Geo::Google::Path - A path, by automobile, between two loci.
use Geo::Google::Path;
# you shouldn't need to construct these yourself,
# have a Geo::Google object do it for you.
Google Maps is able to serve up directions between two points. Directions consist of two types of components:
1. a series of points along a "polyline".
2. a series of annotations, each of which applies to a contiguous
range of points.
In the Geo::Google object model, directions are available by calling path() on a Geo::Google instance. The return value is a Geo::Google::Path object, which is a composite of Geo::Google::Segment objects, which are in turn composites of Geo::Google::Location objects.
Geo::Google::Path objects provide the following accessor methods
Method Description
------ -----------
distance length of the segment, in variable, human friendly units.
meters length of the segment, in meters.
polyline a string encoding the points in the path.
seconds a time estimate, in seconds, for how long the path will
take to travel by automobile.
segments a list of Geo::Google::Segment segments along the path.
a segment has 0..1 driving directions associated with it.
time a time estimate, in variable, human-friendly units for how long
the segment will take to travel by automobile.
toString a method that renders the path in Google Maps XML format.
Allen Day, <>
Copyright (C) 2005 by Allen Day
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.3 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.