Lab::Instrument::Agilent34410A - HP/Agilent 34410A or 34411A digital multimeter
use Lab::Instrument::Agilent34410A;
my $hp=new Lab::Instrument::Agilent34410A(0,22);
print $agilent->get_value();
The Lab::Instrument::Agilent34410A class implements an interface to the 34410A and 34411A digital multimeters by Agilent (formerly HP). Note that the module Lab::Instrument::Agilent34410A still works for those older multimeter models.
my $hp=new(\%options);
old style:
new style:
'function' => <$function>,
'range' => <$range>,
'integration' => {
'mode' => <int_mode>,
'value' => <int_value>
Request a measurement value. If optinal paramters are defined, some device paramters can be preset before the request for a measurement value is sent to the device.
- <$function>
can be one of the measurement methods of the Agilent34410A."current:dc" --> DC current measurement "current:ac" --> AC current measurement "voltage:dc" --> DC voltage measurement "voltage:ac" --> AC voltage measurement "resistance" --> resistance measurement (2-wire) "fresistance" --> resistance measurement (4-wire)
- <$range>
is given in terms of amps, volts or ohms and can be-3...+3A | MIN | MAX | DEF | AUTO
,100mV...1000V | MIN | MAX | DEF | AUTO
or0...1e9 | MIN | MAX | DEF | AUTO
is defaultAUTO
activates the AUTORANGE-mode.DEF
will be set, if no value is given. - <$integration>
controlles the integration mode and the integration time. It is composed of two parts:1.) Integration mode: 'tc=' --> Integration-Time- or Aperture-MODE 'nplc=' --> Number of Power Line Cycles MODE 'res=' --> Resolution-MODE
If no Integration mode is given, the 'Number of Power Line Cycles MODE' will be selected as default.
2.) Integration Time: Floating point number or MIN, MAX, DEF.
For detailed information about the valid range for the integration time see set_tc, set_resolution, set_nplc
a) $integration = 'tc=0.2' --> Integration mode = Integration-Time- or Aperture-MODE --> Integration Time = 0.2 seconds b) $integration = 'nplc=5' --> Integration mode = Number of Power Line Cycles MODE --> Integration Time = 5 Powerline cycles = 5 * 1/50 Hz = 0.1 seconds c) $integration = 'res=0.00001' --> Integration mode = Resolution-MODE --> Integration Time = will be choosen automaticly to guarantee the requested resolution d) $integration = '1' --> Integration mode = Number of Power Line Cycles MODE --> Integration Time = 1 Powerline cycles = 1 * 1/50 Hz = 0.02 seconds
old style:
new style:
'sensor' => $sensor
Make a measurement defined by $function with the previously specified range and integration time.
old style:
$agilent->config_measurement($function, $number_of_points, <$time>, <$range>);
new style:
'function' => $function,
'nop' => $number_of_points,
'time' => <$time>,
'range' => <$range>
Preset the Agilent34410A for a TRIGGERED measurement.
- $function
can be one of the measurement methods of the Agilent34410A."current:dc" --> DC current measurement "current:ac" --> AC current measurement "voltage:dc" --> DC voltage measurement "voltage:ac" --> AC voltage measurement "resistance" --> resistance measurement (2-wire) "fresistance" --> resistance measurement (4-wire)
- $number_of_points
Preset the
to be taken for one measurement trace. The single measured points will be stored in the internal memory of the Agilent34410A. For the Agilent34410A the internal memory is limited to 50.000 values. - <$time>
Preset the
duration for one full trace. FromTIME
the integration time value for each measurement point will be derived [TC = (TIME *50Hz)/NOP]. Expected values are between 0.0001*NOP ... 1*NOP seconds. - <$range>
is given in terms of amps, volts or ohms and can be-3...+3A | MIN | MAX | DEF | AUTO
,100mV...1000V | MIN | MAX | DEF | AUTO
or0...1e9 | MIN | MAX | DEF | AUTO
is defaultAUTO
activates the AUTORANGE-mode.DEF
will be set, if no value is given.
Sends a trigger signal via the GPIB-BUS
to start the predefined measurement. The LabVisa-script can immediatally be continued, e.g. to start another triggered measurement using a second Agilent34410A.
Aborts current (triggered) measurement.
until triggered measurement has been finished.
Returns '1' if the current triggered measurement is still active and '0' if the current triggered measurement has allready been finished.
old style:
@data = $agilent->get_data(<$readings>);
new style:
@data = $agilent->get_data({
'readings' => <$readings>
reads all recorded values from the internal buffer and returnes them as an array of floatingpoint values. reading the buffer will start immediately. The LabVisa-script cannot be continued until all requested readings have been recieved.
- <$readings>
can be a number between 1 and 50.000 or 'ALL' to specifiy the number of values to be read from the buffer. If $readings is not defined, the default value "ALL" will be used.
old style:
new style:
'function' => $function
Set a new value for the measurement function of the Agilent34410A.
- $function
can be one of the measurement methods of the Agilent34410A."current:dc" --> DC current measurement "current:ac" --> AC current measurement "voltage:dc" --> DC voltage measurement "voltage:ac" --> AC voltage measurement "resistance" --> resistance measurement (2-wire) "fresistance" --> resistance measurement (4-wire)
old style:
new style:
'function' => $function,
'range' => $range
Set a new value for the predefined RANGE for the measurement function $function of the Agilent34410A.
- $function
can be one of the measurement methods of the Agilent34410A."current:dc" --> DC current measurement "current:ac" --> AC current measurement "voltage:dc" --> DC voltage measurement "voltage:ac" --> AC voltage measurement "resistance" --> resistance measurement (2-wire) "fresistance" --> resistance measurement (4-wire)
- $range
is given in terms of amps, volts or ohms and can be-3...+3A | MIN | MAX | DEF | AUTO
,100mV...1000V | MIN | MAX | DEF | AUTO
or0...1e9 | MIN | MAX | DEF | AUTO
is defaultAUTO
activates theAUTORANGE-mode
will be set, if no value is given.
old style:
new style:
'function' => $function,
'nplc' => $nplc
Set a new value for the predefined NUMBER of POWER LINE CYCLES
for the measurement function $function of the Agilent34410A.
- $function
can be one of the measurement methods of the Agilent34410A."current:dc" --> DC current measurement "current:ac" --> AC current measurement "voltage:dc" --> DC voltage measurement "voltage:ac" --> AC voltage measurement "resistance" --> resistance measurement (2-wire) "fresistance" --> resistance measurement (4-wire)
- $nplc
Preset the
which is actually something similar to an integration time for recording a single measurement value. The values for $nplc can be any value between 0.006 ... 100 but internally the Agilent34410A selects the value closest to one of the following fixed values0.006 | 0.02 | 0.06 | 0.2 | 1 | 2 | 10 | 100 | MIN | MAX | DEF
.Example: Assuming $nplc to be 10 and assuming a netfrequency of 50Hz this results in an integration time of 10*50Hz = 0.2 seconds for each measured value.
NOTE: 1.) Only those integration times set to an integral number of power line cycles (1, 2, 10, or 100 PLCs) provide normal mode (line frequency noise) rejection. 2.) Setting the integration time also sets the resolution for the measurement. The following table shows the relationship between integration time and resolution.
Integration Time (power line cycles) Resolution 0.001 PLC (34411A only) 30 ppm x Range 0.002 PLC (34411A only) 15 ppm x Range 0.006 PLC 6.0 ppm x Range 0.02 PLC 3.0 ppm x Range 0.06 PLC 1.5 ppm x Range 0.2 PLC 0.7 ppm x Range 1 PLC (default) 0.3 ppm x Range 2 PLC 0.2 ppm x Range 10 PLC 0.1 ppm x Range 100 PLC 0.03 ppm x Range
old style:
new style:
'function' => $function,
'resolution' => $resolution
Set a new value for the predefined RESOLUTION for the measurement function $function of the Agilent34410A nanovoltmeter.
- $function
can be one of the measurement methods of the Agilent34410A."current:dc" --> DC current measurement "current:ac" --> AC current measurement "voltage:dc" --> DC voltage measurement "voltage:ac" --> AC voltage measurement "resistance" --> resistance measurement (2-wire) "fresistance" --> resistance measurement (4-wire)
- $resolution
is given in terms of$resolution*$range
means 4 1/2 digits for example. $resolution must be larger than 0.3e-6xRANGE. The best resolution is range = 100mV ==> resoltuion = 3e-8VDEF
will be set, if no value is given.
old style:
new style:
'function' => $function,
'tc' => $tc
Set a new value for the predefined INTEGRATION TIME
for the measurement function $function of the Agilent34410A.
- $function
can be one of the measurement methods of the Agilent34410A."current:dc" --> DC current measurement "current:ac" --> AC current measurement "voltage:dc" --> DC voltage measurement "voltage:ac" --> AC voltage measurement "resistance" --> resistance measurement (2-wire) "fresistance" --> resistance measurement (4-wire)
- $tc
$tc can be1e-4 ... 1s | MIN | MAX | DEF
.NOTE: 1.) Only those integration times set to an integral number of power line cycles (1, 2, 10, or 100 PLCs) provide normal mode (line frequency noise) rejection. 2.) Setting the integration time also sets the resolution for the measurement. The following table shows the relationship between integration time and resolution.
Integration Time (power line cycles) Resolution 0.001 PLC (34411A only) 30 ppm x Range 0.002 PLC (34411A only) 15 ppm x Range 0.006 PLC 6.0 ppm x Range 0.02 PLC 3.0 ppm x Range 0.06 PLC 1.5 ppm x Range 0.2 PLC 0.7 ppm x Range 1 PLC (default) 0.3 ppm x Range 2 PLC 0.2 ppm x Range 10 PLC 0.1 ppm x Range 100 PLC 0.03 ppm x Range
old style:
new style:
'function' => $function,
'bandwidth' => $bw
Set a new value for the predefined BANDWIDTH
for the measurement function $function of the Agilent34410A. This function can only be used for the functions VOLTAGE:AC
- $function
can be one of the measurement methods of the Agilent34410A."current:ac" --> AC current measurement "voltage:ac" --> AC voltage measurement
- $bw
BANDWIDTH $bw can be
3 ... 200Hz | MIN | MAX | DEF
Turn the front-panel display on.
Turn the front-panel display off.
old style:
new style:
'display_text' => $text
Display a message on the front panel. The multimeter will display up to 12 characters in a message; any additional characters are truncated.
Without parameter the displayed message is returned.
Clear the message displayed on the front panel.
Issue a single beep immediately.
query the multimeter's error queue. Up to 20 errors can be stored in the queue. Errors are retrieved in first-in-first out (FIFO) order.
Reset the multimeter to its power-on configuration.
Returns the instruments ID string.
probably many
Stefan Geissler