The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

This document discusses how the test scripts are laid out.
Test files with a + before their names will not run (or will only partially run)
unless the RELEASE_TESTING environment variable exists, or unless certain
supplemental modules are installed.
Test files with an X before their names haven't been created yet. They appear
on the list simply as a reminder that they need to be implemented, and that the
particular number has been reserved for them.
* 00-series tests: Basic completeness and compilation tests.
*+00-manifest: Check that the release matches the MANIFEST.
* 01-load: Check that all modules can be `use`d.
*+08-pod: Check that all module POD is valid.
*+09-pod-coverage: Check for acceptable POD coverage.
* 10-series tests: Proper handling of basic payload data types
* 10-string: Tests against the String and Identifier types.
* 11-number: Tests against the Number type.
*?12-data: Tests against the Data type.
* 13-real: Tests against the Real type.
*?14-dict: Tests against the Dict type.
* 15-array: Tests against the Array type.
*?16-date: Tests against the Date type.
* 17-uuid: Tests against the UUID type.
* 20-series through 60-series tests: Tests for specific payloads
*?20-common: Tests against the common payload keys.
*?21-ADcert: Active Directory Certificate Profile payload keys.
*?22-AirPlay: AirPlay payload keys.
*?23-AirPrint: AirPrint payload keys.
*?24-APN: APN payload keys.
*?25-AppLock: App Lock payload keys.
*?26-AppLock-App: App Lock App dictionaries.
*?27-AppLock-Options: App Lock Options dictionaries.
*?28-AppLock-UserEnabledOptions: App Lock UserEnabledOptions dictionaries.
*?29-CalDAV: CalDAV payload keys.
*?30-SubCal: Calendar Subscription payload keys.
*?31-CardDAV: CardDAV payload keys.
*?32-Cellular: Cellular payload keys.
*?33-Cellular-AttachAPN: Cellular AttachAPN dictionaries.
*?34-Cellular-APNs: Cellular APNs array.
*?35-Certificate: Certificate common payload keys.
*?36-Certificate-Sub: Payload keys specific to Certificate sub-types.
* 37-Email: Email payload keys.
*?38-Exchange: Exchange payload keys common to both OSes.
*?39-Exchange-iOS: Exchange payload keys used on iOS.
*?40-Exchange-OSX: Exchange payload keys used on OS X.
*?41-FileVault2: FileVault 2 payload keys.
*?42-FileVault-RKR: FileVault Recovery Key Redirection payload keys.
*?43-Font: Font payload keys.
*?44-Global-Proxy: Global HTTP Proxy payload keys.
*?45-Identification: Identification payload keys.
*?46-LDAP: LDAP payload keys.
*?47-Passcode: Passcode Policy payload keys.
*?48-Profile-Removal-Password: Profile Removal Password payload keys.
*?49-Restrictions: Restrictions payload keys.
*?50-SCEP: SCEP payload keys.
*?51-SCEP-SubjectAltName: SCEP SubjectAltName payload keys.
*?52-SCEP-GetCACaps: SCEP GetCACaps payload keys.
*?53-SSO: Single Sign-On payload keys.
*?54-System-Policy-Control: System Policy Control payload keys.
*?55-System-Policy-Rule: System Policy Rule payload keys.
*?56-System-Policy-Managed: System Policy Managed payload keys.
*?57-VPN: VPN payload keys.
*?58-VPN-PerApp: Per-App VPN payload keys.
*?59-VPN-AppPerApp: App-to-Per-Appl VPN Mapping payload keys.
*?60-VPN-IPSEC: VPN payload IPSEC keys.
*?61-VPN-PPP: VPN payload PPP keys.
*?62-VPN-OnDemandRules: VPN payload OnDemandRules keys.
*?63-Web-Clip: Web Clip payload keys.
*?64-Web-Content-Filter: Web Content Filter payload keys.
*?65-WiFi: Wi-Fi payload keys.
*?66-WiFi-EAP: Wi-Fi payload EAPClientConfiguration keys.
* 70-series tests: Other tests that haven't been devised yet!