
Compute isoelectric point (pI)
Compute retention time
Extracts unique peptides from a .peptSpectra.xml file
Filters the matches of a .peptSpectra.xml file
Extraction of fragment ion mass errors from .peptSpectra.xml files
Extraction of ion intensities information from a .peptSpectra.xml file
Extraction of reliable peptide/spectrum matches from Phenyx .idr.xml files
Extraction of reliable peptide/spectrum matches from Mascot .dat files
Extraction of parent ion mass errors from .peptSpectra.xml files
Splits a .peptSpectra.xml file in two .peptSpectra.xml files


Open source Perl library for proteomics
Elementary protein sequence.
Calibrates a RetentionTimer predictor based on experimental data
Perl class to represent internal fragment ion series.
Perl class to represent fragment ion series.
A class for peptide isoelectric point (pI) prediction
An object implementing common display/output methods for masses
Perl class to represent MS/MS theoretical spectra
Implements common mass computations in mass spectrometry
Perl class to represent PMF matches
A class for digestion products
A base class for implementing a peptide retention time predictor
Elementary sequence object
Perl class to represent N-/C-terminal fragment ion series.
A class for representing spectra.
Description of peak properties


in cgi/
in lib/InSilicoSpectro/Spectra/