Parallel::Mpich::MPD - Mpich MPD wrapper
SYNOPSIS use Parallel::Mpich::MPD;
my %hostsup;
my %hostsdown;
my %info=Parallel::Mpich::MPD::info(); #check mpd master
print Dumper(\%info)
%hostsup= Parallel::Mpich::MPD::Common::checkHosts(hostsdown => \%hostsdown ); #check ping and ssh on machines
%hostsup= Parallel::Mpich::MPD::check( reboot =>1:0, hostsdown=>\%hostsdown); #check mpds instances and try to repair
Parallel::Mpich::MPD::boot(); #start mpd instances defined by default machinesfile
my $alias1=Parallel::Mpich::MPD::makealias();
if Parallel::Mpich::MPD::createJob(cmd => $cmd, params => $parms, $machinesfile => $hostsfile, alias => $alias1)){
my $job=Parallel::Mpich::MPD::findJob(jobalias => $alias, getone => 1);
$job->sig_kill() if defined $job;
This Parallel::Mpich::MPD, a wrapper module for MPICH2 Process Management toolkit from The wrapper include the following tools: basic configuration, mpdcheck, mpdboot, mpdcleanup, mpdtrace, mpdringtest, mpdallexit, mpiexec, mpdsigjob and mpdlistjobs.
boot(hosts => @hosts, machinesfile => $machines, checkOnly => 1|0, output => \$output)
starts a set of mpd's on a list of machines. boot try to verify that the hosts in the host file are up before attempting start mpds on any of them.
rebootHost(host => $hostname)
restart mpd on the specified host. rebootHost will kill old mpds before restarting a new one. The killed MPDS are filtered by specific port and host.
check(machinesfile => $file, hostsup => \%hosts, hostsdown => \%hostsdown , reboot => 1)
Check if MPD master and nodes are well up. If MPD master is down it try to ping and ssh machines.
If you use the option reboot, check will try to restart mpd on specified machines or to reboot the master.
info( )
return an %info of the master with the following keys (master, hostname, port)
validateMachinesfile(machinefiles => $filename)
check with mpdtrace if all machines specified by filename are up. If not, a temporary file is created with the resized machinesfile
shutdown( )
causes all mpds in the ring to exit
createJob({cmd => $cmd , machinesfile=> $filename, [params => $params], [ncpu => $ncpu], [alias => $alias])
start a new job with the command line and his params. It return true if ok.
WARNING ncpu could be redefined if mpdtrace return à small hosts list
Parallel::Mpich::MPD::createJob(cmd => $cmd, params => $parms, ncpu => '3', alias => 'job1');
Return an Parallel::Mpich::MPD::Job array for all available jobs
If mpdlistjobs_contents argument is present, the code will not call mpdlistjobs but take the parameter as a fake results of this command
findJob([%criteria][, return=>(getone|host2pidlist))
find a job from crtiteria. It return a Job instance or undef for no match
Criteria can be of
- username=>'somename' or username=>\@arrayOfNames
- jobid=>'somename' or jobid=>\@arrayOfJobid
- jobalias=>'somename' or jobalias=>\@arrayOfJobalias
To set an array of names;
$criteria{psid} [&& $criteria{rank}] You can select psid from the specified rank. $criteria{reloadlist} force the call of listjobs
return value
By default (no return=>... argument), returned value will be a hash (or a hash ref, depending on context), {jobid1=>$job1, jobid2=>job2,...}
- return=>'getone'
Will force to return the one job matching, or undef if none or error if many.
- return=>'host2pidlist'
return a hash (or a ref to this hash, depending on context), host=>\@pidlist
trace([hosts => %hosts], long => 1)
Lists the hostname of each of the mpds in the ring
return true if ok
[long=1] shows full hostnames and listening ports and ifhn
makealias( )
"handle-" + PID + RAND(100) + Instance COUNTER++
return a uniq string alias
clean([hosts => %hosts] [killcmd=>"cmd"])
Removes the Unix socket on local (the default) and remote machines This is useful in case the mpd crashed badly and did not remove it, which it normally does [hosts => %hosts] use specified hosts , [$cleancmd="cmd"] user defined kill command
Olivier Evalet, Alexandre Masselot, <alexandre.masselot at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-parallel-mpich-mpd at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Parallel::Mpich::MPD
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Copyright 2006 Olivier Evalet, Alexandre Masselot, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
3 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 17:
'=item' outside of any '=over'
- Around line 24:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'
- Around line 97:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'à'. Assuming UTF-8