
Returns a hash of all the options this script takes. (See the usage message for details)


Runs the "update_catalogs" method.

_check_mime_type FILENAME

This routine returns a mimetype for the file FILENAME.


Extracts localizable messages from all files in your application, finds all your message catalogs and updates them with new and changed messages.

update_catalog FILENAME

Reads FILENAME, a message catalog and integrates new or changed translations.


Find all translatable messages in your application, using Locale::Maketext::Extract.

Prints out help for the package using pod2usage.

If the user specified --help, prints a brief usage message

If the user specified --man, prints out a manpage


Returns the name of the po template.


Jifty::Script::Po - Extract translatable strings from your application


 jifty po --language <lang>  Creates a <lang>.po file for translation
 jifty po                    Updates all existing po files

  --language         Language to deal with
  --dir              Additionl dirs to extract from
  --js               Generate json files from the current po files

  --help             brief help message
  --man              full documentation



This script an option, --language, which is optional; it is the name of a message catalog to create.


Specify explicit directories to extract from. Can be used multiple times. The default directores will not be extracted if you use this option.


Specify the name of the po template. Default to the lower-cased application name.


Specify the directory of the po templates.


If --js is given, other options are ignored and the script will generate json files for each language under share/web/static/js/dict from the current po files. Before doing so, you might want to run jifty po with --dir share/web/static/js to include messages from javascript in your po files.


Print a brief help message and exits.


Prints the manual page and exits.


Extracts message catalogs for your Jifty app. When run, Jifty will update all existing message catalogs, as well as create a new one if you specify a --language option.