Changes for version 0.03

  • added method for accessing header duration for RIFF files to FFmpeg::Stream::Video FIXME not done yet.
  • added input_url(), input_url_max_size(), and input_url_referrer() to allow customized downloading of files or their headers. if input_url_max_size() is used, a second HEAD request is issued to get the real file size so FFMpeg::StreamGroup->duration() still reports the correct value. this introduces dependency on LWP::UserAgent and HTTP::Request to the library.


Perl interface to FFmpeg, a video converter written in C
A media stream (co)mpression / (dec)ompression algorithm
A multimedia file format supported by FFmpeg (eg avi, mov, mpeg, mp3, &c)
Image formats supported by FFmpeg's image codecs.
An audio or video stream from a (multi)media file.
An audio stream from a (multi)media stream group.
A non-media data stream from a (multi)media file.
A stream of unknown type from a (multi)media stream group.
A video stream from a (multi)media stream group.
A group of related media streams, typically encapsulated in a single file