Math::Combinatorics - Perform combinations and permutations on lists


Available as an object oriented API.

use Math::Combinatorics;

my @n = qw(a b c);
my $combinat = Math::Combinatorics->new(count => 2,
                                        data => [@n],

print "combinations of 2 from: ".join(" ",@n)."\n";
print "------------------------".("--" x scalar(@n))."\n";
while(my @combo = $combinat->next_combination){
  print join(' ', @combo)."\n";

print "\n";

print "combinations of 2 from: ".join(" ",@n)."\n";
print "------------------------".("--" x scalar(@n))."\n";
while(my @permu = $combinat->next_permutation){
  print join(' ', @permu)."\n";


Or available via exported functions 'permute', 'combine', and 'factorial'.

use Math::Combinatorics;

my @n = qw(a b c);
print "combinations of 2 from: ".join(" ",@n)."\n";
print "------------------------".("--" x scalar(@n))."\n";
print join("\n", map { join " ", @$_ } combine(2,@n)),"\n";
print "\n";
print "permutations of 3 from: ".join(" ",@n)."\n";
print "------------------------".("--" x scalar(@n))."\n";
print join("\n", map { join " ", @$_ } permute(@n)),"\n";


combinations of 2 from: a b c
a b
a c
b c

combinations of 2 from: a b c
a b c
a c b
b a c
b c a
c a b
c b a

Output from both types of calls is the same, but the object-oriented approach consumes much less memory for large sets.


Combinatorics is the branch of mathematics studying the enumeration, combination, and permutation of sets of elements and the mathematical relations that characterize their properties. As a jumping off point, refer to:

This module provides a pure-perl implementation of nCk, nPk, and n! (combination, permutation, and factorial, respectively).


the following export tags will bring a single method into the caller's namespace. no symbols are exported by default. see pod documentation below for method descriptions.



Allen Day <>, with algorithmic contributions from Christopher Eltschka and Tye.


report them to the author. a known bug (partial implementation bug) does not allow parameterization of k for nPk in permute(). it is assumed k == n. "permute()" for details.




String::Combination (misnamed, it actually returns permutations on a string).



Usage   : my @combinations = combine($k,@n);
Function: implements nCk (n choose k), or n!/(k!*(n-k!)).
          returns all unique unorderd combinations of k items from set n.
          items in n are assumed to be character data, and are
          copied into the return data structure (see "Returns" below).
Example : my @n = qw(a b c);
          my @c = combine(2,@n);
          print join "\n", map { join " ", @$_ } @c;
          # prints:
          # b c
          # a c
          # a b
Returns : a list of arrays, where each array contains a unique combination
          of k items from n
Args    : a list of items to be combined
Notes   : data is internally assumed to be alphanumeric.  this is necessary
          to efficiently generate combinations of large sets.  if you need
          combinations of non-alphanumeric data, or on data
          C<sort {$a cmp $b}> would not be appropriate, use the
          object-oriented API.  See L</new()> and the B<compare> option.


Usage   : my @permutations = permute(@n);
Function: implements nPk (n permute k) (where k == n), or n!/(n-k)!
           returns all unique permutations of k items from set n
          (where n == k, see "Note" below).  items in n are assumed to
          be character data, and are copied into the return data
Example : my @n = qw(a b c);
          my @p = permute(@n);
          print join "\n", map { join " ", @$_ } @p;
          # prints:
          # b a c
          # b c a
          # c b a
          # c a b
          # a c b
          # a b c
Returns : a list of arrays, where each array contains a permutation of
          k items from n (where k == n).
Args    : a list of items to be permuted.
Note    : k should really be parameterizable.  this will happen
          in a later version of the module.  send me a patch to
          make that version come out sooner.
Notes   : data is internally assumed to be alphanumeric.  this is necessary
          to efficiently generate combinations of large sets.  if you need
          combinations of non-alphanumeric data, or on data
          C<sort {$a cmp $b}> would not be appropriate, use the
          object-oriented API.  See L</new()>, and the B<compare> option.


Usage   : my $f = factorial(4); #returns 24, or 4*3*2*1
Function: calculates n! (n factorial).
Returns : undef if n is non-integer or n < 0
Args    : a positive, non-zero integer
Note    : this function is used internally by combine() and permute()



Usage   : my $c = Math::Combinatorics->new( count => 2,       #treated as int
                                            data => [1,2,3,4] #arrayref or anonymous array
Function: build a new Math::Combinatorics object.
Returns : a Math::Combinatorics object
Args    : count   - required for combinatoric functions/methods.  number of elements to be
                    present in returned set(s).
          data    - required for combinatoric B<AND> permutagenic functions/methods.  this is the
                    set elements are chosen from.  B<NOTE>: this array is modified in place; make
                    a copy of your array if the order matters in the caller's space.
          compare - optional subroutine reference used in sorting elements of the set.  examples:

                      #appropriate for character elements
                      compare => sub { $_[0] cmp $_[1] }               
                      #appropriate for numeric elements
                      compare => sub { $_[0] <=> $_[1] }
                      #appropriate for object elements, perhaps
                      compare => sub { $_[0]->value <=> $_[1]->value }

                    defaults to "sub { $_[0] cmp $_[1] }"


Usage   : my @combo = $c->next_combination();
Function: get combinations of size $count from @data.
Returns : returns a combination of $count items from @data (see L</new()>).
          repeated calls retrieve all unique combinations of $count elements.
          a returned empty list signifies all combinations have been iterated.
Args    : none.


Usage   : my @permu = $c->next_permutation();
Function: get permutations of elements in @data.
Returns : returns a permutation of items from @data (see L</new()>).
          repeated calls retrieve all unique permutations of @data elements.
          a returned empty list signifies all permutations have been iterated.
Args    : none.



Usage   : my $sum = sum(1,2,3); # returns 6
Function: sums a list of integers.  non-integer list elements are ignored
Returns : sum of integer items in arguments passed in
Args    : a list of integers
Note    : this function is used internally by combine()


Usage   : $obj->compare()
Function: internal, undocumented.  holds a comparison coderef.
Returns : value of compare (a coderef)


Usage   : $obj->count()
Function: internal, undocumented.  holds the "k" in nCk or nPk.
Returns : value of count (an int)


Usage   : $obj->data()
Function: internal, undocumented.  holds the set "n" in nCk or nPk.
Returns : value of data (an arrayref)


internal, undocumented.


internal, undocumented.


internal, undocumented.


internal, undocumented.


internal, undocumented.


Usage   : $obj->_permutation_cursor()
Function: internal method.  cursor on permutation iterator order.
Returns : value of _permutation_cursor (an arrayref)
Args    : none