Jifty::Script::Env - access the Jifty environment
jifty env <Class> <method> [arguments]
jifty env Util share_root
jifty env 'Util->share_root'
jifty env Util.share_root
This script has no specific options now. Maybe it will have some command lines options in the future.
Loads Jifty and your configuration, allowing you to verify and examine your setup.
Loads Jifty::Class and calls method on it, providing shortcuts for things like:
perl -MJifty::Util -e 'print Jifty::Util->share_root, "\n";'
The class and method can be combined with a '->' But, unquoted '>' is a redirect so simply use the '-' or '.' characters.
jifty env Util share_root
jifty env 'Util->share_root'
jifty env Util.share_root
You may chain accessors. A leading dot also means the class is Jifty.
jifty env Jifty.config.framework ApplicationName
jifty env .config.framework ApplicationName
With no arguments, acts as 'jifty env Jifty.config.stash