use JSON -support_by_pp;
use strict;
use base 'Exporter';
our @EXPORT = qw(get_api parse_response parse_post_hash
get_request auth_get_request auth_post_request);
=head1 NAME
App::TwitShell::Resources - Container for resources retrieving and parsing
=head1 VERSION
Version 4.08
our $VERSION = 4.08;
App::TwitShell::Resources contains every common function for HTTP
request and data parsing/formatting.
=head2 get_request( $url )
Execute a simple GET request.
sub get_request {
my $url = shift;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent -> new;
my $response = $ua -> request(GET $url) -> as_string;
return $response;
=head2 auth_get_request( $url, $usr, $pwd, $api )
Execute a GET request with HTTP authorization.
sub auth_get_request {
my ($url, $usr, $pwd, $api) = @_;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent -> new;
$ua -> credentials($api -> {'endpoint'}, $api -> {'realm'}, $usr, $pwd);
my $response = $ua -> request(GET $url) -> as_string;
return $response;
=head2 auth_post_request( $url, $usr, $pwd, \%request, $api )
Execute a POST request with HTTP authorization.
sub auth_post_request {
my ($url, $usr, $pwd, $request, $api) = @_;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua -> credentials($api -> {'endpoint'}, $api -> {'realm'}, $usr, $pwd);
my $response = $ua -> request(POST $url, [%$request]) -> as_string;
return $response;
=head2 parse_response( $data )
Parse a HTTP response splitting JSON data, and return a JSON object.
sub parse_response {
my @data = split('\n\n', shift);
my $json = new JSON;
my $json_text = $json -> decode($data[1]);
if (ref $json_text ne "ARRAY") {
die("ERROR: ".$json_text -> {'error'}."\n") if $json_text -> {'error'};
return $json_text;
=head2 parse_post_hash( $data, $type )
Parse a JSON object, and return an array of posts.
sub parse_post_hash {
my ($data, $type) = @_;
my @posts;
if ($data =~ /array/i) {
foreach my $status(@{$data}) {
my $post = format_post($status, $type);
push(@posts, $post);
} else {
my $post = format_post($data, $type);
push(@posts, $post);
return \@posts;
=head2 get_api( $network )
Return an API hash based on selected network.
sub get_api {
my $network = shift;
my %api;
if ($network eq "twitter") {
$api{'endpoint'} = "";
$api{'path'} = "1";
$api{'realm'} = "Twitter API";
} elsif ($network eq "") {
$api{'endpoint'} = "";
$api{'path'} = "api";
$api{'realm'} = " API";
$api{'url'} = "http://".$api{'endpoint'}."/".$api{'path'};
return \%api;
=head2 format_post( $status, $type )
Format a single post, from a hash, based on selected post type.
sub format_post {
my ($status, $type) = @_;
my %out;
if ($status -> {'error'}) {
$out{'err'} = 1;
$out{'err_msg'} = $status -> {error};
} else {
$out{'err'} = 0;
$out{'text'} = $status -> {text};
$out{'date'} = $status -> {created_at};
$out{'relative'} = relative_time($status -> {created_at});
$out{'id'} = $status -> {id};
if ($type eq 'status') {
$out{'user'} = $status -> {user} -> {name};
$out{'screen_name'} = $status -> {user} -> {screen_name};
} elsif ($type eq 'dm') {
$out{'user'} = $status -> {sender} -> {name};
$out{'screen_name'} = $status -> {sender} -> {screen_name};
return \%out;
=head2 relative_time( $time_value )
Return the relative time from a standard data.
sub relative_time {
my $time_value = shift;
my $relative_to = DateTime -> now() -> epoch;
$time_value =~ s/\+0000/GMT/;
$time_value = DateTime::Format::HTTP -> parse_datetime($time_value) -> epoch;
$relative_to = $relative_to -> epoch if ref($relative_to) =~ /DateTime/;
my $delta = $relative_to - $time_value;
if($delta < 60) {
return 'less than a minute ago';
} elsif($delta < 120) {
return 'about a minute ago';
} elsif($delta < (45*60)) {
return int($delta / 60) . ' minutes ago';
} elsif($delta < (90*60)) {
return 'about an hour ago';
} elsif($delta < (24*60*60)) {
return 'about ' . int($delta / 3600) . ' hours ago';
} elsif($delta < (48*60*60)) {
return '1 day ago';
} else {
return int($delta / 86400) . ' days ago';
=head1 AUTHOR
Alessandro Ghedini, C<< <alexbio at> >>
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-twitshell at>, or through
the web interface at L<>. I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
=head1 SUPPORT
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc App::TwitShell::Resources
You can also look for information at:
=over 4
=item * TwitShell homepage
=item * GitHub page
=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker
=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
=item * CPAN Ratings
=item * Search CPAN
Copyright 2010 Alessandro Ghedini.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See for more information.
1; # End of App::TwitShell::Resources