XML::TMX::Reader - Perl extension for reading TMX files
use XML::TMX::Reader;
my $reader = XML::TMX::Reader->new( $filename );
$reader -> for_tu( sub {
my $tu = shift;
#blah blah blah
@used_languages = $reader->languages;
This module provides a simple way for reading TMX files.
The following methods are available:
This method creates a new XML::TMX::Reader object. This process checks for the existence of the file and extracts some meta-information from the TMX header;
my $reader = XML::TMX::Reader->new("my.tmx");
This method is used to set the flag to ignore (or not) markup inside translation unit segments. The default is to ignore those markup.
If called without parameters, it sets the flag to ignore the markup. If you don't want to do that, use
This method returns the languages being used on the specified translation memory. Note that the module does not check for language code correctness or existence.
Use for_tu
to process all translation units from a TMX file. The first optional argument is a configuration hash. The mandatory argument to this method is a code reference. This code will be called for each translation unit found.
The configuration hash is a reference to a Perl hash. At the moment these are valid options:
Filename to output the changed TMX to. Note that if you use this option, your function should return a hash reference where keys are language names, and values their respective translation.
The function will receive two arguments:
a reference to a hash which maps language codes to the respective translation unit segment;
a reference to a hash which contains the attributes for those translation unit tag;
If you want to process the TMX and return it again, your function should return an hash reference where keys are the languages, and values their respective translation.
Use for_tu2
to process all translation units from a TMX file. THis vertions iterates foa all tu (one at the time)
It will probably scale up better then for_tu
The configuration hash is a reference to a Perl hash. At the moment these are valid options:
Filename to output the changed TMX to. Note that if you use this option, your function should return a hash reference where keys are language names, and values their respective translation.
Write at most
TUs proc_tu
Process at most
TUs patt
Only process TU that match
The function will receive two arguments:
a reference to a hash which maps:
the language codes to the respective translation unit segment;
a special key "-prop" that maps property names to properties;
a special key "-note" that maps to a list of notes.
a reference to a hash which contains the attributes for those translation unit tag;
If you want to process the TMX and return it again, your function should return an hash reference where keys are the languages, and values their respective translation.
Use this method to create a nice HTML file with the translation memories. Notice that this method is not finished yet, and relies on some images, on some specific locations.
XML::Writer(3), TMX Specification
Alberto Simões, <>
Paulo Jorge Jesus Silva, <>
J.João Almeida, <>
Copyright 2003-2005 by Projecto Natura
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 415:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Simões,'. Assuming CP1252