$int->{Caption}; # clean up the returned data $caption=~ s/\s\x{b7}.*$//s; my ($desc,$ifname)=split /\s-\s/,$caption; my $matched; # one of the above strings will contain our literal interface name foreach my $string ($caption,$desc,$ifname) { next unless defined($string); if($string eq $ifname) { $matched=$string; last; } } next unless defined($matched); my $result=$rest->NodeInterfaceAddDefaultPollers($nodeid,[$int]); if($result) { my $intid=$result->get_data->{DiscoveredInterfaces}->[0]->{InterfaceID}; my $result=$rest->NodeInterfaceCustomProperties($nodeid,$intid,{Some=>"Custom Property"}); $log->log_error("Failed to set custom property for $ifname") unless $result; # now we add any pollers that were missed by default # fetch the interface map my $result=$result=$rest->get_poller_map($intid,'I'); my $map=$result->get_data; if(exists $pm->{$int->{ifType}}) { my $list=$pm->{$int->{ifType}}; foreach my $poller (@{$list}) { next if exists $map->{$poller}; my $result=$rest->add_poller($intid,'I',$poller); $log->log_error("Failed to add $poller to interface: $intid error was $result") unless $result; } } } else { $log->log_error("Failed to add $ifname error was: $result"); } } }
Adding a node based on on existing node
The Net::SolarWinds::REST::Batch module offers a very high level interface that allows for reverse engineering existing node configurations: pollers, file systems, templates, interfaces, etc. These reverse engired templates can be used to build new device configurations.
The process itself is broken out into 4 steps. 1. Clone the config, 2. Save the config to a file, 3. Edit the options for the new node, 4. Create the new node.
use Storable qw(dclone store retrieve); use Net::SolarWinds::REST::Batch; my $rest=new Net::SolarWinds::REST::Batch(); my $node=''; my $config; my $config_file='config.storable'; # cache the config on disk( save it any way you want ) if(-e $config_file) { $config=retrieve($config_file); } else { my $result=$rest->get_management_config($node); die "Could not get config for: $node error was: $result" unless $result; $config=$result->get_data; } # get a copy of our config ( in case we want to apply this to multiple nodes and change more things! ) my $new_config=dclone($config); # adjust your config here # depending on the version of NPM you may need to delete some of the node columns delete @{$new_config->{"node"}}{qw(EngineID Caption)}; $new_config->{"node"}->{"IPAddress"}=""; $new_config->{"node"}->{"Caption"}=""; # now we create our new node! my $result=$rest->manage_node($new_config);
Michael Shipper