Bio::Expression::Microarray::FeatureI - an interface class for microarray features
Bio::Expression::Microarray::FeatureI is derived from Bio::Expression::FeatureI, with methods specific to microarray features.
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Allen Day <>
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
get/set methods
The following methods can be used to set or retrieve an attribute for a feature object. Call them as in (a) to set an attribute, or as in (b) to retrieve the value of an attribute:
(a) $ftr->method('new_value');
(b) $ftr->method();
Note that no attempt is made to validate the values you store using an accessor method.
The following methods, along with brief descriptions of their purpose, are available:
Method Purpose
------ -------
x the x-axis component of the feature's coordinate
position on the array.
y the y-axis component of the feature's coordinate
position on the array.
is_match 1 if the feature is a reverse-compliment of the
sequence it is measuring, 0 or undef if it is not
a reverse compliment
is_masked 1 if the feature has been masked out, i.e. should
be excluded from further data analysis, undef or
0 if the feature should be used
is_outlier 1 if the feature's value is dissimilar to the other
features in the same of set. 0 or undef if the
value is similar to the other features.
is_modified 1 if the feature's value has been modified after
quantitation. 0 or undef if the value has not
been modified after quantitation.