Lab::Moose::Developer - Developer tutorial.
Writing drivers
The driver infrastructure is based on Moose. For Moose basics see e.g.
The Modern Perl book, available online for free, contains a chapter on Moose.
For full details, see the very well written Moose::Manual.
Code example
We start with a section of code from the Lab::Moose::Instrument::SR830 LIA driver and discuss the most important steps. This explains the most important parts of a driver, i.e. initialization, getters, setters, caching, ...
package Lab::Moose::Instrument::SR830;
use 5.010;
use Moose;
use MooseX::Params::Validate;
use Lab::Moose::Instrument qw/validated_getter validated_setter/;
use Lab::Moose::Instrument::Cache;
use Carp;
use namespace::autoclean;
our $VERSION = '3.520';
# (1)
extends 'Lab::Moose::Instrument';
# (2)
with qw/Lab::Moose::Instrument::Common/;
# (3)
sub BUILD {
my $self = shift;
# (4)
cache amplitude => (getter => 'get_amplitude');
# (5)
sub get_amplitude {
my ($self, %args) = validated_getter(\@_);
# (6)
return $self->cached_amplitude(
$self->query( command => 'SLVL?', %args ) );
sub set_amplitude {
# (7)
my ( $self, $value, %args ) = validated_setter(
value => { isa => 'Num' }
# (8)
$self->write( command => "SLVL $value", %args );
# (9)
extends 'Lab::Moose::Instrument';
All drivers inherit from Lab::Moose::Instrument. This base class provides the access to the underlying connection via methods like
. -
with qw/Lab::Moose::Instrument::Common/;
The Lab::Moose::Instrument::Common role contains methods for GPIB common commands like *IDN, *RST, *CLS, ...
sub BUILD { my $self = shift; $self->clear(); $self->cls(); }
method (see Moose::Manual::Construction) executes a device clear and clears the error status. -
cache amplitude => (getter => 'get_amplitude');
Accessing instruments settings by querying them from the device can be slow. It is mutch faster if the setters and getters store the setting in an object attribute (See Moose::Manual::Attributes). This line creates an attribute for storing the amplitude value of the LIA's reference output.
The attribute can then be accessed with the
method.If the getter is called while the attributes is unset, the
method will be called under the hood to initialize the attribute.What if the initialization should call the get_amplitude method with additional arguments, say
timeout => 10
? This can be done by overwriting the builder method of the attribute in your driver:sub cached_amplitude_builder { my $self = shift; return $self->get_amplitude( timeout => 10 ); }
See Lab::Moose::Instrument::Cache for full details.
sub get_amplitude { my ($self, %args) = validated_getter(\@_);
We come to the getter function, which queries the amplitude from the LIA. The
function (from Lab::Moose::Instrument) allows the user to pass additional options, like a timeout, to the underlying connection:my $amplitude = $self->get_amplitude(timeout => 10); my $amplitude = $self->get_amplitude(); # Use default timeout.
return $self->cached_amplitude( $self->query( command => 'SLVL?', %args ) );
We read the amplitude from the instrument and store it's value into the cache. Don't forget the
argument toquery
! -
sub set_amplitude { my ( $self, $value, %args ) = validated_setter( \@_, value => { isa => 'Num' } );
function parses the arguments of the setter method. We require that the value argument is a number. -
$self->write( command => "SLVL $value", %args ); $self->cached_amplitude($value);
We pass the new amplitude to the instrument and update the cache.
Every Moose class shell end this way. See Moose::Manual::BestPractices.
Roles for SCPI instruments
Writing connections
Data files and plotting