Lab::Instrument::TemperatureControl::TLK43 - Electronic process controller TLKA41/42/43 (SIKA GmbH) with RS485 MODBUS-RTU interface
version 3.554
use Lab::Instrument::TLK43;
my $tlk=new Lab::Instrument::TLK43({ Port => '/dev/ttyS0', slave_address => 1, Baudrate => 19200, Parity => 'none', Databits => 8, Stopbits => 1, Handshake => 'none' });
my $Bus = new Lab::Bus::MODBUS({ Port => '/dev/ttyS0', Interface => 'RS232', slave_address => 1, Baudrate => 19200, Parity => 'none', Databits => 8, Stopbits => 1, Handshake => 'none' });
my $tlk=new Lab::Instrument::TLK43({ Bus => $Bus });
print $tlk->read_temperature();
The Lab::Instrument::TLK43 class implements an interface to SIKA GmbH's TLK41/42/43 process controllers. The devices have to be equipped with the optional RS485 interface. The device can be fully programmed using RS232 and an interface converter (e.g. "GRS 485 ISO" RS232 - RS485 Converter).
The following parameter list configures the RS232 port correctly for a setup with the GRS485 converter and a speed of 19200 baud: Port => '/dev/ttyS0', Interface => 'RS232', Baudrate => 19200, Parity => 'none', Databits => 8, Stopbits => 1, Handshake => 'none'
my $tlk=new(\%options);
$temp = read_temperature();
Returns the currently measured temperature, or undef on errors.
$success=$tlk->set_setpoint({ Slot => $Slot, Value => $Value })
Set the value of setpoint slot $Slot.
- $Slot
The TLK controllers provide 4 setpoint slots. $Slot has to be a number of (1..4) and may not exceed the nSP-parameter set in the device (set_setpoint return undef in this case)
- $Value
Float value to set the setpoint to. Internally this is held by a 16bit number. set_setpoint() will cut off the decimal values according to the value of the "dP" parameter of the device. (dP=0..3 meaning 0..3 decimal points. only 0,1 work for temperature sensors)
Set the value of the currently active setpoint slot.
- $Value
Float value to set the setpoint to. Internally this is held by a 16bit number. set_setpoint() will cut off the decimal values according to the value of the "dP" parameter of the device. (dP=0..3 meaning 0..3 decimal points. only 0,1 work for temperature sensors)
$value=$tlk->read_range({ mem_addresss => (0x0200..0xFFFF || Name), MemCount => (1..4) })
Read the values of $MemCount memory slots from $mem_address on. The Address may be specified as a 16bit Integer in the valid range, or as an address name (see, %fields{'MemTable'}). $MemCount may be in the range 1..4. Returns the memory as an array (one byte per field)
$value=$tlk->read_range({ mem_addresss => (0x0200..0xFFFF || Name), MemCount => (1..4) })
Read the value of the 16bit word at $mem_address on. The Address may be specified as a 16bit Integer in the valid range, or as an address name (see, %fields{'MemTable'}). Returns the value as unsigned integer (internally (byte1 << 8) + byte2)
$success=$tlk->write_address({ mem_address => (0x0200...0xFFFF || Name), mem_value => Value (16 bit word) });
Write $Value to the given address. The Address may be specified as a 16bit Integer in the valid range, or as an address name (see, %fields{'MemTable'}).
$success=$tlk->set_setpoint_slot({ Slot => $Slot })
Set the active setpoint to slot no. $Slot.
- $Slot
The TLK controllers provide 4 setpoint slots. $Slot has to be a number of (1..4) and may not exceed the nSP-parameter set in the device (set_setpoint_slot return undef in this case)
probably many
This software is copyright (c) 2017 by the Lab::Measurement team; in detail:
Copyright 2011 Andreas K. Huettel, Florian Olbrich
2016 Simon Reinhardt
2017 Andreas K. Huettel
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.