0.01 Wed Apr 25 02:15:22 PDT 2004
	initial release

	- added more FFmpeg::Stream attributes (height, width, channels, etc)

	- FFmpeg::Stream made to be an uninstantiated base class for specific
	stream types: FFmpeg::Stream::Video, ::Audio, ::Data, and ::Unknown.

	- removed Inline::C dependency by reimplementing in XS (Dan Sully)

	- added capture_frame() method to FFmpeg::StreamGroup.  this introduces
	a dependency on Image::Magick::Iterator and Image::Magick.

	- changed Makefile.PL to read from $FFMPEG_ROOT environmental variable
	rather than a Makefile.PL argument.

0.03	- removed FFmpeg.PMS from distro (oops, should have been gone in 0.02)

	- added method for accessing header duration for RIFF files to
	FFmpeg::Stream::Video FIXME not done yet.

	- added input_url(), input_url_max_size(), and input_url_referrer() to
	allow customized downloading of files or their headers.  if
	input_url_max_size() is used, a second HEAD request is issued to get
	the real file size so FFMpeg::StreamGroup->duration() still reports
	the correct value.  this introduces dependency on LWP::UserAgent and
	HTTP::Request to the library.

0.04	- added force_format() method.
	- removed Time::Piece dependency.  duration() now returns fractional
	seconds for the duration of the stream or stream group.  call
	duration(format => 'HMS') to get a HH::MM::SS formatted string.  i
	may at some point add support for a 'Time::Piece' and other formats.
	- corrected a duration bug that reported incorrect durations for long
	streams (sprintf unsigned int instead of signed int)

fix audio file (mp3 anyway) duration reporting.  there may be
a bug in FFmpeg, a bug in Time::Piece, or a bug in mod_perl with
initializing malloc()ed memory.  i have only observed the bug running
under mod_perl, so i still need to do some isolation debugging.

FFmpeg::ImageFormat seems to have lost most of its formats (all except sgi,
gif, and yuv).  This seems to be related to the changes that were made to
capture_frames() requiring a .pnm extension on the tempfiles, and ffmpeg
automatically detecting what image format was desired... need to figure out
how to get the available image formats into perl again.  they are still
available as shown by running 'ffmpeg -formats'.