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# $Header: /home/jesse/DBIx-SearchBuilder/history/SearchBuilder/Handle/,v 1.8 2001/10/12 05:27:05 jesse Exp $
use strict;
=head1 NAME
DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle::mysql - A mysql specific Handle object
This module provides a subclass of DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle that
compensates for some of the idiosyncrasies of MySQL.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 Insert
Takes a table name as the first argument and assumes that the rest of the arguments are an array of key-value pairs to be inserted.
If the insert succeeds, returns the id of the insert, otherwise, returns
a Class::ReturnValue object with the error reported.
sub Insert {
my $self = shift;
my $sth = $self->SUPER::Insert(@_);
if (!$sth) {
return ($sth);
# Yay. we get to work around mysql_insertid being null some of the time :/
unless ($self->{'id'}) {
$self->{'id'} = $self->FetchResult('SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()');
warn "$self no row id returned on row creation" unless ($self->{'id'});
return( $self->{'id'}); #Add Succeded. return the id
=head2 SimpleUpdateFromSelect
Customization of L<DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle/SimpleUpdateFromSelect>.
Mysql doesn't support update with subqueries when those fetch data from
the table that is updated.
sub SimpleUpdateFromSelect {
my ($self, $table, $values, $query, @query_binds) = @_;
return $self->SUPER::SimpleUpdateFromSelect(
$table, $values, $query, @query_binds
) unless $query =~ /\b\Q$table\E\b/i;
my $sth = $self->SimpleQuery( $query, @query_binds );
return $sth unless $sth;
my (@binds, @columns);
for my $k (sort keys %$values) {
push @columns, $k;
push @binds, $values->{$k};
my $update_query = "UPDATE $table SET "
. join( ', ', map "$_ = ?", @columns )
return $self->SimpleMassChangeFromSelect(
$update_query, \@binds,
$query, @query_binds
sub DeleteFromSelect {
my ($self, $table, $query, @query_binds) = @_;
return $self->SUPER::DeleteFromSelect(
$table, $query, @query_binds
) unless $query =~ /\b\Q$table\E\b/i;
return $self->SimpleMassChangeFromSelect(
"DELETE FROM $table WHERE id IN ", [],
$query, @query_binds
sub SimpleMassChangeFromSelect {
my ($self, $update_query, $update_binds, $search, @search_binds) = @_;
my $sth = $self->SimpleQuery( $search, @search_binds );
return $sth unless $sth;
# tried TEMPORARY tables, much slower than fetching and delete
# also size of ENGINE=MEMORY is limitted by option, on disk
# tables more slower than in memory
my $res = 0;
my @ids;
while ( my $id = ($sth->fetchrow_array)[0] ) {
push @ids, $id;
next if @ids < 1000;
my $q = $update_query .'('. join( ',', ('?')x@ids ) .')';
my $sth = $self->SimpleQuery( $q, @$update_binds, splice @ids );
return $sth unless $sth;
$res += $sth->rows;
if ( @ids ) {
my $q = $update_query .'('. join( ',', ('?')x@ids ) .')';
my $sth = $self->SimpleQuery( $q, @$update_binds, splice @ids );
return $sth unless $sth;
$res += $sth->rows;
return $res == 0? '0E0': $res;
=head2 DatabaseVersion
Returns the mysql version, trimming off any -foo identifier
sub DatabaseVersion {
my $self = shift;
my $v = $self->SUPER::DatabaseVersion();
$v =~ s/\-.*$//;
return ($v);
=head2 CaseSensitive
Returns undef, since mysql's searches are not case sensitive by default
sub CaseSensitive {
my $self = shift;
sub DistinctQuery {
my $self = shift;
my $statementref = shift;
my $sb = shift;
return $self->SUPER::DistinctQuery( $statementref, $sb, @_ )
if $sb->_OrderClause !~ /(?<!main)\./;
if ( substr($self->DatabaseVersion, 0, 1) == 4 ) {
local $sb->{'group_by'} = [{FIELD => 'id'}];
my ($idx, @tmp, @specials) = (0, ());
foreach ( @{$sb->{'order_by'}} ) {
if ( !exists $_->{'ALIAS'} || ($_->{'ALIAS'}||'') eq "main" ) {
push @tmp, $_; next;
push @specials,
((($_->{'ORDER'}||'') =~ /^des/i)?'MAX':'MIN')
."(". $_->{'ALIAS'} .".". $_->{'FIELD'} .")"
." __special_sort_$idx";
push @tmp, { ALIAS => '', FIELD => "__special_sort_$idx", ORDER => $_->{'ORDER'} };
local $sb->{'order_by'} = \@tmp;
$$statementref = "SELECT ". join( ", ", 'main.*', @specials ) ." FROM $$statementref";
$$statementref .= $sb->_GroupClause;
$$statementref .= $sb->_OrderClause;
} else {
local $sb->{'group_by'} = [{FIELD => 'id'}];
local $sb->{'order_by'} = [
map {
($_->{'ALIAS'}||'') ne "main"
? { %{$_}, FIELD => ((($_->{'ORDER'}||'') =~ /^des/i)?'MAX':'MIN') ."(".$_->{FIELD}.")" }
: $_
$$statementref = "SELECT main.* FROM $$statementref";
$$statementref .= $sb->_GroupClause;
$$statementref .= $sb->_OrderClause;
sub Fields {
my $self = shift;
my $table = shift;
my $cache = \%DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle::FIELDS_IN_TABLE;
unless ( $cache->{ lc $table } ) {
my $sth = $self->dbh->column_info( undef, undef, $table, '%' )
or return ();
my $info = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
foreach my $e ( sort {$a->{'ORDINAL_POSITION'} <=> $b->{'ORDINAL_POSITION'}} @$info ) {
push @{ $cache->{ lc $e->{'TABLE_NAME'} } ||= [] }, lc $e->{'COLUMN_NAME'};
return @{ $cache->{ lc $table } || [] };
=head2 SimpleDateTimeFunctions
Returns hash reference with specific date time functions of this
database for L<DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle/DateTimeFunction>.
sub SimpleDateTimeFunctions {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'_simple_date_time_functions'} ||= {
%{ $self->SUPER::SimpleDateTimeFunctions(@_) },
datetime => '?',
time => 'TIME(?)',
hourly => "DATE_FORMAT(?, '%Y-%m-%d %H')",
hour => 'HOUR(?)',
date => 'DATE(?)',
daily => 'DATE(?)',
day => 'DAYOFMONTH(?)',
dayofmonth => 'DAYOFMONTH(?)',
monthly => "DATE_FORMAT(?, '%Y-%m')",
month => 'MONTH(?)',
annually => 'YEAR(?)',
year => 'YEAR(?)',
dayofweek => "DAYOFWEEK(?) - 1", # 1-7, 1 - Sunday
dayofyear => "DAYOFYEAR(?)", # 1-366
weekofyear => "WEEK(?)", # skip mode argument, so it can be controlled in mysql config
=head2 ConvertTimezoneFunction
Custom implementation of L<DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle/ConvertTimezoneFunction>.
Use the following query to get list of timezones:
SELECT Name FROM mysql.time_zone_name;
Read docs about keeping timezone data up to date:
sub ConvertTimezoneFunction {
my $self = shift;
my %args = (
From => 'UTC',
To => undef,
Field => '',
return $args{'Field'} unless $args{From} && $args{'To'};
return $args{'Field'} if lc $args{From} eq lc $args{'To'};
my $dbh = $self->dbh;
$_ = $dbh->quote( $_ ) foreach @args{'From', 'To'};
return "CONVERT_TZ( $args{'Field'}, $args{'From'}, $args{'To'} )";
sub _DateTimeIntervalFunction {
my $self = shift;
my %args = ( From => undef, To => undef, @_ );
return "TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, $args{'From'}, $args{'To'})";
=head1 AUTHOR
Jesse Vincent,
=head1 SEE ALSO
DBIx::SearchBuilder, DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle