Math::Matrix::MaybeGSL - Uniform use of Math::MatrixReal and Math::GSL::Matrix.


version 0.007


use Math::Matrix::MaybeGSL;

my $matrix = Matrix->new(3, 4);

# puts first position of matrix with value 10
$matrix->assign(1, 1, 10);

# gets last position of matrix (should hold 0)
my $l = $matrix->element(3, 4);


This module interfaces with Math::GSL::Matrix or, if that is not available, Math::MatrixReal. The idea behind this module is to allow the development of tools that use matrices that will work in pure Perl (using Math::MatrixReal) or with extra efficiency using Math::GSL::Matrix.

Given the two modules API is quite distinct, this module defines its own API, stealing method names from both these modules.



This is a simple function that returns this package name: Math::Matrix::MaybeGSL. It allows a simple interface as shown below for the constructors.


Returns a true value is running over Math::GSL backend.

if (Matrix->isGSL) { ... }


Construct a new matrix object. Receives as arguments the number of rows and columns of the matrix being created.

my $matrix = Matrix->new(20, 30);

Yes, although the module name is Math::Matrix::MaybeGSL, the Matrix subroutine will make it easier to use (shorter name).


Receives a nested list with the matrix elements, one column at a time:

my $matrix = Matrix->new_from_cols( [[1, 2], [3, 4]]);

returns  [ 1 3 ]
         [ 2 4 ]


Receives a nested list with the matrix elements, one row at a time:

my $matrix = Matrix->new_from_rows( [[1, 2], [3, 4]]);

returns  [ 1 2 ]
         [ 3 4 ]


Returns a list (a pair) with the number of lines and columns of the matrix.

my ($rows, $columns) = $matrix->dim();


Sets a value in a specific position. Note that indexes start at 1 unlike Perl and some other programming languages.

# sets the first element of the matrix to 10.
$matrix->assign(1, 1, 10);


Retrieves a value from a specific position of the matrix. Note that indexes start at 1 unlike Perl and some other programming languages.

# retrieves the second element of the first row
my $val = $matrix->element(1, 2);


Apply a specific function to every element of the matrix, returning a new one.

# square all elements
$squared_matrix = $matrix->each( { shift ** 2 } );


Concatenates two matrices horizontally. Note they must have the same number of rows.

$C = $a->hconcat($b);

if A = [ 1 2 ]  and B = [ 5 6 ]  then C = [ 1 2 5 6 ]
       [ 3 4 ]          [ 7 8 ]           [ 3 4 7 8 ]


Concatenates two matrices horizontally. Note they must have the same number of rows.

$C = $a->vconcat($b);

if A = [ 1 2 ]  and B = [ 5 6 ]  then C = [ 1 2 ]
       [ 3 4 ]          [ 7 8 ]           [ 3 4 ]
                                          [ 5 6 ]
                                          [ 7 8 ]


Returns the maximum value of the matrix. In scalar context the position is also returned. For vectors (matrices whose number of rows or columns is 1) only a position value is returned.

$max = $matrix->max();
($max, $row, $col) = $matrix->max();


Returns the minimum value of the matrix. In scalar context the position is also returned. For vectors (matrices whose number of rows or columns is 1) only a position value is returned.

$min = $matrix->min();
($min, $row, $col) = $matrix->min();


Returns the determinant of the matrix, without going through the rigamarole of computing a LR decomposition.


Get the contents of a matrix instance as a Perl list.


Given a matrix and a filename, writes that matrix to the file. Note that if the file exists it will be overwritten. Also, files written by Math::GSL will not be compatible with files written by Math::MatrixReal nor vice-versa.



Reads a matrix written by the write method. Note that it will only read matrices written by the same back-end that is being used for reading.

my $matrix = Matrix->load("my_matrix.dat");


For now only the matrix multiplication is overloaded, in the usual operator, *. Take attention that matrix multiplication only works if the matrix dimensions are compatible.

$m = $a * $b;


At this initial stage of this module, only the methods that I am really needing for my depending applications are implemented. Therefore, it might not include the method that you were looking for. Nevertheless, send me an e-mail (or open an issue on GitHub) and I'll be happy to include it (given the two modules support it).


Check Math::MatrixReal and Math::GSL::Matrix documentation.


Alberto Simões <>


This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Alberto Simões.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.