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# module Circa::Indexer : provide function to administrate Circa
# Copyright 2000 A.Barbet All rights reserved.
# $Log:,v $
# Revision 1.37 2002/12/29 14:35:09 alian
# Some minor fixe suite to last update
# Revision 1.36 2002/12/29 13:55:17 alian
# Another update of pod documentation
# Revision 1.35 2002/12/29 03:18:37 alian
# Update POD documentation
# Revision 1.34 2002/12/29 00:45:50 alian
# Don't use last_update with parse_new
# Revision 1.33 2002/12/28 22:25:03 alian
# Merge addSite / addLocaleSite, use hash for parameters
# Revision 1.32 2002/12/27 12:56:16 alian
# Add cleandb method
use strict;
use DBI;
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter Search::Circa);
@EXPORT = qw();
$VERSION = ('$Revision: 1.37 $ ' =~ /(\d+\.\d+)/)[0];
# Path of mysql binary
my @path_mysql = qw!/usr/bin /usr/local/bin /opt/bin /opt/local/bin
/usr/pkg/bin /usr/local/mysql/bin /opt/mysql/bin!;
push(@path_mysql, split(/:/,$ENV{PATH})) if ($ENV{PATH});
# new
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new;
bless $self, $class;
$self->{SIZE_MAX} = 1000000; # Size max of file read
$self->{HOST_INDEXED} = undef;
$self->{PROXY} = undef;
$self->{ConfigMoteur} = \%CircaConf::conf;
if (@_) {
my %vars =@_;
while (my($n,$v)= each (%vars))
return $self;
sub connect {
my $self=shift;
$self->{PARSER} = Search::Circa::Parser->new($self);
return $self->SUPER::connect(@_);
sub Parser { return $_[0]->{PARSER}; }
# size_max
sub size_max {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {$self->{SIZE_MAX}=shift;}
return $self->{SIZE_MAX};
# cleandb
sub cleandb {
my $self = shift;
my $id = shift;
my $r = 1;
my ($x) = ($self->fetch_first
("select count(*) from ".$self->pre_tbl.$id."links ".
"where parse='1' and valide ='1'"))/2;
if ($x !=0) {
my $requete = "select mot,count(1) from ".
$self->pre_tbl.$id."relation r group by r.mot order by 2 desc limit 200";
my $sth = $self->{DBH}->prepare($requete);
while (my ($word,$nb)=$sth->fetchrow_array) {
$self->{DBH}->do("delete from ".$self->pre_tbl.$id."relation ".
"where mot = '$word'") if ($nb>$x);
return $r;
} else { return 0;}
# host_indexed
sub host_indexed {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {$self->{HOST_INDEXED}=shift;}
return $self->{HOST_INDEXED};
# set_host_indexed
sub set_host_indexed
my $this=shift;
my $url=$_[0];
$this->trace(5, "Circa::Indexer::set_host_indexed $url");
if ($url=~/^(http:\/\/.*?)\/$/) {$this->host_indexed($1);}
elsif ($url=~/^(http:\/\/.*?)\/[^\/]+$/) {$this->host_indexed($1);}
elsif ($url=~/^(file:\/\/\/[^\/]*)\//) {$this->host_indexed($1);}
else {$this->host_indexed($url);}
# proxy
sub proxy {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {$self->{PROXY}=shift;}
return $self->{PROXY};
# addSite
sub addSite {
my ($self,$rc)=@_;
#print "$url,$email,$titre,$categorieAuto,$cgi,$rep,$file\n";
my $file = $rc->{masque} || ' ';
if ($rc->{cgi} and $rc->{cgi}->param('file')) {
my $tmpfile=$rc->{cgi}->tmpFileName($file); # chemin du fichier temp
if ($file=~/.*\\(.*)$/) {$file=$1;}
$file = $CircaConf::TemplateDir.$file;
or die "Impossible de creer $file avec $tmpfile:$!\n<br>";
if (!$rc->{email}) {$rc->{email}='Inconnu';}
if (!$rc->{titre}) {$rc->{titre}='Non fourni';}
if (!$rc->{categorieAuto}) {$rc->{categorieAuto}=0;}
my $requete = "
insert into ".$self->pre_tbl."responsable (email,titre,categorieAuto,masque)
values ('$rc->{email}',
my $sth = $self->{DBH}->prepare($requete);
$sth->execute || $self->trace(3, $DBI::errstr.$requete);
my $id = $sth->{'mysql_insertid'};
my %h = (url => $rc->{url}, valide =>1);
# Site avec double url
# Params orig, dest
if ($rc->{orig}) {
$h{urllocal} = $rc->{url};
my $requete = "insert into ".$self->pre_tbl."local_url
$self->trace(3, $requete);
return $id;
# parse_new_url
sub parse_new_url
my ($self,$idp)=@_;
print "Indexer::parse_new_url\n" if ($self->{DEBUG});
my ($nb,$nbAjout,$nbWords,$nbWordsGood)=(0,0,0,0);
my $tab = $self->URL->need_parser($idp);
my $categorieAuto = $self->categorie->auto($idp);
$self->Parser->{toindex} = scalar keys %{$tab};
$self->Parser->{inindex} = 0;
foreach my $id (keys %$tab)
my ($url,$local_url,$niveau,$categorie,$lu)=$$tab{$id};
my ($res,$nbw,$nbwg) =
($$tab{$id}[0],$id,$idp,undef, ($$tab{$id}[1]||undef),
$categorieAuto, $$tab{$id}[2], $$tab{$id}[3]);
if ($res==-1) {$self->URL->non_valide($idp,$id);}
else {$nbAjout+=$res;$nbWords+=$nbw;$nb++;$nbWordsGood+=$nbwg;}
return ($nb,$nbAjout,$nbWords,$nbWordsGood);
# update
sub update {
my ($this,$xj,$idp)=@_;
$idp = 1 if (!$idp);
my ($nb,$nbAjout,$nbWords,$nbWordsGood)=(0,0,0,0);
my $tab = $this->URL->need_update($idp,$xj);
my $categorieAuto = $this->categorie->auto($idp);
$this->Parser->{toindex} = scalar keys %{$tab};
$this->Parser->{inindex} = 0;
foreach my $id (keys %$tab) {
my ($url,$local_url,$niveau,$categorie,$lu) = $$tab{$id};
my ($res,$nbw,$nbwg) =
$$tab{$id}[4] || undef, $$tab{$id}[1] ||undef,
$categorieAuto, $$tab{$id}[2], $$tab{$id}[3]);
if ($res==-1) {$this->URL->non_valide($idp,$id);}
else {$nbAjout+=$res;$nbWords+=$nbw;$nb++;$nbWordsGood+=$nbwg;}
return ($nb,$nbAjout,$nbWords,$nbWordsGood);
# create_table_circa
sub create_table_circa
my $self = shift;
my $r = 1;
my $requete="
CREATE TABLE ".$self->pre_tbl."responsable (
id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
email char(25) NOT NULL,
titre char(50) NOT NULL,
categorieAuto tinyint DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
masque char(150) NOT NULL,
$self->{DBH}->do($requete) || ($r = 0 && print $DBI::errstr,"<br>\n");
CREATE TABLE ".$self->pre_tbl."inscription (
email char(25) NOT NULL,
url varchar(255) NOT NULL,
titre char(50) NOT NULL,
dateins date
$self->{DBH}->do($requete) || ($r = 0 && print $DBI::errstr,"<br>\n");
CREATE TABLE ".$self->pre_tbl."local_url (
id int(11) NOT NULL,
path varchar(255) NOT NULL,
url varchar(255) NOT NULL
$self->{DBH}->do($requete) || ($r = 0 && print $DBI::errstr,"<br>\n");
return $r;
# drop_table_circa
sub drop_table_circa {
my $self = shift;
my $sth = $self->{DBH}->prepare
("select id from ".$self->pre_tbl."responsable");
if ($sth->execute()) {
while (my @row=$sth->fetchrow_array) {
$self->drop_table_circa_id($row[0]) if ($row[0]);
$self->{DBH}->do("drop table ".$self->pre_tbl."responsable")
|| print $DBI::errstr,"<br>\n";
$self->{DBH}->do("drop table ".$self->pre_tbl."inscription")
|| print $DBI::errstr,"<br>\n";
$self->{DBH}->do("drop table ".$self->pre_tbl."local_url")
|| print $DBI::errstr,"<br>\n";
} else { $self->trace(1,"drop_table_circa $DBI::errstr\n"); }
# drop_table_circa_id
sub drop_table_circa_id
my $self = shift;
my $id=$_[0];
$self->{DBH}->do("drop table ".$self->pre_tbl.$id."categorie")
|| return 0;
$self->{DBH}->do("drop table ".$self->pre_tbl.$id."links")
|| return 0;
$self->{DBH}->do("drop table ".$self->pre_tbl.$id."relation")
|| return 0;
$self->{DBH}->do("drop table ".$self->pre_tbl.$id."stats")
|| return 0;
("delete from ".$self->pre_tbl."local_url where id=$id")
|| return 0;
("delete from ".$self->pre_tbl."responsable where id=$id")
|| return 0;
return 1;
# create_table_circa_id
sub create_table_circa_id
my $self = shift;
my $id=$_[0];
my $requete="
CREATE TABLE ".$self->pre_tbl.$id."categorie (
id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
nom char(50) NOT NULL,
parent int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
masque varchar(255),
$self->{DBH}->do($requete) || print $DBI::errstr,"<br>\n";
CREATE TABLE ".$self->pre_tbl.$id."links (
id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
url varchar(255) NOT NULL,
local_url varchar(255),
titre varchar(255) NOT NULL,
description blob NOT NULL,
langue char(6) NOT NULL,
valide tinyint DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
categorie int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
last_check datetime DEFAULT '0000-00-00' NOT NULL,
last_update datetime DEFAULT '0000-00-00' NOT NULL,
parse ENUM('0','1') DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
browse_categorie ENUM('0','1') DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
niveau tinyint DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
KEY id (id),
UNIQUE id_2 (id),
KEY id_3 (id),
KEY url (url),
UNIQUE url_2 (url),
KEY categorie (categorie)
$self->{DBH}->do($requete) || print $DBI::errstr,"<br>\n";
CREATE TABLE ".$self->pre_tbl.$id."relation (
mot char(30) NOT NULL,
id_site int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
facteur tinyint(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
KEY mot (mot)
$self->{DBH}->do($requete) || print $DBI::errstr,"<br>\n";
CREATE TABLE ".$self->pre_tbl.$id."stats (
id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
requete varchar(255) NOT NULL,
quand datetime NOT NULL,
$self->{DBH}->do($requete) || print $DBI::errstr,"<br>\n";
# export
sub export {
my ($self,$dump,$path,$id)=@_;
my ($pass, $file, $host, $user);
if (!$path) { $path=$CircaConf::export; }
if (!$path) { $path="/tmp"; }
$file.=$id unless !$id;
if ( (! -w $path) || ( ( -e $file) && (!-w $file)))
{$self->close; die "Can't create $file (not enough rights ?):$!\n";}
if ( (!$dump) || (! -x $dump)) {
foreach (@path_mysql) {
if (-x $_."/mysqldump") {$dump = "$_/mysqldump" ; last; }
if ( (!$dump) || (! -x $dump)) {
$self->close; die "Can't find mysqldump.\n";
if ((-e $file) && (!(unlink $file)))
{ $self->close; die "Can't unlink $file:$!\n";}
my (@t,@exec);
if (!$id) {
my $requete = "select id from ".$self->pre_tbl."responsable";
$requete.= " where id = $id" unless (!$id);
my $sth = $self->{DBH}->prepare($requete);
while (my ($id)=$sth->fetchrow_array) {push(@t,$id);}
else { push(@t,$id); }
if ($self->{_PASSWORD}) {$pass=" -p".$self->{_PASSWORD}.' ';}
else {$pass=' ';}
if ($self->{_HOST}) {$host=" -h".$self->{_HOST}.' ';}
else {$host=' ';}
my $option = " -u".$self->{_USER}.
$pass.$host.$self->{_DB}." ".$self->pre_tbl;
if (!$id)
$option=" --add-drop-table ".$option;
push(@exec,$dump.$option."responsable >> $file");
push(@exec,$dump.$option."local_url >> $file");
push(@exec,$dump.$option."inscription >> $file");
else { $option=" --no-create-info ".$option; }
foreach my $id (@t)
my $opt = $option.$id;
my $p = $self->pre_tbl.$id;
push(@exec,"echo 'DELETE FROM ".$p."categorie;'>> $file");
push(@exec,$dump.$opt."categorie >> $file");
push(@exec,"echo 'DELETE FROM ".$p."links;'>> $file");
push(@exec,$dump.$opt."links >> $file");
push(@exec,"echo 'DELETE FROM ".$p."relation;'>> $file");
push(@exec,$dump.$opt."relation >> $file");
print "En cours d'export ...";
$self->trace(2," ");
foreach (@exec)
system($_) ==0 or print "Fail:$?-$!\n";
print "$file done.\n";
# import_data
sub import_data
my ($self,$dump,$path)=@_;
my ($pass,$file);
if (!$path) { $path=$CircaConf::export; }
if (!$path) { $path="/tmp"; }
if (! -r $file) {$self->close; die "Can't find $file:$!\n";}
if ( (!$dump) || (! -x $dump)) {
foreach (@path_mysql) {
if (-x $_."/mysql") {$dump = "$_/mysql" ; last; }
if ( (!$dump) || (! -x $dump)) {
$self->close; die "Can't find mysql.\n";
print "En cours d'import ...";
my $c = $dump." -u".$self->{_USER};
$c.=" -p".$self->{_PASSWORD}." " if ($self->{_PASSWORD});
$c.=" -h".$self->{_HOST}." " if ($self->{_HOST});
$c.=" ".$self->{_DB}." < ".$file;
system($c) == 0 or print "Fail:$c:$?\n";
print "$file imported.\n";
# admin_compte
sub admin_compte
my ($self,$compte)=@_;
my %rep;
my $pre = $self->pre_tbl.$compte;
($rep{'responsable'},$rep{'titre'}) =
$self->fetch_first("select email,titre from ". $self->pre_tbl.
"responsable where id=$compte");
# there is no account $compte defined
if (!$rep{'responsable'}) {return (undef);}
# First url added
($rep{'racine'})=$self->fetch_first("select min(id) from ".$pre."links");
if ($rep{'racine'}) {
($rep{'racine'})=$self->fetch_first("select url from ".$pre."links ".
"where id=".$rep{'racine'});
# Number of links
($rep{'nb_links'}) = $self->fetch_first("select count(1) from ".$pre."links");
# Number of parsed links
($rep{'nb_links_parsed'}) =
$self->fetch_first("select count(1) from ".$pre."links where parse='1'");
# Number of parsed valid links
($rep{'nb_links_valide'}) =
$self->fetch_first("select count(1) from ".$pre."links ".
"where parse='1' and valide ='1'");
# Max depth reached
$rep{'depth_max'} = $self->fetch_first("select max(niveau) ".
"from ".$pre."links");
# Account last indexed on
($rep{'last_index'}) =
$self->fetch_first("select max(last_check) from ".$pre."links");
# Stats ... how many request ?
($rep{'nb_request'}) =
$self->fetch_first("select count(1) from ".$pre."stats");
# Number of word
($rep{"nb_words"}) =
$self->fetch_first("select count(1) from ".$pre."relation");
($rep{"orig"},$rep{"dest"}) =
$self->fetch_first("select path, url from ".$self->pre_tbl."local_url ".
"where id = $compte");
# Return reference of hash
return \%rep;
# most_popular_word
sub most_popular_word
my $self = shift;
my ($max,$id)=@_;
$id =1 if (!$id);
my %l;
my $requete = "select mot,count(1) from ".
$self->pre_tbl.$id."relation r group by r.mot order by 2 ".
"desc limit 0,$max";
my $sth = $self->{DBH}->prepare($requete);
while (my ($word,$nb)=$sth->fetchrow_array) {$l{$word}=$nb;}
return \%l;
# stat_request
sub stat_request
my ($self,$id)=@_;
my (%l1,%l2);
my $requete = "select count(1), DATE_FORMAT(quand, '%e/%m/%y') as d ".
"from ".$self->pre_tbl.$_[1]."stats group by d order by d";
my $sth = $self->{DBH}->prepare($requete);
while (my ($nb,$word)=$sth->fetchrow_array) {$l1{$word}=$nb;}
$requete = "select requete,count(requete) ".
"from ".$self->pre_tbl.$_[1]."stats ".
"group by 1 order by 2 desc limit 0,10";
$sth = $self->{DBH}->prepare($requete);
while (my ($word,$nb)=$sth->fetchrow_array) {$l2{$word}=$nb;}
return (\%l1,\%l2);
# inscription
sub inscription {$_[0]->do("insert into ".$_[0]->pre_tbl."inscription values ('$_[1]','$_[2]','$_[3]',CURRENT_DATE)");}
# header_compte
sub header_compte
my ($self,$cgi,$id,$script)=@_;
my $v = "<a href=\"$script?compte=$id";
my $buf='<ul>'."\n".
$cgi->li($v."\">Infos générales</a>")."\n" .
$cgi->li($v."&ecran_urls=1\">Gestion des url</a>")."\n".
$cgi->li($v."&ecran_validation=1\">Validation des url</a>")."\n".
$cgi->li($v."&ecran_categorie=1\">Gestion des categories</a>")."\n".
return $buf;
# Get_liste_liens
sub get_liste_liens
my ($self,$id,$cgi)=@_;
my $tab = $self->URL->liens($id);
my @l =sort { $$tab{$a} cmp $$tab{$b} } keys %$tab;
# Get down size of url with length>80
foreach my $v (keys %$tab)
my $l = length($$tab{$v});
if ($l>80)
{ $$tab{$v} =
substr($$tab{$v},0,30) .
return $cgi->scrolling_list( -'name' =>'id',
-'values' =>\@l,
-'size' =>1,
-'labels' =>$tab);
# get_liste_liens_a_valider
sub get_liste_liens_a_valider
my ($self,$id,$cgi)=@_;
my $tab = $self->URL->a_valider($id);
my $buf='<table>';
my @l =sort { $$tab{$a} cmp $$tab{$b} } keys %$tab;
foreach (@l)
$cgi->td("<input type=\"radio\" name=\"id\" value=\"$_\">"),
$cgi->td("<a target=_blank href=\"$$tab{$_}\">$$tab{$_}</a>")
return $buf;
# get_liste_site
sub get_liste_site {
my ($self,$cgi)=@_;
my %tab;
my $sth = $self->{DBH}->prepare("select id,email,titre from ".
if ($sth->execute()) {
while (my @row=$sth->fetchrow_array) {$tab{$row[0]}="$row[1]/$row[2]";}
my @l =sort { $tab{$a} cmp $tab{$b} } keys %tab;
return $cgi->scrolling_list( -'name'=>'id',
else {
$self->trace(1,"Circa::Indexer->get_liste_site $DBI::errstr\n");
return undef;
# get_liste_mot
sub get_liste_mot
my ($self,$compte,$id)=@_;
my @l;
my $sth = $self->{DBH}->prepare("select mot from ".$self->pre_tbl.$compte."relation where id_site=$id");
$sth->execute() || print "Erreur: $DBI::errstr\n";
while (my ($l)=$sth->fetchrow_array) {push(@l,$l);}
return join(' ',@l);
# get_liste_langues
sub get_liste_langues
my ($self,$id,$valeur,$cgi)=@_;
my @l;
my $sth = $self->{DBH}->prepare("select distinct langue ".
"from ".$self->pre_tbl.$id."links");
$sth->execute() || print "Erreur: $DBI::errstr\n";
while (my ($l)=$sth->fetchrow_array) {push(@l,$l);}
my %langue=(
my $scrollLangue =
$cgi->scrolling_list( -'name'=>'langue',
=head1 NAME
Circa::Indexer - provide functions to administrate Circa,
a www search engine running with Mysql
use Circa::Indexer;
my $indexor = new Circa::Indexer;
die "Erreur à la connection MySQL:$DBI::errstr\n"
if (!$indexor->connect);
$indexor->addSite({url => "",
email => '',
title => "Alian Web Server"});
my ($nbIndexe,$nbAjoute,$nbWords,$nbWordsGood) = $indexor->parse_new_url(1);
print "$nbIndexe pages indexées,"
"$nbAjoute pages ajoutées,"
"$nbWordsGood mots indexés,"
"$nbWords mots lus\n";
Look too in L<circa_admin>,admin.cgi,admin_compte.cgi
This is Circa::Indexer, a module who provide functions
to administrate Circa, a www search engine running with
Mysql. Circa is for your Web site, or for a list of sites.
It indexes like Altavista does. It can read, add and
parse all url's found in a page. It add url and word
to MySQL for use it at search.
This module provide routine to :
=item *
Add url
=item *
Create and update each account
=item *
Parse url, Index words, and so on.
=item *
Provide routine to administrate present url
=item *
This file are not added : doc,zip,ps,gif,jpg,gz,pdf,eps,png,
=item *
Weight for each word is in hash $ConfigMoteur
=head2 How it's work ?
Circa parse html document. convert it to text. It count all
word found and put result in hash key. In addition of that,
it read title, keywords, description and add a weight to
all word found.
A config:
my %ConfigMoteur=(
'author' => '', # Responsable du moteur
'temporate' => 1, # Temporise les requetes sur le serveur de 8s.
'facteur_keyword' => 15, # <meta name="KeyWords"
'facteur_description' => 10, # <meta name="description"
'facteur_titre' => 10, # <title></title>
'facteur_full_text' => 1, # reste
'facteur_url' => 15, # Mots trouvés dans l'url
'nb_min_mots' => 2, # facteur min pour garder un mot
'niveau_max' => 7, # Niveau max à indexer
'indexCgi' => 0, # Index lien des CGI (ex: ?nom=toto&riri=eieiei)
A html document:
<meta name="KeyWords"
<meta name="Description"
CONTENT="Rubriques Informatique (Internet,Java,Javascript, CGI, Perl)">
<title>Alian Web Server:Informatique,Société,Loisirs,Voyages</title>
different word: cgi, perl, cgi
After parsing I've a hash with that:
$words{'informatique'}= 15 + 10 + 10 =35
$words{'cgi'} = 15 + 10 +1
$words{'different'} = 1
Words is add to database if total found is > $ConfigMoteur{'nb_min_mots'}
(2 by default). But if you set to 1, database will grow very quicly but
allow you to perform very exact search with many worlds so you can do phrase
searches. But if you do that, think to take a look at size of table
After page is read, it's look into html link. And so on. At each time, the level
grow to one. So if < to $Config{'niveau_max'}, url is added.
=head1 Class Interface
=head2 Constructors and Instance Methods
=item B<new> I<PARAMHASH>
You can use the following keys in PARAMHASH:
=item author
Default: '', appear in log file of web server indexed (as agent)
=item temporate
Default: 1, boolean. If true, wait 8s between request on same server and
LWP::RobotUA will be used. Else this is LWP::UserAgent (more quick because it
doesn't request and parse robots.txt rules, but less clean because a robot must always
say who he is, and heavy server load is avoid).
=item facteur_keyword
Default: 15, weight of word found on meta KeyWords
=item facteur_description
Default:10, weight of word found on meta description"
=item facteur_titre
Default:10, weight of word found on <title></title>
=item facteur_full_text
Default:1, weight of word found on rest of page
=item facteur_url
Default: 15, weight of word found in url
=item nb_min_mots
Default: 2, minimal number of times a word must be found to be added
=item niveau_max
Default: 7, Maximal number of level of links to follow
=item indexCgi
Default 0, follow of not links of CGI (ex: ?nom=toto&riri=eieiei)
=item B<size_max> I<size>
Get or set size max of file read by indexer (For avoid memory pb).
=item B<host_indexed> I<host>
Get or set the host indexed.
=item B<set_host_indexed> I<url>
Set base directory with $url. It's used for restrict access
only to files found on sub-directory on this serveur.
=item B<proxy> I<adresse proxy>
Get or set proxy for LWP::Robot or LWP::Agent
Ex: $circa->proxy('');
=head2 Methods use for global adminstration
=item B<addSite> I<ref_hash>
I<ref_hash> can have these keys: url, email, title, categorieAuto,
cgi, rep, file
Create account with first url I<url>. Return id of account created
=item B<parse_new_url> I<id account>
Parse les pages qui viennent d'être ajoutée. Le programme va analyser toutes
les pages dont la colonne 'parse' est égale à 0.
Retourne le nombre de pages analysées, le nombre de page ajoutées, le
nombre de mots indexés.
=item B<update> I<nb days, id account>
Update url not visited since I<nb days> for account I<id account>.
If idp is not given, 1 will be used. Url never parsed will be indexed.
Return ($nb,$nbAjout,$nbWords,$nbWordsGood)
=item *
$nb: Number of links find
=item *
$nbAjout: Number of links added
=item *
$nbWords: Number of word find
=item *
$nbWordsGood: Number of word added
=item B<create_table_circa>
Create tables needed by Circa - Cree les tables necessaires à Circa:
=item *
categorie : Catégories de sites
=item *
links : Liste d'url
=item *
responsable : Lien vers personne responsable de chaque lien
=item *
relations : Liste des mots / id site indexes
=item *
inscription : Inscriptions temporaires
=item B<drop_table_circa>
Drop all table in Circa ! Be careful ! - Detruit touted les tables de Circa
=item B<drop_table_circa_id> I<id account>
Detruit les tables de Circa pour l'utilisateur $id
=item B<create_table_circa_id> I<id account>
Create tables needed by Circa for instance $id:
=item *
categorie : Catégories de sites
=item *
links : Liste d'url
=item *
relations : Liste des mots / id site indexes
=item *
stats : Liste des requetes
=item B<export> I<[mysqldump], [directory of export]>
Export data from Mysql in I<directory of export>/circa.sql with
I<mysqldump>: path of bin of mysqldump. If not given, search in
/usr/bin/mysqldump, /usr/local/bin/mysqldump, /opt/bin/mysqldump.
<directory of export>: path of directory where circa.sql will be created.
If not given, create it in $CircaConf::export, else in /tmp directory.
=item B<import_data> I<[path_of_bin_mysql], [path_of_circa_file]>
Import data in Mysql from circa.sql
I<path_of_bin_mysql> : path to reach bin of mysql. If not given, search in
/usr/bin/mysql, /usr/local/bin/mysql, /opt/bin/mysql, ENV{PATH}
I<path_of_circa_file> : path of directory where circa.sql will be read.
If not given, read it from $CircaConf::export, else /tmp directory.
=head2 Method for administrate each account
=item B<admin_compte> I<id account>
Return list about account $compte
Retourne une liste d'elements se rapportant au compte $compte
=item *
$responsable : Adresse mail du responsable
=item *
$titre : Titre du site pour ce compte
=item *
$nb_page : Number of url added to Circa - Nombre de page pour ce site
=item *
$nb_words : Number of world added to Circa - Nombre de mots indexés
=item *
$last_index : Date of last indexation. Date de la dernière indexation
=item *
$nb_requetes : Number of request aked - Nombre de requetes effectuées sur ce site
=item *
$racine : First page added - 1ere page inscrite
=item B<most_popular_word> I<nb item to display, id account>
Retourne la reference vers un hash representant la liste
des $max mots les plus présents dans la base de reponsable $id
=item B<stat_request> I<id account>
Return some statistics about request make on Circa
=item B<inscription> I<email, url, titre>
Inscrit un site dans une table temporaire
=head2 HTML functions
=item B<header_compte>
Function use with CGI admin_compte.cgi. Display list of features of
admin_compte.cgi with this account
=item B<get_liste_liens> I<id account>
Rend un buffer contenant une balise select initialisée avec les données
de la table links responsable $id
=item B<get_liste_liens_a_valider> I<id account>
Rend un buffer contenant une balise select initialisée avec les données
de la table links responsable $id liens non valides
=item B<get_liste_site>
Rend un buffer contenant une balise select initialisée avec les données
de la table responsable
=item B<get_liste_langues>
Rend un buffer contenant une balise select initialisée avec les données
de la table responsable
=item B<get_liste_mot>
Rend un buffer contenant une balise select initialisée avec les données
de la table responsable
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Search::Circa>, Root class for circa
L<Search::Circa::Parser>, Manage Parser of Indexer
L<circa_admin>, command line to use indexer
=head1 VERSION
$Revision: 1.37 $
=head1 AUTHOR