# module MIME::Lite::HTML : Provide routine to transform a HTML page in
# a MIME::Lite mail
# Copyright 2000 A.Barbet alian@alianwebserver.com. All rights reserved.
# $Log: HTML.pm,v $
# Revision 0.5 2000/11/13 21:36:58 Administrateur
# - Arg, forgot cariage return in fill_template :-(
# Revision 0.4 2000/11/12 18:52:56 Administrateur
# - Add feature of replace word in gabarit (for newsletter by example)
# - Include body background
# Revision 0.3 2000/10/26 22:55:46 Administrateur
# Add parsing for form (action and input image)
# Revision 0.2 2000/10/26 20:08:06 Administrateur
# Update remplacement of relative url
use strict;
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw();
$VERSION = ('$Revision: 0.5 $ ' =~ /(\d+\.\d+)/)[0];
=head1 NAME
MIME::Lite::HTML - Provide routine to transform a HTML page in a MIME-Lite mail
use MIME::Lite;
use MIME::Lite::HTML;
my $mailHTML = new MIME::Lite::HTML
From => 'MIME-Lite@alianwebserver.com',
To => 'alian@jupiter',
Subject => 'Mail in HTML with images';
$MIMEmail = $mailHTML->parse('http://www.alianwebserver.com');
$MIMEmail->send; # or for win user : $mail->send_by_smtp('smtp.fai.com');
This module provide routine to transform a HTML page in MIME::Lite mail.
The job done is:
+ Get the file (LWP)
+ Parse page to find include images
+ Attach them to mail with adequat cid
+ Include external CSS,Javascript file
+ Replace relative url with absolute one
It can be used by example in a HTML newsletter. You make a classic HTML page,
and give just url to MIME::Lite::HTML.
=head1 VERSION
$Revision: 0.5 $
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new(%hash)
Create a new instance of MIME::Lite::HTML.
%hash have this key : From, To, Subject, [Proxy], [Debug], [HashTemplate]
$hash{'HashTemplate'} is a hash too. If present, MIME::Lite::HTML will
substitute <? $name ?> with $hash{'HashTemplate'}{'name'} when parse url to
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
my %param = @_;
my $mail = new MIME::Lite
From => $param{'From'},
To => $param{'To'},
Subject => $param{'Subject'},
Type => 'multipart/related';
$self->{_MAIL} = $mail;
$self->{_DEBUG} = 1 if $param{'Debug'};
print "Set proxy for http : ", $param{'Proxy'},"\n" if ($self->{_DEBUG} && $param{'Proxy'});
$self->{_AGENT} = new LWP::UserAgent 'MIME-Lite', 'alian@alianwebserver.com';
$self->{_AGENT}->proxy('http',$param{'Proxy'}) if $param{'Proxy'};
$self->{_HASH_TEMPLATE}= $param{'HashTemplate'} if $param{'HashTemplate'};
return $self;
=head2 parse($url)
Subroutine used for created HTML mail with MIME-Lite
$url : Url to file to parse. Can be a local file.
Return the MIME::Lite part to send
sub parse
my ($type,@mail,$gabarit);
# Get content of $url_page with LWP
print "Get ", $url_page,"\n" if $self->{_DEBUG};
my $req = new HTTP::Request('GET' => $url_page);
my $res = $self->{_AGENT}->request($req);
if (!$res->is_success) {die "$url_page n'est pas accessible";}
else {$gabarit = $res->content;}
# Get all images and create part for each of them
my $analyseur = HTML::LinkExtor->new;
my @l = $analyseur->links;
# Include external CSS files
$gabarit = $self->include_css($gabarit,$res->base);
# Include external Javascript files
$gabarit = $self->include_javascript($gabarit,$res->base);
($gabarit,@mail) = $self->input_image($gabarit,$res->base);
$gabarit = $self->link_form($gabarit,$res->base);
my (%images_read,%url_remplace);
foreach my $url (@l)
{#print @$url,"\n";
my $urlAbs = URI::WithBase->new($$url[2],$res->base)->abs;
# Replace relative href found to absolute one
if ( ($$url[0] eq 'a')
&& ($$url[1] eq 'href')
&& ($$url[2]!~m!^http://!)
&& (!$url_remplace{$urlAbs}) )
print "Replace ", $$url[2]," with ",$urlAbs,"\n" if $self->{_DEBUG};
elsif (($$url[0] eq 'body') && ($$url[1] eq 'background'))
print "Get ", $urlAbs,"\n" if $self->{_DEBUG};
my $res2 = $self->{_AGENT}->request(new HTTP::Request('GET' => $urlAbs));
# Create MIME type
if (lc($urlAbs)=~/gif$/) {$type = "image/gif";}
else {$type = "image/jpg";}
# Create part
my $mail = new MIME::Lite
Data => $res2->content,
Encoding =>'base64';
# Get only new <img src>
next if ((lc($$url[0]) ne 'img')
&& (lc($$url[0]) ne 'src')
|| ($images_read{$urlAbs}) );
# Create MIME type
if (lc($urlAbs)=~/gif$/) {$type = "image/gif";}
else {$type = "image/jpg";}
# Get image
print "Get ", $urlAbs,"\n" if $self->{_DEBUG};
my $res2 = $self->{_AGENT}->request(new HTTP::Request('GET' => $urlAbs));
if (!$res2->is_success) {print "Attention:$urlAbs n'est pas accessible";}
# Create part
my $mail = new MIME::Lite
Data => $res2->content,
Encoding =>'base64';
# Replace in HTML link with image with cid:key
sub pattern_image {return '<img '.$_[0].'src="cid:'.URI::WithBase->new($_[1],$_[2])->abs.'"';}
$gabarit=~s/<img([^<>]*)src=(["']?)([^"'> ]*)(["']?)/pattern_image($1,$3,$res->base)/ieg;
# Substitue value in template if needed
if ($self->{_HASH_TEMPLATE}) {$gabarit=$self->fill_template($gabarit,$self->{_HASH_TEMPLATE});}
# Create part for HTML
my $part = new MIME::Lite
'Type' =>'TEXT',
'Data' =>$gabarit;
$part->attr("content-type"=> "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1");
# Push HTML part on first
# Return list of part
foreach (@mail) {$self->{_MAIL}->attach($_);}
return $self->{_MAIL};
=head2 include_css($gabarit,$root)
Search in HTML buffer ($gabarit) to remplace call to extern CSS file
with his content. $root is original absolute url where css file will
be found.
sub include_css
my ($self,$gabarit,$root)=@_;
sub pattern_css
my ($self,$url,$milieu,$fin,$root)=@_;
my $ur = URI::URL->new($url, $root)->abs;
print "Include CSS file $ur\n" if $self->{_DEBUG};
my $res2 = $self->{_AGENT}->request(new HTTP::Request('GET' => $ur));
print "Ok file downloaded\n" if $self->{_DEBUG};
return '<style type="text/css">'."\n".
$gabarit=~s/<link([^<>]*?)href="?([^" ]*css)"?([^>]*)>/$self->pattern_css($2,$1,$3,$root)/iegm;
print "Done CSS\n" if $self->{_DEBUG};
return $gabarit;
=head2 include_javascript($gabarit,$root)
Search in HTML buffer ($gabarit) to remplace call to extern javascript file
with his content. $root is original absolute url where javascript file will
be found.
sub include_javascript
my ($self,$gabarit,$root)=@_;
sub pattern_js
my ($self,$url,$milieu,$fin,$root)=@_;
my $ur = URI::URL->new($url, $root)->abs;
print "Include Javascript file $ur\n" if $self->{_DEBUG};
my $res2 = $self->{_AGENT}->request(new HTTP::Request('GET' => $ur));
my $content = $res2->content;
print "Ok file downloaded\n" if $self->{_DEBUG};
return "\n"."<!-- $ur -->\n".
'<script '.$milieu.$fin.">\n".
$gabarit=~s/<script([^>]*)src="?([^" ]*js)"?([^>]*)>/$self->pattern_js($2,$1,$3,$root)/iegm;
print "Done Javascript\n" if $self->{_DEBUG};
return $gabarit;
=head2 input_image($gabarit,$root)
Search in HTML buffer ($gabarit) to remplace input form image with his cid
Return final buffer and list of MIME::Lite part
sub input_image
my ($self,$gabarit,$root)=@_;
my @mail;
sub pattern_input_image
my ($self,$deb,$url,$fin,$base,$ref_tab_mail)=@_;
my $type;
my $ur = URI::URL->new($url, $base)->abs;
# Create MIME type
if (lc($ur)=~/gif$/) {$type="image/gif";}
else {$type = "image/jpg";}
my $res = $self->{_AGENT}->request(new HTTP::Request('GET' => $ur));
# Create part
my $mail = new MIME::Lite
Data => $res->content,
Encoding =>'base64';
return '<input '.$deb.' src="cid:'.$ur.'"'.$fin;
$gabarit=~s/<input([^<>]*)src="?([^"'> ]*)"?([^>]*)>/$self->pattern_input_image($1,$2,$3,$root,\@mail)/iegm;
print "Done input image\n" if $self->{_DEBUG};
return ($gabarit,@mail);
=head2 link_form($gabarit,$root)
Replace link to formulaire with absolute link
sub link_form
my ($self,$gabarit,$root)=@_;
my @mail;
sub pattern_link_form
my ($self,$deb,$url,$fin,$base)=@_;
my $type;
my $ur = URI::URL->new($url, $base)->abs;
return '<form '.$deb.' action="'.$ur.'"'.$fin.'>';
$gabarit=~s/<form([^<>]*)action="?([^"'> ]*)"?([^>]*)>/$self->pattern_link_form($1,$2,$3,$root)/iegm;
print "Done form\n" if $self->{_DEBUG};
return $gabarit;
=head2 fill_template($masque,$vars)
$masque : Chemin du template
$vars : hash des noms/valeurs à substituer dans le template
Rend le template avec ses variables substituées.
Ex: si $$vars{age}=12, et que le fichier $masque contient la chaine:
J'ai <? $age ?> ans,
la fonction rendra
J'ai 12 ans,
sub fill_template
my ($self,$masque,$vars)=@_;
my @buf=split(/\n/,$masque);
my $i=0;
while (my ($n,$v)=each(%$vars))
if ($v) {map {s/<\?\s\$$n\s\?>/$v/gm} @buf;}
else {map {s/<\?\s\$$n\s\?>//gm} @buf;}
print "<b>Attention</b>: pas de variables à substituer dans $masque<br>\n" if ($i==0);
return join("\n",@buf);
=head1 AUTHOR
Alain BARBET alian@alianwebserver.com