TwitShell - Command-line microblogging client
TwitShell --action ACTION [OPTIONS]
Version 4.09
TwitShell is a microblogging client that runs via the command-line. It supports many microblogging platform such as Twitter and
The main purpose of TwitShell is to supply an simple tool to fetch user's posted data (statuses, direct messages, etc...) and post data (status update, direct messages) via a command-line interface.
TwitShell supports many microblogging features such as user timeline and friends timeline, direct messages (both sent and received), status update and direct messages dispatch.
TwitShell's code is based on the specifications of Twitter API.
- --action [ACTION], --action=[ACTION]
Specifies which action that one wants to execute. See section ACTIONS for more info.
- --username [USERNAME], --username=[USERNAME]
Specifies an account's username. It is used also for for authentication. This option is required for every action.
- --count [COUNT], --count=[COUNT]
Specifies the number of posts to retrieve and to show.
- --id [ID], --id=[ID]
Specifies a single post's ID. It is used for single.
- --network [NETWORK], --network=[NETWORK]
Specifies the desired microblogging platform. Se section NETWORKS for more info. Default is twitter.
- --msg [MESSAGE], --msg=[MESSAGE]
Specifies the text of the status that'll be created. It is used for update and send actions.
- --shorten [0|1], --shorten=[0|1]
URL shortening trigger. If enabled (1), urls in MESSAGE will be automatically shortened. See section URL SHORTENING for more info.
- --recipient [RECIPIENT], --recipient=[RECIPIENT]
Specifies the recipient of a direct messages. It is used for send.
THE .twitshellrc FILE
The .twitshell file is read on TwitShell startup. In this file may be set the same options of OPTIONS section with the syntax variable = value
. A .twitshell might look like this:
username = examplename
count = 35
shorten = 1
This default values are overwritten by the command-line arguments.
- single
Retrieve a single status by its ID. Requires USERNAME and ID.
- user
Retrieve the COUNT (default is 20) most recent statuses sent by USERNAME.
- friends
Retrieve the COUNT (default is 20) most recent statuses sent by USERNAME and USERNAME's friends. Requires authentication.
- inbox
Retrieve the COUNT (default is 20) most recent direct messages sent to USERNAME. Requires authentication.
- outbox
Retrieve the COUNT (default is 20) most recent direct messages sent by USERNAME. Requires authentication.
- update
Updates USERNAME's status. Requires MESSAGE and authentication.
- send
Send a direct Message to RECIPIENT. Requires, besides RECIPIENT, MESSAGE and authentication.
TwitShell's shortening feature is based on U:NU online URL shortening service. See U.NU's terms of service at
Alessandro Ghedini, <alexbio at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-twitshell at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc TwitShell
You can also look for information at:
TwitShell homepage
GitHub page
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Copyright 2010 Alessandro Ghedini.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See for more information.