Math::GSL Changes

    - Refactored Build.PL in order to use either gsl-config or PkgConfig.
    - Change Build.PL to return 0 when GSL library not found.
    - Use PkgConfig instead of ExtUtils::PkgConfig.
    - Math::GSL::Matrix constructor from a GSL matrix.
    - Reorganization on the Math::GSL::Matrix documentation.
	- Add symbols introduced on gsl 1.15.
	- Fixed in the correct way the prove/TAP::Harness problem.

v0.29 - June 2014

	- Fix issue when prove/TAP::Harness uses lib/ modules instead of blib/ ones.
    - Add functions introduced in gsl 1.16.
    - Fix issue when compiling on some Linuxes.
	- Math::GSL ->each method.
    - Math::GSL ->max and ->min methods.
	- Math::GSL ->dim method.
    - Math::GSL ->set_elem and ->get_elem methods.
    - Math::GSL concat_vertically and concat_horizontally.

v0.28 - Jan 2014 - Fix build errors with clang - Improve POD to play nice with Perl 5.18 - Teach Math::GSL about new functions added in GSL 1.16 - Added 1D minimization tests

v0.27 - July 2012 - Mathieu functions are now accessible - Improved detection of gsl - Fix bug in calling ->get() method on Math::GSL::Vectors - Greatly improved HTML formatting of documentation

v0.26 - September 2011 - The Math::GSL::Min and Math::GSL::Roots are now functional - Yury Zavarin - Dirichlet random distribution support and greatly increased docs by Tom Nishimura <> - gsl_version() function which returns the version of GSL being used by Tom Nishimura <> - Fix '-bundle not allowed with -dynamiclib' build error on Mac OS X - Yury Zavarin - Build swig wrappers for different versions of GSL (1.11 - 1.15) - Yury Zavarin - Minimum SWIG version is now 2.x (only required for developers using the git repo) - Removed deprecated stuff from Build.PL and added Module::Build to configure_requires - Many small documentation improvements - Fix build on Windows - Sisyphus

v0.25 - April 2011 - TODO RT#66882 properly so that a stable release with a passing test suite can be used.

v0.24 - April 2011 - Fix (Tests fail on Perl's with DUSELONGDOUBLE)

v0.23 - March 2011 - Fixed the tolerance of some tests that were causing CPANtesters failures - Fixed some doc typos

v0.22 - June 2010 - Improved tests - == and != operators for Vectors - Fixed the export of hypergeometric functions (Thierry Moisan) - In instantiation of GSLBuilder in Build.PL, the value for the parameter include_dirs were corrected to an anonymous empty array, instead of an empty string. (Jakob Ilves) - Operator overloading of vector equality (Thierry Moisan) - Various doc fixes (Pjotr Prins) - Typemap fixes (Vincent Danjean)

v0.20 - May 19 2009 - $rng->get($n) will now return the next $n values of the random number generator - Fixed + added test for RT#45044 math-gsl eigenpair bug, reported with patch by Ian Malone - Added more tests for Randist - Fixed some incorrectly written tests for BLAS and Linalg - Improved NTuple support and tests - Improvements to callbacks, thanks to patches from piotrj - The following improvements were merged from Vincent Danjean's git repo: - Fixed some memory leaks caused by in-typemaps without argout-typemaps - Improved portable callback implementation - Correct handling of double, float and size_t on x64 - Removed duplicate definition of fopen/fclose in VectorComplex - Fix bug where proper flags to SWIG were not passed

v0.18 - March 23 2009

- Make Math::GSL play nice with GSL 1.12
- Added swap() to Vector objects with tests and docs
- Added p-norms to Vector objects via norm() and normalize()
- Added operator overloading so that
        abs $vector == $vector->norm
- Added as_vector() to Matrix and MatrixComplex objects
- Added inverse(), is_square(), det(),  lndet(), zero() and identity()
    to Matrix objects
- Added inverse(), is_square(), det(),  lndet(), zero(), identity() 
    and hermitian() to MatrixComplex objects
- Added dot product to Matrix objects
- Fixed various typos in documentation
- Fixed warnings about overloaded operators in Matrix and BLAS
- Overloaded '==' and '!=' for MatrixComplex and Matrix objects
- Fixed amd64 -fPIC compile failure
- Added tests to Monte and refactor Sort tests
- Refactored and improve error checking in callback interface
- Fixed 'NaN' test failures (thanks CPANtesters!)

v0.16 - December 14 2008 (Happy Snowpocalypse PDX!)

- Fixed RT#40947: configure_requires ExtUtils::PkgConfig bug
- Added reverse() and swap() methods to VectorComplex objects with tests and docs
- as_list() and get() now work on VectorComplex objects
    as_list() returns a list of Math::Complex objects
    get() returns a list of Math::GSL::Complex objects
- Math::GSL::Test::ok_status() now takes an optional message argument
- Added Math::GSL::Test::is_status_ok()
- New subsytems: VectorComplex and MatrixComplex
- Operator overloading for addition and subtraction with vectors
- Added example: examples/matrix/nonsymmetric_eigen
    Shows how to find the eigenvalues of a nonsymmetric matrix
- Added copy() method to vectors
- Improved Vector docs
- Sped up vector dot products by 15x using BLAS function gsl_blas_ddot
    NOTE: using gsl_blas_ddot($x->raw,$y->raw) directly is still about 10 times faster
          than $x * $y due to error checking and function call overhead
- Separated POD and Perl code out of SWIG interface files, yay for proper syntax
- Added stub test files for Heapsort, IEEEUtils, Multimin, Siman, Wavelet2D
- All test files now keep track of how many tests should run
- Fix an include bug in Histogram2D which caused the build to fail (Thierry)
- Operator overloading for addition, multiplication and subtraction on Matrix objects (Thierry)

v0.14 - October 21 2008

- Chebyshev Series Approximation, with tests and docs
- Examples and new documentation in Statistics, as well as tests (Thierry)
- Bugfixes relating to compiling on 64bit Red Hat Linux, reported by Michael Roberge
- Improved FFT, Deriv, Integration, Chebyshev, Combination and Roots docs
- Documentation for Math::GSL::Test 
- Improved introduction examples in Math::GSL
- Improved Minimization subsystem tests, but it is not functional
- Added examples/fft/forward_real
- Added example/deriv/basic

    This shows the simple fact that d/dx(sin(x)) = cos(x)

- Added example/sf/erfc_check (thanks to Keith Lofstrom)

    Script which tests the erfc() special function against computing
    the integral definition with gsl_integration_qagiu()

- Added example/vector/speed 

    This shows a considerable performance boost using Math::GSL::Vectors
    instead of List::Util when searching for the min and max elements of
    large sets of random numbers.

- Fixed return signature of gsl_deriv_* functions to return a flat list
- Fixed some failing tests relating to  -Duselongdouble (Sisyphus)
- Fix location of shared objects (Sisyphus)
- Added raw() method to RNG objects

v0.12 - September 14 2008

- Darwin support! 
- Minimum Perl version changed to 5.8.0
- Make platform check compile time constants for performance
    aka The Wilhelm Speedup (thanks to Eric Wilhelm <>)
- FFT for real data
- Numerical derivatives fully implemented
- Integration subsystem, gsl_integrate_qags() and gsl_integrate_qagi(), etc..
    - QNG    : Non-adaptive Gaussian (uses fixed number of sample points in interval)
    - QAG(S) : Adaptive Gaussian (Singluar) (slices interval up based on properties of the function)
    - QAGI   : Adaptive Gaussian with infinite integration range
    - other are supported but not tested
- Initial Monte tests
- Initial Multiroots tests
- More nan/inf fixes on MSWin32 from <>
- Stripping of binaries on Windows, which significantly reduces size
    from <>
- Full support and tests for all functions in the Sort subsystem
- Added 'examples/benchmark/sort' to show performance of gsl_sort()
- Added 'examples/clicker/chart' to show graphing of functions
- Added 'examples/gsl_repl' which is a rapid protyping tool/interactive interpreter
- Compile support for GSL's as old as 1.8 (test suite still needs to be properly guarded)


- Continued porting to MSWin32, fixing many NaN and Inf handling issues


- Large documentation improvements
- MSWin32 support thanks to testing and feedback from <>


- Initial CPAN release


- Started change to Test::Class


- Added swig interface files and swig-ified build script
- initial tests for special function library gsl_sf <--> Math::GSL::Sf
- Proof Of Concept: makegsl and testgsl