Bio::Expression::MicroarrayIO - Read/write Microarray files
use Bio::Expression::MicroarrayIO;
$stream = Bio::Expression::MicroarrayIO->new(
'-file' => "my.cel",
'-template' => "my.cdf",
'-format' => "affymetrix",
while ( my $in = $stream->next_array() ) {
print $in->id() . "\n";
The Bio::Expression::MicroarrayIO module reads various Microarray data formats such as Affymetrix CEL and CDF, and dChip XLS.
$str = Bio::Expression::MicroarrayIO->new(
-file => 'filename',
-template => 'template',
-format => $format
The new() class method constructs a new Bio::Expression::MicroarrayIO object. The returned object can be used to retrieve or print cluster objects. new() accepts the following parameters:
- -file
A file path to be opened for reading.
- -format
Specify the format of the file. Supported formats include:
affymetrix *.cel Affymetrix CEL files
The format name is case insensitive. 'AFFYMETRIX', 'Affymetrix' and 'affymetrix' are all supported.
- -template
Affymetrix CEL, and other microarray files, require a template file that defines the location of probes on the array. This template is necessary to match values from a matrix of values from a data file with sets of probes that are on the array. Pass the path to the template file as the -template parameter.
See below for more detailed summaries. The main methods are:
$array = $str->next_array()
Fetch the next array from the stream.
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AUTHOR - Allen Day
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
Title : new
Usage : Bio::Expression::MicroarrayIO->new(
-file => 'path/to/filename',
-format => 'format',
-template => 'path/to/template');
Function: Returns a new microarray stream
Returns : A Bio::Expression::MicroarrayIO handler.
Args : -file => filename
-format => format
-template => template
Title : _initialize
Usage : $stream->_initialize(@args);
Function: Initialize the object's IO handles
Returns :
Args : @_ from new()
Title : next_array
Usage : $ary = $stream->next_array()
Function: Reads the next array object from the stream and returns it.
Returns : a (hopefully) Bio::Expression::MicroarrayI compliant object
Args : none
Title : _load_format_module
Usage : $stream->_load_format_module($format)
Function: Loads a module for $format at run time
Returns : 1 on success, undef on failure
Args : the name of a microarray format (class name)
Title : _guess_format
Usage : $stream->_guess_format($filename)
Function: guess format based on file suffix
Example :
Returns : guessed format of filename (lower case)
Args : filename