WWW::GitHub::Gist::v3 - Perl interface to the GitHub's pastebin service (v3)


version 0.16


use feature 'say';
use WWW::GitHub::Gist::v3;

my $gist = WWW::GitHub::Gist::v3 -> new(
  id       => '1216637',
  #user     => $username,
  #password => $password

# Fetch and print information
my $gist_info = $gist -> show;

say $gist_info -> {'description'};
say $gist_info -> {'user'} -> {'login'};
say $gist_info -> {'git_pull_url'};
say $gist_info -> {'git_push_url'};

# Show files
my $files = $gist_info -> {'files'};

foreach my $file (keys %$files) {
  say $files -> {$file} -> {'filename'};
  say $files -> {$file} -> {'content'};

# Create a new gist
my $new_gist_info = $gist -> create(
  description => $descr,
  public => 1,
  files => {'name1' => 'content', 'name2' => 'content'}


WWW::GitHub::Gist provides an object-oriented interface for Perl to the API. Gist is a pastebin service operated by GitHub.

This module implements the interface to the version 3 of the API.


new( )

Create a new WWW::GitHub::Gist object. Takes the following arguments:

  • id

    Gist id.

  • user

    GitHub username.

  • password

    Authenticating user's password.

The username and password are used for the methods that require auth. The username is also used in the list() method.

show( $gist_id )

Fetch information of the given gist. By default uses the 'id' attribute defined in ->new.

Returns an hash ref containing the gist's information.

list( $user )

List all gists of the given user. By default uses the 'user' attribute defined in ->new.

Returns a list of hash refs containing the gists' information.

create( %args )

Create a new gist. Takes the following arguments:

  • description

    The description for the new gist (optional).

  • public

    Whether the new gist is public or not (optional, defaults to '1').

  • files

    A hash reference containing the new gist's file names and contents.

Returns an hash ref containing the new gist's information.

(requires authentication)

edit( %args )

Updates a gist. Takes the following arguments:

  • id

    The id of the gist to be updated. By default uses the 'id' attribute defined in ->new.

  • description

    The updated description for the gist (optional).

  • public

    Whether the new gist is public or not (optional, defaults to '1').

  • files

    A hash reference containing the gist's updated file names and conttents.

Returns an hash ref containing the updated gist's information.

(requires authentication)

fork( $gist_id )

Forks the given gist. By default uses the 'id' attribute defined in ->new.

Returns an hash ref containing the forked gist's information.

(requires authentication)

delete( $gist_id )

Deletes the given gist. By default uses the 'id' attribute defined in ->new.

Returns nothing.

(requires authentication)

star( $gist_id )

Stars the given gist. By default uses the 'id' attribute defined in ->new.

Returns nothing.

(requires authentication)

unstar( $gist_id )

Unstars the given gist. By default uses the 'id' attribute defined in ->new.

Returns nothing.

(requires authentication)


Alessandro Ghedini <>


Copyright 2011 Alessandro Ghedini.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.