Mojolicious::Plugin::Piwik - Use Piwik in Mojolicious


# On startup
plugin 'Piwik' => {
  url => '',
  site_id => 1

# In Template
%= piwik_tag

# In controller
my $json = $c->piwik_api('API.getPiwikVersion');


Mojolicious::Plugin::Piwik is a simple plugin for embedding Piwik Analysis in your Mojolicious app. Please respect the privacy of your visitors and do not track more information than necessary!


Mojolicious::Plugin::Piwik inherits all methods from Mojolicious::Plugin and implements the following new ones.


# Mojolicious
$app->plugin(Piwik => {
  url => '',
  site_id => 1

# Mojolicious::Lite
plugin 'Piwik' => {
  url => '',
  site_id => 1

# Or in your config file
  Piwik => {
    url => '',
    site_id => 1

Called when registering the plugin. Accepts the following parameters:

  • url - URL of your Piwik instance.

  • site_id - The id of the site to monitor. Defaults to 1.

  • embed - Activates or deactivates the embedding of the script tag. Defaults to true if Mojolicious is in production mode, defaults to false otherwise.

  • token_auth - Token for authentication. Used only for the Piwik API.

All parameters can be set either on registration or as part of the configuration file with the key Piwik.



%= piwik_tag
%= piwik_tag 1
%= piwik_tag 1, ''

Renders a script tag that asynchronously loads the Piwik javascript file from your Piwik instance. Accepts optionally a site id and the url of your Piwik instance. Defaults to the site id and the url given when the plugin was registered.

This tag should be included at the bottom of the body tag of your website.

%= piwik_tag 'opt-out', width => 400

The special opt-out tag renders an iframe helping your visitors to disallow tracking via javascript. See the default tag helper for explanation of usage.

<%= piwik_tag 'opt-out-link', begin %>Opt Out<% end %>
# <a href="..." rel="nofollow">Opt Out</a>

The special opt-out-link renders an anchor link to the opt-out page to be used if the visitor does not allow third party cookies. See the default tag helper for explanation of usage.


# In Controller - blocking ...
my $json = $c->piwik_api(
  'Actions.getPageUrl' => {
    token_auth => 'MyToken',
    idSite => [4,7],
    period => 'day',
    date   => 'today'

# ... or async
  'Actions.getPageUrl' => {
    token_auth => 'MyToken',
    idSite => [4,7],
    period => 'day',
    date   => 'today'
  } => sub {
    my $json = shift;
    # ...

Sends an API request and returns the response as a hash or array reference (the decoded JSON response). Accepts the API method, a hash reference with request parameters as described in the Piwik API, and optionally a callback, if the request is meant to be non-blocking.

The Tracking API uses the method name Track and will forward user agent and referrer information based on the controller request as well as the url of the requested resource, unless Do-Not-Track is activated. The ip address is not forwarded.

  Track => {
    idsite => '4',
    res    => [1024, 768],
    action_url  => '',
    action_name => 'Märchen/Rapunzel'

As the url parameter is used to define the Piwik instance, the url of the requested resource to be named action_url.

Please remember that cookie-based opt-out can't be supported.

In addition to the parameters of the API references, the following parameters are allowed:

  • url - The url of your Piwik instance. Defaults to the url given when the plugin was registered.

  • secure - Boolean value that indicates a request using the https scheme. Defaults to false.

  • api_test - Boolean value that indicates a test request, that returns the created request url instead of the JSON response. Defaults to false.

idSite is an alias of site_id and idsite and defaults to the id of the plugin registration. Some parameters are allowed to be array references instead of string values, for example idSite (for analysis), date (for ranges) and res (for tracking).

my $json = $c->piwik_api(
  'API.get' => {
    site_id => [4,5],
    period  => 'range',
    date    => ['2012-11-01', '2012-12-01'],
    secure  => 1

In case of an error, piwik_api tries to response with a meaningsful descriptin in the hash value of error. If an image is expected instead of a JSON object (as for the Tracking or the ImageGraph API), the image is base64 encoded and mime-type prefixed in the hash value of image.


The plugin lacks support for eCommerce tracking.


To test the plugin against your Piwik instance, create a configuration file with the necessary information as a perl data structure in t/ and run make test, for example:

  token_auth => '123456abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
  url => '',
  site_id => 1,
  action_url => '',
  action_name => 'Märchen/Test'

The user agent to be ignored is called Mojo-Test.





Copyright (C) 2012-2013, Nils Diewald.

This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl.

Please make sure you are using Piwik in compliance to the law. For german users, this information may help you to design your service correctly.

This plugin was developed for - Kinder- und Hausmärchen der Brüder Grimm.