Changes for version 0.87.1 - 2014-10-27

  • Handle hyphens in OpenSSL version suffix (closes #15).


External programs and modules only used occasionally (or even less).


An OO interface to Apple Configuration Profiles.
Base class for the four different Certificate payload types.
Certificate payload with a PEM-format certificate.
Certificate payload with a DER-format certificate.
Bundle containing one certificate and its matching private key.
Certificate payload with a DER-format certificate.
Base class for almost all payload types, with common payload keys.
The Email payload type.
The Font payload type.
Tying class for arrays of things.
Tying class for dictionaries of things.
Tying class for payload storage.
Data types for payload keys.
Convert common payload types to plist form.
Validation of common payload types.
Class for the Wi-Fi payload type.
Class for the EAPClientConfiguration payload key in the Wi-Fi payload.
Constants for payload targets