Games::Cards -- Perl module for playing card games
use Games::Cards;
my $Rummy = new Games::Cards::Game;
# Create and shuffle the deck
my $Deck = $Rummy->create_deck;
# Deal out the hands
foreach my $i (1 .. 3) {
my $hand = new Games::Cards::Stack "Player $i" ;
$Deck->give_cards($hand, 7);
push @Hands, $hand;
# print hands (e.g. "Player 1: KD QD JD 1S 2C 3C 3H")
foreach (@Hands) { print $_->print("short") }
# Initialize the undo engine to save 100 moves
Games::Cards::Undo->undo; # undo last move
Games::Cards::Undo->un_undo; # redo last undone move
This module creates objects to allow easier programming of card games.
Class Games::Cards::Game
This class represents a certain game, like War, or Solitaire. This is necessary to store the various rules for a given game, like the ranking of the cards. (Or, for more exotic games, how many cards of what type are in the deck.) Methods:
- new(HASHREF)
creates a new game. HASHREF is a reference to a hash containing zero or more of the keys "suits" and "cards_in_suit". "suits" is a list of the suits in a deck, "cards_in_suit" is a reference to a hash whose keys are the names of the cards in one suit and whose values are the values (or ranks) of those cards. If "suits" is not given, the default suits (Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades) are used. If "cards_in_suit" is not given, the default cards (Ace, 2..10, Jack, Queen, King with values 1..13) are used. For example, war would require "Ace"=>14.
- create_deck
creates an unshuffled deck of cards. For each card in the deck it creates a name, suit, and value. The deck was stipulated by the 'new Games::Cards' command. Returns the deck.
Class Games::Cards::Queue
A queue (cf. computer science terminology, or the C++ stdlib) is a first-in first-out pile of cards. Cards are removed from the top of the pile, but new cards are added to the bottom of the pile. This might represent, say, a pile of face-down cards, like the player's hand in War.
Class Games::Cards::Stack
A stack (cf. computer science terminology, or the C++ stdlib) is a last-in first-out pile of cards. Cards are removed from the top of the pile, and new cards are also added to the top of the pile. This would usually represent a pile of cards with its top card (and perhaps all cards) face up.
Class Games::Cards::CardSet
A CardSet is just an array of cards (stored in the "cards" field). It could be a player's hand, a deck, or a discard pile, for instance. This is a super class of Queue and Stack, and those classes should be used instead, so that we know whether the cards in the pile are FIFO or LIFO. Methods:
- shuffle
shuffles the cards in the CardSet
- give_cards(RECEIVER, NUMBER)
Transfers NUMBER cards from the donor (the object on which this method was called) to the CardSet RECEIVER. This method can used for dealing cards from a deck, giving cards to another player (Go Fish), putting cards on the table (War), or transferring a card or cards between piles in solitaire.
If NUMBER is "all", then the donor gives all of its cards.
Returns 1 usually. If the donor has too few cards, it returns 0 and does not transfer any cards.
- top_card
Returns the top Card in the CardSet (or 0 if CardSet is empty)
- face_down
Makes a whole CardSet face down
- face_up
Makes a whole CardSet face up
- print(LENGTH)
Returns a string containing a printout of the Cards in the CardSet. Prints a long printout if LENGTH is "long", short if "short" (or nothing). The CardSet is printed out so that the top card of the set is printed first.
- name
Returns the name of the Set
- cards
Returns a reference to the array of Cards in the set
- size
Tells how many cards are in the set
Class Games::Cards::Card
A Card is a playing card. Methods:
- new(HASHREF)
creates a new card. HASHREF references a hash with keys "suit" and "name".
- print(LENGTH)
returns a string with the whole card name ("King of Hearts") if LENGTH is "long", otherwise a short version ("KH").
- name(LENGTH)
prints the name of the card. The full name if LENGTH is "long"; otherwise a short version ("K");
- suit(LENGTH)
Returns the suit of the card. Returns the long version ("Diamonds") if LENGTH is "long", else a short version ("D").
- color
Is the card "red" or "black"? Returns the color or undef for unknown color.
- value
Calculates the value of a card
- is_face_up
Returns true if a card is face up
- is_face_down
Returns true if a card is face down
- face_up
Makes a card face up
- face_down
Makes a card face down
Class Games::Cards::Undo
This is the package for methods to undo & redo moves. There is no CG::Undo object. But there is a (private) array of the preceding moves (private CG::Undo::Move objects). Methods:
- initialize(MOVES)
Initialize the Undo engine. MOVES is the number of moves to save. 0 (or no argument) allows infinite undo. This method must be called before any undo-able moves are made (i.e., it can be called after the hands are dealt). This method will also re-initialize the engine for a new game.
- undo
Undo a move
- un_undo
Redo a move that had been undone with undo. (un_undo instead of redo, because redo is a reserved word.)
An implementation of Klondike (aka standard solitaire) demonstrates how to use this module in a simple game.
method to arrange a set, e.g. sort it by suit and value within the suit.
give_cards method that gives specific card(s) rather than the top card(s) in the set. Or cards that match a certain criterion (e.g. all 8's). Or a part of a column in solitaire (all cards from a certain card to the top)
Maybe TODO
Hand class that doesn't care about FIFO? I.e. it's not a Stack or a Queue because there's no concept of the top card. You're only allowed to use the fancier give_cards method, where you list specific cards to give.
Make various classes and methods private
Clone/deep copy method for a CardSet. This would allow e.g. saving a deck to restart the same game of solitaire.
Move Undo to Use EXPORT in that file for undo & un_undo? (Or is "undo" going to clobber another undo method? (call it undo_move?))
Computer AI and GUI display are left as exercises for the reader.
Probably. This is pre-alpha.
Amir Karger,
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 164:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'