Lab::Instrument::SR830::AuxOut -- Aux Outputs of the Stanford Research SR830 Lock-In Amplifier.


use Lab::Instrument::SR830::AuxOut
my $output = Lab::Instrument::SR830::AuxOut->new(%options, channel => 1);


This class provides access to the four DC outputs of the SR830. You have to provide a channel (1..4) parameter in the constructor.

To use multiple virtual instruments, which use the same physical device, you have to share the connection between the virtual instruments:

 use Lab::Measurement;

 # Create the shared connection. 
 my $connection = Connection('LinuxGPIB', {gpib_address => 8});
 # Create two outputs.
 my $gate = Instrument('SR830::AuxOut', {connection => $connection,
					channel => 1,
					gate_protect => 0});
 my $bias = Instrument('SR830::AuxOut', {connection => $connection,
					channel => 2,
					gate_protect => 0});

You can now use $gate and $bias to build XPRESS Voltage Sweeps. This device only supports sweeps with mode => 'step' and jump => 1.

my $gate_sweep = Sweep('Voltage',
			       mode => 'step',
			       instrument => $gate,
			       points => [-0.1,0.1],
			       stepwidth => [0.001],
			       jump => 1,
			       rate => [0.001],

my $bias_sweep = Sweep('Voltage',
			       mode => 'step',
			       instrument => $bias,
			       points => [-0.1,0.1],
			       stepwidth => [0.001],
			       rate => [0.001],
			       jump => 1,



Set the output voltage. Will throw an exception, if the absolute value of $voltage is bigger than 10.5 V.


Equivalent to _set_level.


See Lab::Instrument::Source.


Query the current output voltage.