Bio::Expression::Microarray::Affymetrix::Feature - an Affymetrix feature.


#get a Feature object somehow...



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Allen Day <>


The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _


Title   : new
Usage   : $ftr = Bio::Expression::Microarray::Affymetrix::Feature->new();
Function: create a new feature object
Returns : a Bio::Expression::Microarray::Affymetrix::Feature object
Args    : none.  all attributes must be set by calling the
          appropriate method

get/set methods

The following methods can be used to set or retrieve an attribute for a feature object. Call them as in (a) to set an attribute, or as in (b) to retrieve the value of an attribute:

(a) $ftr->method('new_value');
(b) $ftr->method();

Note that no attempt is made to validate the values you store using an accessor method.

The following methods, along with brief descriptions of their purpose, are available:

Method                   Purpose
------                   -------
probe                    ???
feat                     ???
expos                    ???
pos                      ???
cbase                    ???
pbase                    ???
tbase                    ???
atom                     ???
index                    ???
codon_index              ???
codon                    ???
regiontype               ???
region                   ???