Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CPAN::Mini::Inject::REST - Uploads to a CPAN::Mini::Inject mirror using CPAN::Mini::Inject::REST


Like Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Inject, this plugin is a release-stage plugin that uploads to a CPAN::Mini mirror. This one expects that the remote is a CPAN::Mini::Inject::REST server, since it uses CPAN::Mini::Inject::REST::Client::API to do it.


This plugin extends CPAN::Mini::Inject::REST::Client::API and therefore all of its properties can be provided. A summary:

host - Required - without the protocol.
protocol - Optional. Defaults to http. This differs from the parent class, where it is required.
port - Optional. Defaults to 80. This differs from the parent class, where it is required.
username - Optional. Username for HTTP basic auth.
password - Optional. Password for HTTP basic auth.