Blog::Blosxom - A module version of the apparently inactive blosxom.cgi


Version 0.01


Blosxom is a blog engine found at It is hideously simple and hideously written.

This module aims to replace the blosxom CGI script with a module that can incidentally be run as a CGI script without too much alteration. It should be backwardly compatible with the original blosxom script, meaning that your plugins should work correctly. That is to say that the same variables should be available at the same times, and the functions you register will be called at the same or equivalent parts of the processing.

Hopefully some improvements will be made on the original script. Although it boasts a low line count, this is at the unfortunate expense of legibility, replacing it with the line noise Perl is so famous for. This module spreads out the original script's processing and puts it into neat containers where it can be seen and fixed.


use Blog::Blosxom;

my $blog = Blog::Blosxom->new(%params);
## OR



Create a new blog. Parameters are provided in a hash and are:


This will be available in your templates as $blog_title, and by default appears in the page title and at the top of the page body.

This parameter is required.


This will be available in your templates as $blog_description. This does not appear in the default templates.


This is used for the RSS feed, as well as any other flavours you specify that have a language parameter.


This is where blosxom will look for the blog's entries. A relative path will be relative to the script that is using this module.

This parameter is required.


This will override the base URL for the blog, which is automatic if you do not provide.


This is how far down subdirectories of datadir to look for more blog entries. 0 is the default, which means to look down indefinitely. 1, therefore, means to look only in the datadir itself, up to n, which will look n-1 subdirectories down.


This is the number of entries to display on the home page. By default this is 40.


By default, Blosxom will treat .txt files as blog entries. Change this to use a different file extension. Do not provide the dot that separates the filename and the file extension.


The flavour simply determines which set of templates to use to draw the blog. This defines which flavour to use by default. Vanilla blosxom has HTML and RSS flavours.


Original Blosxom has this, which is a boolean value that determines whether or not to show entries dated in the future. However, since Blosxom uses the filesystem's metadata to determine the date of the entry, and a future modification date is an error in ext filesystems, this is probably not going to do anything useful. However, it will be available in your plugins and templates if you need it.


Tells blosxom where to look for plugins. This is empty by default, which means it won't look for plugins. Relative paths will be taken relative to the script that uses this module.


Some plugins wish to store state. This is where the state data will be stored. It will need to be writable. Defaults to plugin_dir/state if you specify a plugin_dir.


Blosxom can publish your files statically, which means you run the script and it creates HTML files (for example) for each of your entries, instead of loading them dynamically. This defines where those files should go.


You have to provide a password if you want to use static rendering, as a security measure or something.


An arrayref of the flavours that Blosxom should generate statically. By default this is html and rss.


Set this to a true value to turn on static generation of individual entries. Generally there is no point because your entries are static files already, but you may be using a plugin to alter them before rendering.

run ($path, $flavour)

It is now the responsibility of the user to provide the correct path and flavour. That is because there are several ways that you can gain this information, and it is not up to this engine to decide what they are. That is, this information comes from the request URL and, possibly, the parameter string, POST, cookies, what-have-you.


  • The path is the entire path up to the filename. The filename shall not include a file extension. The filename is optional, and if omitted, the directory given will be searched for all entries and an index page generated.

  • The flavour can be gathered in any manner you desire. The original Blosxom script would use either a parameter string, ?flav=html, or simply by using the flavour as the file extension for the requested path.

No flavour provided will result in the default being used, obviously. No path being provided will result in the root path being used, since these are equivalent.

template($path, $component, $flavour)

Returns a chunk of markup for the requested component in the requested flavour for the requested path. The path in this case will be the one entered in the URL, but this is applied to the datadir in order to find the actual file anyway.


Given a path, find the entries that should be returned. This may be overridden by a plugin defining the function "entries", or this "entries_for_path" function. They are synonymous. See PLUGINS for information on overriding this method.

This implements two behaviours. If the path requested is a real path then it is searched for all blog entries, honouring the depth parameter that limits how far below the data_dir we should look for blog entries.

If it is not then it is expected to be a date, being in 1, 2 or 3 parts, in one true date ISO format. This version will return all entries filtered by this date specification. See also date_of_post, which determines the date on which the post was made and can be overridden in plugins.

date_of_post ($fn)

Return a unix timestamp defining the date of the post. The filename provided to the method is an absolute filename.

filter (@entries)

This function returns only the desired entries from the array passed in. By default it just returns the array back, so is just a place to check for plugins.

This can be overridden by plugins in order to alter the way the module filters the files. See PLUGINS for more details.

sort (@entries)

Sort @entries and return the new list.

Default behaviour is to sort by date.

static_mode($password, $on)

Sets static mode. Pass in the password to turn it on. Turns it off if it is already on.

interpolate($template, $extra_data)

Each template is interpolated, which means that variables are swapped out if they exist. Each template may have template-specific variables; e.g. the story template has a title and a body. Those are provided in the extra data, which is a hashref with the variable name to be replaced (without the $) as the key, and the corresponding value as the value.

This method can be overridden by a plugin.

entry_data ($entry)

Provided with the entry data, which is an arrayref with the entry filename, relative to datadir, in the first slot and a hashref in the second. The hashref will have at least a date entry, being a UNIX timestamp for the entry. See the section on plugin entries.

Returns a hashref containing the following keys:


Post title


The body of the post


Timestamp of entry. mo = month name; dw = day name


The folder in which the post lives, relative to the blog's base URL.


The filename of the post, sans extension.

These should be returned such that it is true that

$path . "/" . $fn . "." . $flavour eq $request_url

i.e. these components together are what was originally asked for. (Note that flavour is a variable available to templates but not returned by this method.)


Writing plugins for this new version of Blosxom is easy. If you know exactly what you want from your plugin, you can simply subclass this one and override the methods below. Alternatively, you can create files in some directory, and then configure your Blosxom object to use that directory as your plugins directory.

In order to use a plugin directory, the package name in the plugin file must be identical to the filename itself. That is because the blosxom engine uses the filename to know which package to give to require. The only thing that deviates from this rule is that you can prepend the filename with any number of digits, and these will be used to load the plugins in order. The order is that returned by the sort function, so it is recommended all your numbers have the same number of digits.

In order to disable a plugin, simply alter its start subroutine to return a false value instead of a true one.

Starting a plugin

As mentioned, it is necessary that your plugin's filename is the same as the package defined in the plugin. Please also include a bit of a comment about what your plugin does, plus author information. The community would appreciate it if you would use an open licence for your copyrighting, since the community is built on this attitude. However, the licence you use is, of course, up to you.

The smallest possible plugin (comments aside) is shown below, and its filename would be myplugin.

## Blosxom plugin myplugin
## Makes blosxom not suck
## Author: Altreus
## Licence: X11/MIT

package myplugin;

sub start{1}



Every single hook in the plugin will be passed the Blosxom object as the first argument, effectively running the function as a method on the object itself. This $self will therefore not be mentioned in the following explanations; only any extra parameters will be described.

In all cases, the first plugin that defines a hook is the one that gets to do it. For this reason you may find that you want to use the method above to decide the order in which the plugins are loaded.

Also in all cases, except where a true/false value is expected, simply not returning anything is the way to go about deciding you don't want to alter the default behaviour. For example, if you wanted to take the date of a post from the filename, then in the cases where the filename does not define a date, you can simply return; and processing will continue as if it had not defined this functionality in the first place.

Also also in all cases, you can get the return value of the default method by simply calling $self->method. This is helpful if you want to slightly but not wildly alter the output, such as adding extra information to the same set of data. Obviously this is not true of start and skip, since these are not methods on the class in the first place.


The start subroutine is required in your module and will return either a true or a false value to decide whether the plugin should be used.

You can use the values on the Blosxom object if you need to make a decision.

sub start {
    return shift->{static_mode}; # Only active in static mode

template ($path, $comp, $flavour)

This returns the template to use in the given path for the given component for the given flavour. The requested filename will not be part of the path.

The default template procedure is to check the given path and all parent directories of that path, up to the blog root, for the file $comp.$flavour, and to use the first one found.

Since it is pretty easy to find this file based on just the filename, you'd think this method has something a bit more difficult to do. In fact this function returns the content of that file, ready for interpolation.

This function implements the functionality of both the template hook in the original blosxom script, as well as the hooks for the individual templates themselves. That means that if your original plugin defined a new template for, e.g., the date.html in certain situations, this is where you should now return that magic HTML.

entries_for_path ($path)

This returns an array of items. Each item is itself an arrayref, whose first entry is the filename and whose second entry is a hashref. The hashref is required to contain the 'date' key, which specifies the date of the file. That is, the function returns:

            date => [ year, month, day ],

Obviously this is not real Perl syntax, but it is similar, and should get the point across. The arrayref may contain other things in the third and subsequent positions, and the hashref may contain other keys, but this much is required.

The filename returned is the path and filename of the entry file relative to the datadir. The input $path is not necessarily relative to anything, because it will be the path of the HTTP request. Thus, please note, it may contain the year, month and day of the requested post(s) and not a path to any real file or directory at all.

It is worth noting that you can override how Blosxom decides the date of the file by implementing the date_of_post method instead of this one.

date_of_post ($post)

The post provided will be the filename and path to the post, relative to the root of the blog directory, $self->{datadir}. You should return an arrayref where [0] is the 4-digit year, [1] is the 2-digit month, and [2] is the 2-digit day. This is not checked for validity but will probably cause something to blow up somewhere if it is not a real date.

filter (@entries)

This function does nothing by default and is a hook by which you can scrupulously filter out posts one way or another. You are given the output of the entries_for_path method above, and you should return an array in exactly the same format, except having removed any entries you do not want to show up on the generated page.

sort (@entries)

You can override the default sorting mechanism, which is by date by default, by implementing this method. It is advisable to empty your date template if you do this, because the date template is inserted every time the date changes as processing goes down the list.

A future release may see the date template replaced by a divider template, which would be configurable and merely default to the date.


The skip function is a feature from the original blosxom. Setting it to return a true value will cause the Blosxom object to stop just before anything is actually output. That is, it will find all the entries and pull in the templates but not do anything with them if any active plugin makes this function return true. This is useful if, e.g., your plugin issues a redirect header.

interpolate ($template, $extra_data)

This is where you can override the default way in which the variables are interpolated into the template.

The extra data will be a hashref of var => val, var being the variable name to interpolate, without its $.

entry_data ($entry)

This is provided with an arrayref as returned by entries_for_path, and should return a hashref with the keys as described above, in the method's own documentation. Briefly, they are

title body yr mo mo_name da dw hr min path fn

You may also provide any extra keys that your own templates may want. See above about how to call the default function and then alter the return value instead of completely reimplementing it.


Altreus, <altreus at>


Most existing plugins won't work because I've changed the way it works to the extent that the same functions don't necessarily exist. However, existing plugins should be fairly easy to tailor to the new plugin system. I didn't think this was too important a feature because a good number of the plugins at the blosxom plugin repository are 404s anyway.

The plugin system is like the original blosxom's, where the first plugin to define a function is the boss of that function. Some functions may benefit from the combined effort of all plugins, such as filtering. That is something to think about in the future.

Static rendering is not yet implemented. Frankly I don't think I can be bothered.


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-blog-blosxom at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Blog::Blosxom

You can also look for information at:


Thanks to the original author of blosxom.cgi for writing it and giving me code to do much of the stuff it did.


Copyright 2010 Altreus.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.