The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

use 5.006;
use strict;
use YAML 'LoadFile';
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw() ] );
our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );
our @EXPORT = qw( &toword &install_dic );
our $VERSION = '0.01';
# Preloaded methods go here.
sub install_dic{
my %opt =(yaml => undef, name=>undef); ## irr => "name.irr"
if(ref($_[0]) eq "HASH") {%opt = (%opt , %{shift(@_)}) } ;
my ($aff,@dic)=@_;
my $cpaff=1;
if($aff =~ /^from:(.*)/){
$aff = catfile($Lingua::Jspell::JSPELLLIB,"$1.aff") ; $cpaff=0;}
my $ya;
open(F,">__$$.dic") or die("Error 1: $!\n");
for (@dic){open(G, $_) or die("Error 2($_): $!\n");
print F <G>;
close G;
close F;
$ya = LoadFile($opt{yaml}) if $opt{yaml};
my $name = $opt{name} || $ya->{META}{IDS}[0] || $dic[0];
if($opt{hash}){ copy($opt{hash}, "__$$.hash"); }
else { system ("jbuild __$$.dic $aff __$$.hash"); }
or warn ("Error 3: $!");
or warn ("Error 4: $!");
copy($aff, catfile($Lingua::Jspell::JSPELLLIB,"$name.aff"))
or warn ("Error 5: $!");
if ($opt{yaml}){
copy($opt{yaml}, catfile($Lingua::Jspell::JSPELLLIB,"$name.yaml"))
or warn ("Error 6: $!");
or warn ("Error 7: $!");
sub init{
my $file = shift;
my $self = { filename => $file };
open F, $file or die "Cannot open file '$file': $!\n";
while(<F>) {
$self->{ shortcut}{$1} = $2 if (m!^#([^/]+)/([^/]+)/!);
$self->{revshortcut}{$2} = $1 if (m!^#([^/]+)/([^/]+)/!);
close F;
copy($file,"$file.old") or die("$! cant create $file.old\n");
return bless($self);
sub toword{ _data2line(@_) }
sub modeach_word{
my %opt =(rawfea => 0);
my $dic = shift;
if(ref($_[0]) eq "HASH") {%opt = (%opt , %{shift(@_)}) } ;
my $func = shift;
open DIC, $dic->{filename} or die("cannot open file");
open NDIC, ">$dic->{filename}.new" or die("cannot create file $!");
while(<DIC>) {
if (m!^#! or m!^\s*$!){ print NDIC $_ ; next }
my ($word,$class,$flags,@r) = split '/', $_;
my @flags = ($flags)?split(//, $flags):();
if(not $opt{rawfea}){
my @atts;
if ($class =~ /^\$/){ @atts = (special => $class)}
else {
$class =~ s/#([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*)/$dic->{shortcut}{$1} || ""/ge if $class;
@atts = ($class)?split(/[,=]/, $class):();
my %atts;
if (@atts % 2) {
%atts = ();
} else {
%atts = @atts;
print NDIC $func->($word,\%atts,\@flags,@r) || $_;
else {
print NDIC $func->($word,$class,\@flags,@r) || $_;
print NDIC "\n";
close DIC;
close NDIC;
sub foreach_word {
my %opt =(type => "struct");
my $dic = shift;
if(ref($_[0]) eq "HASH") {%opt = (%opt , %{shift(@_)}) } ;
my $func = shift;
open DIC, $dic->{filename} or die("cannot open file");
while(<DIC>) {
next if m!^#!;
next if m!^\s*$!;
my ($word,$class,$flags,@r) = split '/', $_;
if($opt{type} eq "struct"){
$class =~ s/#([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*)/$dic->{shortcut}{$1} || ""/ge if $class;
my @flags = ($flags)?split(//, $flags):();
my @atts = ($class)?split(/[,=]/, $class):();
my %atts;
if (@atts % 2) {
%atts = ();
} else {
%atts = @atts;
$func->($word,\%atts,\@flags,@r); }
elsif( $opt{type} eq "raw"){ $func->($_); }
close DIC;
sub for_this_cat_I_want_only_these_flags {
my $dic = shift;
my $cat = shift;
$cat =~ s/#//g;
my $flags = shift;
my %flags;
@flags{split //,$flags}=1;
foreach_word($dic, sub {
my ($w,$a,$f) = @_;
my %fs = %flags;
my $ct = $cat;
my $this_cat = $a->{CAT} || "unknown";
if ($this_cat eq $ct) {
my $fl;
for $fl(@$f) {
unless (exists($fs{$fl})) {
print "$w from category '$cat' uses flag '$fl'\n";
sub for_this_cat_I_dont_want_these_flags {
my $dic = shift;
my $cat = shift;
$cat =~ s/#//g;
my $flags = shift;
my %flags;
@flags{split //,$flags}=1;
foreach_word($dic, sub {
my ($w,$a,$f) = @_;
my %fs = %flags;
my $ct = $cat;
my $this_cat = $a->{CAT} || "unknown";
if ($this_cat eq $ct) {
my $fl;
for $fl(@$f) {
if (exists($fs{$fl})) {
print "$w from category '$cat' uses flag '$fl'\n";
sub not_categorized {
my $dic = shift;
open DIC, $dic->{filename} or die("Cannot open file");
while(<DIC>) {
next if /^#/;
next if /^\s*$/;
my $word = $1;
my $cat = $';
next unless ($cat =~ m!^/!);
print "word '$word' doesn't have a categorie\n";
close DIC;
sub extra_words {
my $dic = shift;
my %from;
my ($r,$word,$fea,$fea1,$t);
my $jdic = Lingua::Jspell->new("port");
open DIC, $dic->{filename} or die("Cannot open file");
while(<DIC>) {
next if /^#/;
next if /^\s*$/;
$word = $1;
my @rads = $jdic->rad($word);
if (@rads > 1) {
print STDERR "." if rand > 0.99;
for $r (@rads) {
next if ($r eq $word);
# for the fea from $word, get the rad==$r
for $fea ($jdic->fea($word)) {
if ($fea->{rad} eq $word) {
for $fea1 (fea($r)) {
if (_same_cat($fea1->{CAT},$fea->{CAT})) {
$from{$r} = {word=>$word, orig=>$fea1, dest=>$fea};
# $from{$r} = {word=>$word};
close DIC;
for (keys %from) {
if ($from{$from{$_}{word}}{word}) {
print "# warning: multiple dependence\n";
print "# \t$_ => $from{$_}{word} => $from{$from{$_}{word}}{word}\n";
} else {
print "# from $_ you can get $from{$_}{word}\n";
print "delete_word('$from{$_}{word}')\n";
sub _same_cat {
my ($a,$b) = @_;
if (defined($a) && defined($b)) {
return ($a eq $b);
} else {
return 0;
# Each element should be a reference to an associative array like this:
# { word => 'word', flags => 'zbr', CAT => 'np', G=>'f' }
sub add_word {
my $dict = shift;
$dict->_add_full_line(map {
my $word = $_->{word};
my $flags = $_->{flags};
my $comment = $_->{comment} || "";
my %hash = %$_;
my $info = join(",",map {"$_=$hash{$_}"} keys %hash);
} @_);
sub _add_full_line {
my $dict = shift;
my %saw =();
@saw{@_} = ();
my @v;
open DIC, $dict->{filename} or die("cannot open dictionary file");
open NDIC, ">$dict->{filename}.new" or die("cannot open new dictionary file");
while (<DIC>) {
push @v,$_ and next if (/^#/);
$saw{$_} = 1;
print NDIC join "", @v;
print NDIC "\n\n";
print NDIC map {/./ ? ("$_\n"):()} sort keys %saw;
close DIC;
close NDIC;
sub delete_word {
my $dict = shift;
my $pal=shift;
my $t;
open DIC, $dict->{filename} or die("cannot open dictionary file");
open NDIC, ">$dict->{filename}.new" or die("cannot open new dictionary file");
while (<DIC>) {
$t = $1 if /^(.+?)\//;
print NDIC unless ($t=~/^$pal$/);
close DIC;
close NDIC;
sub add_flag {
my $dic = shift;
my $flag = shift;
my %words;
@words{@_} = 1;
$dic -> foreach_word( sub {
my ($w,$a,$f) = @_;
my %fs;
if ($words{$w}) {
@fs{split //, $flag}=1;;
print _data2line($w,$a,join("",keys %fs));
print _data2line($w,$a,$f);
#while (<>) {
#print $_ and next if ($_=~/^#/ || $_ eq "\n");
#$_=~s#\n#/\n# unless ($_=~/.*\/.*\/.*\//);
#$c=~s#$flag##g if ($a=~/^$pal$/);
#$c.=$flag if ($a=~/^$pal$/ && $ac eq "+");
#print "$a/$b/$c/$d\n";
sub _data2line { my ($word,$atts,$flags,@r) = @_;
if(ref $atts){
return "$word/". join(",",map { "$_=$atts->{$_}" } keys %$atts).
"/". join("",grep {/./} @$flags).
"/". join("/",@r);
} else {
return "$word/". $atts .
"/". join("",grep {/./} @$flags).
"/". join("/",@r);
=head1 NAME
Lingua::Jspell::DictManager - a perl module for processing jspell dictionaries
use Lingua::Jspell::DictManager;
$dict = init("dictionary file");
$dict->foreach_word( \&func );
$dict->for_this_cat_I_want_only_these_flags('nc', 'fp');
=head2 C<init>
This function returns a new dictionary object to be used in future
methods. It requires a string with the dictionary file name.
=head2 C<install_dic>
install_dic({name=>"teste"} ,"t.aff", "t.dic")
install_dic({name=>"t"} ,"from:port", "t1.dic", "t2.dic")
install_dic({yaml=>"t.yaml"} ,"from:port", "t1.dic", "t2.dic")
install_dic({yaml=>"t.yaml",irr=>"f.irr"} ,"from:port", "t1.dic")
C<from:lang> is used to reuse the affix table from language C<lang> (the
file lang.aff is imported from the jspell library directory. (see jspell-dic
name -- name of the dictionary
yaml -- yaml file with metadata
irr -- file with irregular terms
=head2 C<foreach_word>
This method processes all words from the dictionary using the function
passed as argument. This function is called with three arguments: the
word, a reference to an associative array with the category
information and a reference to a list of rules identifiers.
=head2 C<modeach_word>
This method processes all words from the dictionary using the function
passed as argument. This function is called with three arguments: the
word, a reference to an associative array with the category
information and a reference to a list of rules identifiers.
If the option C<< rawfea =>1 >> is selected, modeach_word receives a string
instead of a hash reference.
modeach_word({rawfea=>1}, sub { my($w,$cat,$flags,@com)=@_; ... })
Use the function C<toword($word,$fea,$flag,$coms)> to rebuild a new value;
if "" is return, the previous value is kept.
=head2 C<for_this_cat_I_want_only_these_flags>
This method receives a gramatical category and a string with flags. It
will print warning messages for each entry with that category and with
a flag not described in the flags string.
=head2 C<for_this_cat_I_dont_want_these_flags>
Works like the previous method, but will print warnings if any
category uses one of the specificed flags.
=head2 C<not_categorized>
This method returns a report for the entries without a category
=head2 C<extra_words>
This method tries to find redundant entries on the dictionary,
producing an ouput file to be executed and delete the redundancy.
=head2 C<add_word>
Add (one or more) word to the dictionary
=head2 C<delete_word>
Deletes the word passed as argument.
=head2 C<add_flag>
Adds the flags in the first argument to all words passed.
=head2 C<toword>
to format Word, features, flags and commants to jspell-dict format.
This functions is tically used em C<modeach_word>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Alberto Simoes, E<lt>albie@alfarrabio.di.uminho.ptE<gt>
J.Joao Almeida, E<lt>jj@di.uminho.ptE<gt>
=head1 SEE ALSO
Lingua::Jspell(3), jspell(1)
Copyright 2007-2009 Projecto Natura
This program is free software; licensed under GPL.