$App::duino::Command::upload::VERSION = '0.09'; # TRIAL
use strict;
use App::duino -command;
use Cwd;
use POSIX;
=head1 NAME
App::duino::Command::upload - Upload a sketch to an Arduino
=head1 VERSION
version 0.09
# this will find the *.hex file to upload in the board's build directory
$ duino upload --board uno --port /dev/ttyACM0
# explicitly provide the *.hex file
$ duino upload --board uno some_file.hex
sub abstract { 'upload a sketch to an Arduino' }
sub usage_desc { '%c upload %o [sketch.ino]' }
sub opt_spec {
my ($self) = @_;
return (
[ 'board|b=s', 'specify the board model',
{ default => $self -> default_config('board') } ],
[ 'port|p=s', 'specify the serial port to use',
{ default => $self -> default_config('port') } ],
[ 'fuses|f', 'write the fuses bits when uploading',
{ default => $self -> default_config('fuses') } ],
[ 'uploader|u=s', 'specify the uploader to use',
{ default => $self -> default_config('uploader') } ],
[ 'sketchbook|s=s', 'specify the user sketchbook directory',
{ default => $self -> default_config('sketchbook') } ],
[ 'root|d=s', 'specify the Arduino installation directory',
{ default => $self -> default_config('root') } ],
[ 'hardware|r=s', 'specify the hardware type to build for',
{ default => $self -> default_config('hardware') } ],
sub execute {
my ($self, $opt, $args) = @_;
my $board= $opt -> board;
my $port = $opt -> port;
my $name = basename getcwd;
($name = basename($args -> [0])) =~ s/\.[^.]+$//
if $args -> [0] and -e $args -> [0];
my $hex = ".build/$board/$name.hex";
$hex = $args -> [0] if $args -> [0] and $args -> [0] =~ /\.hex$/;
my $mcu = $self -> board_config($opt, 'build.mcu');
my $prog = $opt -> uploader ||
$self -> board_config($opt, 'upload.protocol') ||
$self -> board_config($opt, 'upload.using');
my $baud = $self -> board_config($opt, 'upload.speed');
my $avrdude = $self -> file($opt, 'hardware/tools/avrdude');
my $avrdude_conf = $self -> file($opt, 'hardware/tools/avrdude.conf');
print "Uploading to '" . $self -> board_config($opt, 'name') . "'...\n";
my @avrdude_opts;
push @avrdude_opts, '-C', $avrdude_conf;
push @avrdude_opts, '-p', $mcu;
push @avrdude_opts, '-c', $prog;
push @avrdude_opts, '-b', $baud if $baud;
push @avrdude_opts, '-P', $port;
if ($opt -> fuses) {
my $efuse = $self -> board_config($opt, 'bootloader.extended_fuses');
my $hfuse = $self -> board_config($opt, 'bootloader.high_fuses');
my $lfuse = $self -> board_config($opt, 'bootloader.low_fuses');
push @avrdude_opts, '-U', "efuse:w:$efuse:m" if $efuse;
push @avrdude_opts, '-U', "hfuse:w:$hfuse:m" if $hfuse;
push @avrdude_opts, '-U', "lfuse:w:$lfuse:m" if $lfuse;
push @avrdude_opts, '-U', "flash:w:$hex:i";
die "Can't find file '$hex', did you run 'duino build'?\n"
unless -e $hex;
open my $fh, '<', $opt -> port
or die "Can't open serial port '" . $opt -> port . "'.\n";
my $fd = fileno $fh;
my $term = POSIX::Termios -> new;
$term -> getattr($fd);
if ($self -> board_config($opt, 'bootloader.path') eq 'caterina') {
$term -> setispeed(&POSIX::B1200);
$term -> setospeed(&POSIX::B1200);
$term -> setattr($fd, &POSIX::TCSANOW);
} else {
my $serial = Device::SerialPort -> new($opt -> port)
or die "Can't open serial port '" . $opt -> port . "'.\n";
$serial -> pulse_dtr_on(0.1 * 1000.0);
close $fh;
sleep 1;
system $avrdude, @avrdude_opts;
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 4
=item B<--board>, B<-b>
The Arduino board model. The environment variable C<ARDUINO_BOARD> will be used
if present and if the command-line option is not set. If neither of them is set
the default value (C<uno>) will be used.
=item B<--port>, B<-p>
The path to the Arduino serial port. The environment variable C<ARDUINO_PORT>
will be used if present and if the command-line option is not set. If neither
of them is set the default value (C</dev/ttyACM0>) will be used.
=item B<--fuses>, B<-f>
Whether to write the fuses bits when uploading. The environment variable
C<ARDUINO_FUSES> will be used if present and if the command-line option is not
set. If neither of them is set the default value (C<false>) will be used.
=item B<--uploader>, B<-u>
The uploader to use to upload. The environment variable C<ARDUINO_UPLOADER>
will be used if present and if the command-line option is not set. If neither
of them is set the default value specified in the C<boards.txt> file will be
=item B<--sketchbook>, B<-s>
The path to the user's sketchbook directory. The environment variable
C<ARDUINO_SKETCHBOOK> will be used if present and if the command-line option is
not set. If neither of them is set the default value (C<$HOME/sketchbook>) will
be used.
=item B<--root>, B<-d>
The path to the Arduino installation directory. The environment variable
C<ARDUINO_DIR> will be used if present and if the command-line option is not
set. If neither of them is set the default value (C</usr/share/arduino>) will
be used.
=item B<--hardware>, B<-r>
The "type" of hardware to target. The environment variable C<ARDUINO_HARDWARE>
will be used if present and if the command-line option is not set. If neither
of them is set the default value (C<arduino>) will be used.
This option is only useful when using MCUs not officially supported by the
Arduino platform (e.g. L<ATTiny|https://code.google.com/p/arduino-tiny/>).
=head1 AUTHOR
Alessandro Ghedini <alexbio@cpan.org>
Copyright 2013 Alessandro Ghedini.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See http://dev.perl.org/licenses/ for more information.
1; # End of App::duino::Command::upload