SolarWinds::Log - Simple file logging module
use SolarWinds::Log;
my $log=new SolarWinds::Log('/some/log/file.log');
$log->log_info("This will not be logged");
$log->log_error("This will be logged");
$log->log_info("This will now be logged");
$log->log_error("This will still be logged");
This package provides a very simple somewhat standardized logging interface. The module itself extends SolarWinds::FileRotationBase and inherits all of its features.
The following constants can be exported using the standard exporter syntax
Default Log level
The default log level is LOG_ERROR or 1. In the default state only errors are logged.
OO Methods
Object constructor
The object constructor takes key=>'value' argument pairs example:
my $log=new SolarWinds::Log( filename=>'/full/path/to/file.log', loglevel=>4, # optional, if not set the system hostname will be used hostname=>'somehost' # ignored when filename is set basefilename=>'myapp', folder=>'/var/myappfolder', );
When the constructor is called with a single argument it is assumed to be the fully quallified name of the log file to manage and rotate.
my $log=new SolarWinds::Log('/some/log/file.log');
my $hash=$self->lookback(stack_level);
This method returns a hash that provides information about who called this function relative to the stack_level argument. The class default value is 4.
Example result
{ # the fully qualified package that this method ran under package=>'main', # the package and subrouteen this was called under sub=>'main::some_method', # the source file ( may be eval or undef ) filename=>'/path/to/my/Script', # the line in wich the function was called # if the internals are unsure the value is undef line=>11 }
my $string=$log->format_log('LEVEL=ERROR|WARN|INFO|DEBUG',"some log");
Formats your log entry as:
Special notes: any undef value will be converted to a string value of 'undef'.
Logs to a file if the log level is LOG_INFO or greater.
Logs to a file if the log level is LOG_error or greater.
$log->log_die("Some message");
Logs the message then dies.
Logs to a file if the log level is LOG_WARN or greater.
Logs to a file if the log level is LOG_ALWAYS or greater.
Logs to a file if the log level is LOG_DEBUG or greater.
Writes 'message' to the log file with formatting representing 2 levels aboive itself in the stack.
my $loglevel=$log->get_loglevel;
Returns the current runtime loglevel.
Used to set the current loglevel to the level.
Michael Shipper