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# module Circa::Categorie : See Circa::Indexer
# Copyright 2000 A.Barbet All rights reserved.
# $Log:,v $
# Revision 1.10 2001/08/29 16:23:47 alian
# - Add get_liste_categorie_fils routine
# - Update POD documentation for new namespace
# Revision 1.9 2001/08/24 13:37:56 alian
# - Ajout du prefix Search:: devant chacun des modules
# Revision 1.8 2001/08/12 23:52:32 alian
# - Move methods sites_in_categorie and categories_in_categorie in
# Revision 1.7 2001/05/23 00:06:18 alian
# - Correct a bug in getParent
# Revision 1.6 2001/05/22 14:13:52 alian
# - Remove prefix_table call and replace it by $self->{INDEXER}->pre_tbl
# Revision 1.5 2001/05/21 22:37:43 alian
# - Add loadAll and getMasque method
# Revision 1.4 2001/05/20 12:18:20 alian
# - Change auto method to return a value not an array
# Revision 1.3 2001/05/14 23:26:52 alian
# - Correct some call to Circa::Indexer class
# Revision 1.2 2001/05/14 21:05:50 alian
# - Update POD documentation
# Revision 1.1 2001/05/14 14:59:02 alian
# - Code retiré de
use strict;
use DBI;
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw();
$VERSION = ('$Revision: 1.10 $ ' =~ /(\d+\.\d+)/)[0];
# new
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
my $indexer = shift;
bless $self, $class;
$self->{INDEXER} = $indexer;
$self->{DBH} = $indexer->{DBH};
return $self;
# set_masque
sub set_masque
my ($this,$compte,$id,$file)=@_;
$this->{DBH}->do("update ".$this->{INDEXER}->pre_tbl.$compte."categorie ".
"set masque='$file' where id = $id");
# get_masque
sub get_masque
my ($this,$compte,$id,$file)=@_;
return $this->{INDEXER}->fetch_first
("select masque from ".$this->{INDEXER}->pre_tbl.$compte."categorie ".
"where id = $id") if ($id);
# delete
sub delete
my ($self,$compte,$id)=@_;
my $pre = $self->{INDEXER}->pre_tbl.$compte;
my $sth = $self->{DBH}->prepare("select id from ".$pre."links ".
"where categorie=$id");
$sth->execute || print &header,"Erreur:delete_categorie:$DBI::errstr<br>";
# Pour chaque categorie
while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array)
{$self->{DBH}->do("delete from ".$pre."relation where id_site = $row[0]");}
$self->{DBH}->do("delete from ".$pre."links where categorie = $id");
$self->{DBH}->do("delete from ".$pre."categorie where id = $id");
# rename
sub rename
my ($this,$compte,$id,$nom)=@_;
$this->{DBH}->do("update ".$this->{INDEXER}->pre_tbl.$compte."categorie ".
"set nom='$nom' where id = $id")
|| print STDERR "Erreur:$DBI::errstr<br>\n";
# move
sub move
my ($this,$compte,$id1,$id2)=@_;
$this->{DBH}->do("update ".$this->{INDEXER}->pre_tbl.$compte."links ".
"set categorie=$id2 where categorie = $id1")
|| print STDERR "Erreur:$DBI::errstr<br>\n";
# get_liste
sub get_liste
my ($self,$id,$cgi)=@_;
my (%tab,$tab2,$erreur);
$tab2 = $self->loadAll($id);
my $sth = $self->{DBH}->prepare("select count(1),categorie from ".
$self->{INDEXER}->pre_tbl.$id."links ".
"group by categorie");
$sth->execute() || return;
while (my @row=$sth->fetchrow_array) {$tab{$row[1]}=$row[0];}
if (!$$tab2{0}) {$$tab2{0}[0]='Racine';$$tab2{0}[1]=0;}
foreach (keys %$tab2)
{$tab{$_}= $self->getParent($_,%$tab2)." (".($tab{$_}||0).")";}
my @l =sort { $tab{$a} cmp $tab{$b} } keys %tab;
return (\@l,\%tab);
# get
sub get
my ($self,$rep,$responsable) = @_;
my $ori = $self->{INDEXER}->host_indexed;
my @l = split(/\//,$rep);
my $parent=0;
my $regexp = qr/\.(htm|html|txt|java)$/;
foreach (@l)
if (($_) && ($_ !~ $regexp))
{$parent = $self->create($_,$parent,$responsable);}
return $parent;
# create
sub create
my ($self,$nom,$parent,$responsable)=@_;
$nom=~s/_/ /g;
my $id;
if ($nom)
($id) = $self->{INDEXER}->fetch_first
("select id from ".$self->{INDEXER}->pre_tbl.$responsable."categorie ".
"where nom='$nom' and parent=$parent");
if ((!$id) && (defined $parent))
my $sth = $self->{DBH}->prepare("insert into ".
"categorie(nom,parent) ".
|| print STDERR "Erreur insert into ".
$self->{INDEXER}->pre_tbl.$responsable."categorie(nom,parent) ".
"values('$nom',$parent) : $DBI::errstr<br>";
$id = $sth->{'mysql_insertid'};
return $id || 0;
# auto
sub auto
my ($self,$idp) = @_;
my @tab = $self->{INDEXER}->fetch_first
("select categorieAuto from ".$self->{INDEXER}->pre_tbl."responsable ".
"where id=$idp");
return $tab[0];
# loadAll
sub loadAll
my ($self,$idr)=@_;
my %tab;
my $sth = $self->{DBH}->prepare
("select id,nom,parent from ".$self->{INDEXER}->pre_tbl.$idr."categorie");
#print "requete:$requete\n";
$sth->execute() || print "Erreur $DBI::errstr\n";
while (my ($id,$nom,$parent)=$sth->fetchrow_array)
$tab{0}[1] = 0 ;
$tab{0}[0] = "Racine du site";
return \%tab;
# getParent
sub getParent
my ($self,$id,%tab)=@_;
my $parent;
if ($tab{$id}[1] and $tab{$id}[0])
{$parent = $self->getParent($tab{$id}[1],%tab);}
if (!$tab{$id}[0]) {$tab{$id}[0]='Home';}
return $parent;
# get_liste_categorie_fils
sub get_liste_categorie_fils
my ($self,$id,$idr)=@_;
sub get_liste_categorie_fils_inner
my ($id,%tab)=@_;
my (@l,@l2);
foreach my $key (keys %tab) {push (@l,$key) if ($tab{$key}[1]==$id);}
foreach (@l) {push(@l2,get_liste_categorie_fils_inner($_,%tab));}
return (@l,@l2);
my $tab = $self->loadAll($idr);
return get_liste_categorie_fils_inner($id,%$tab);
# get_link
sub get_link
my ($self,$script_name,$no_categorie,$id,$first) = @_;
if (defined($first))
{return $script_name."?categorie=$no_categorie&id=$id&first=$first";}
else {return $script_name."?categorie=$no_categorie&id=$id";}
=head1 NAME
Search::Circa::Categorie - provide functions to manage categorie of Circa
my $indexer = new Search::Circa::Indexer;
# ...
# Delete categorie 2 for account 1
This module provide several function to manage categorie of Circa.
=head1 VERSION
$Revision: 1.10 $
=head1 Public Class Interface
=item new($indexer_instance)
Create a new Search::Circa::Categorie object with indexer instance properties
=item set_masque($compte,$id,$file)
Set a different masque ($file) for browse this categorie $id for account
=item get_masque($compte,$id)
Return path of masque for this categorie for account
=item delete($compte,$id)
Drop categorie $id for account $compte. (All url and words for this account)
Supprime la categorie $id pour le compte de responsable $compte et
tous les liens et relation qui sont dans cette categorie
=item rename($compte,$id,$nom)
Rename category $id for account $compte in $name
Renomme la categorie $id pour le compte $compte en $nom
=item move($compte,$id1,$id2)
Move url for account $compte from one categorie $id1 to another $id2
=item get_liste($id,$cgi)
Return two references to a list and a hash.
The hash have name of categorie as key, and number of site in this categorie
as value. The list is ordered keys of hash.
=item get($rep,$responsable)
Return id of directory $rep. If directory didn't exist, function create it.
=item create($nom,$parent,$responsable)
Create categorie $nom with parent $parent for account $responsable
=item auto($idp)
Return 1 if account $idp want auto categorie. 0 else.
=item loadAll($account)
Return reference to hash with all categorie for account $account.
Hash use id as key, and array as value. Array has two field, first
name of categorie, second id of father categorie
=item get_liste_categorie_fils($id,$idr)
$id : Id de la categorie parent
$idr : Site selectionne
Retourne la liste des categories fils de $id dans le site $idr
=head1 Private Class Interface
=item getParent($id,%tab)
Rend la chaine correspondante à la catégorie $id avec ses rubriques parentes
=head1 AUTHOR