Lab::Instrument::SR830::AuxIn -- Aux Inputs of the Stanford Research SR830 Lock-In Amplifier.


use Lab::Instrument::SR830::AuxIn
my $multimeter = Lab::Instrument::SR830::AuxIn->new(%options, channel => 1);

print $multimeter->get_value();


This class provides access to the four DC inputs of the SR830. You have to provide a channel (1..4) parameter in the constructor.

To use multiple virtual instruments, which use the same physical device, you have to share the connection between the virtual instruments:

use Lab::Measurement;

# Create the shared connection.
my $connection = Connection('LinuxGPIB', {gpib_address => 8});

# Array of instrument objects. Each element belongs to one of the four
# channels. 
my @inputs;

for my $channel (1..4) {
	$inputs[$channel] = Instrument('SR830::AuxIn', {
		connection => $connection,
		channel => $channel,

for my $channel (1..4) {
	say "channel $channel: ", $inputs[$channel]->get_value();



Return the input voltage.