Changes for version 0.04
- removed Time::Piece dependency. duration() now returns fractional seconds for the duration of the stream or stream group. call duration(format => 'HMS') to get a HH::MM::SS formatted string. i may at some point add support for a 'Time::Piece' and other formats.
- corrected a duration bug that reported incorrect durations for long streams (sprintf unsigned int instead of signed int)
- ###TODO### fix audio file (mp3 anyway) duration reporting. there may be a bug in FFmpeg, a bug in Time::Piece, or a bug in mod_perl with initializing malloc()ed memory. i have only observed the bug running under mod_perl, so i still need to do some isolation debugging.
- FFmpeg::ImageFormat seems to have lost most of its formats (all except sgi, gif, and yuv). This seems to be related to the changes that were made to capture_frames() requiring a .pnm extension on the tempfiles, and ffmpeg automatically detecting what image format was desired... need to figure out how to get the available image formats into perl again. they are still available as shown by running 'ffmpeg -formats'.
Perl interface to FFmpeg, a video converter written in C
A media stream (co)mpression / (dec)ompression algorithm
A multimedia file format supported by FFmpeg (eg avi, mov, mpeg, mp3, &c)
Image formats supported by FFmpeg's image codecs.
An audio or video stream from a (multi)media file.
An audio stream from a (multi)media stream group.
A non-media data stream from a (multi)media file.
A stream of unknown type from a (multi)media stream group.
A video stream from a (multi)media stream group.
A group of related media streams, typically encapsulated in a single file